Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

403. Really. Dragon Knight, so domineering!

However, Uncle Marine is blind, which makes their journey a lot smoother, at least not like the other pirates who travel along the route of the pirates, and then they will meet other peers, and then they will be crazy about each other's worth. Apart from wasting some time by being entangled by that eagle-eyed handsome boy, everything else was fine.

He believed that if they entered from the entrance of New World guarded by Marine G1 branch, the Marines at the entrance of G1 would also be blinded suddenly and indirectly. Perhaps Roger, the pirate king, blessed them in the sky...

Roger: (⊙_⊙)? My son can't even cover Garp's grandfather, so I'm covering you guys with my butt...

"Let's go there. Don't worry about that guy. Except for his cheap mouth, he is actually reasonable. I haven't seen Deputy Captain Rayleigh for a long time..."

Shanks shook his head, gnashing his teeth slightly at the mention of the bastard Marine.

He has been entangled by the eagle-eyed pretty boy all the way. Although he said that the effect of sword competition is very significant, he can obviously feel the progress of his swordsmanship, but after a long time, people are too tired to be crooked, and only the eagle-eyed pretty boy can survive. It's more suitable for him to drink and chat. His encounters along the way are all caused by this bastard Marine. If he can't see that bastard, he will go and give that bastard two knives now......

"You are so busy that you don't go to New World, why do you come to me for a drink when you have time? If I remember correctly, your "cousin" revenge hasn't been paid yet. Draven is now living in the BIGMOM Pirates. good.

Sabaody No. 13, Shakky's ripping off BAR bar, the business here is still poor as always, no matter it is day or night, there will never be more than two customers 24 hours a day.

Nothing else, Rayleigh's wine is too expensive. If you don't come with a flag to buy information, ordinary pirates can't afford two bottles of water mixed with wine, just one bottle outside. Selling only one piece and twenty-five cents, the East Blue water mixed wine endorsed by One Piece Roger is marked with seven figures here.

In a situation where the liquor business is so dismal that even Leonardo can't stand it, he can still own a bar in a high-consumption international metropolis like Sabaody, which shows how powerful Shakky is.

Leonardo and Rayleigh were sitting in a row in the bar, drinking the bottle of East Blue water mixed with wine that was endorsed by One Piece Roger and sold for as high as eight figures. The master of his was also very quick to capture that painful moment, and then said to Leonardo with a look of enjoyment.

Leonardo's acting skills are simply amazing, this Fuck is a dedicated old drama bone!

".... What you said is wrong. The so-called life is sometimes necessary, and there is no need to force it in life. Do you see me like the kind of person who lives in hatred? Maybe this is my cousin's family. Your life, when will the grievances be repaid? It's not you who will suffer all the time? Are you right~"?"

Leonardo was bored with a straw and fiddled with the juice in front of him. The price of wine here in Shakky is too expensive. He is not blessed. He can still do it for a glass of juice of 100,000 or 200,000, and he is not Rayleigh. That kind of old wine gall, can go down with anything.

"I didn't expect you to think clearly when you were young.

Hearing Leonardo's philosophical words, Rayleigh gave him a rather surprised look. He could say that he already knew this kid very well. Through previous contacts, he discovered that Marine Admiral was not all a scholar. There are scumbags, such as this kid in front of him, if he can get a primary school diploma, he will live broadcast the truth and swallow shit!

However, now this kid can actually say such a philosophical thing about life, it is no small surprise at any time!

"Sometimes there must be something in one's life, and one should ignore it in one's life...well, write it down first, and you can pretend to be a force when you go to the daughter's country...

"Experience and feelings have nothing to do with age. If you see a big snake and shit, you always have some life insights, just like Kaido, you see that guy has no brains for so many years, every time he fights It's a person who is infinitely bold and has no skills to speak of. This style of play is fine when you are young. After the peak period, you can only reduce the basic salary by one point and go to the small ones. The market is messed up, you can take a look. Kaido doesn't play brain show routines now.... 35

"Yo! Let's see who this is, really. Mr. Shanks with a bounty of 180 million for Dragon Knight, Mr. Beckman, deputy captain of Red Hair Pirates with a bounty of 150 million, and... .A group of so-and-so pirates, did you go to register to get a temporary pass when you went to the island? "(^?^)?",

Before Leonardo finished speaking, the door of the bar was suddenly opened, and Shanks, the real dragon knight, walked in with a firm and resolute pace with a group of his best 3D friends, and couldn't help teasing.

Except for the long-nosed sniper who has not been in place yet, the 3Ds with distinctive personalities in the original book have almost all returned to their places, always holding a big meaty leg and small sunglasses in their hands, claiming to be the most flexible in the world. The fat man, the animal trainer with a monkey sitting on his shoulder, and a few superb 3Ds who he couldn't name but were still familiar with.

^-_-||....Your uncle's Mr. So-and-So Pirate...

Really. A group of superb 3Ds behind the Dragon Knight finally realized why their captain said that this bastard Marine was a bitch. If this was not the place where the old man Pluton Rayleigh retired and retired, they really wanted to hack this bastard Marine, and the captain stopped him. don't stop!

I've never seen anything like that before...

and many more!

Isn't the captain's nickname "Redhead"?

How did it become a "True Dragon Knight"? (⊙_(Nuodahao)⊙)?

Just when a group of top-quality 3D guys were eager to try, they suddenly found that this bastard Marine called their captain by a different nickname than others, and they all looked at their captain with black question marks on their faces.

Really. Dragon Knight, old domineering! (⊙_⊙)?⊙_⊙)?⊙_⊙)?

"You bastard, if you don't talk, no one will help you as a mute. I haven't asked you to settle the account yet. It's all your fault for me today!! (a)"

Hearing Leonardo's name, Shanks instantly froze, and teleported faster than the speed of light to Leonardo's side, ignoring his Marine Admiral, Sabaody's identity as a talker, grabbing Leonardo's neckline and gnashing his teeth, a handsome face instantly Angry to red.

Really. The Dragon Knight must not be exposed. If you let your friends know that he drank the Celestial Dragons sister, he will not be laughed to death, how will he be the boss in the future... post.

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