Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

404. Beckman: Can Celestial Dragons slash our captain?

"Hey hey hey, did you make a mistake? What do you mean it's all my fault for you to have today, and I didn't tell you to go to sleep... woo woo woo..."



Before Leonardo could finish speaking, Shanks grabbed the last few keywords and couldn't say them out.

"Senior Rayleigh, what's wrong with them? (⊙_⊙)?"

A group of superb 3D looked at the two of them with puzzled expressions. They found that their previous worries seemed to be superfluous. The relationship between the captain and this Marine Admiral seemed to be a little different from what they thought before they came to Sabaody. They thought they met. There will definitely be a fight, and now it seems that there is some hidden secret between the two.

"This... is probably the way these two get along. 55

Although I drank a few cups of East Blue's local specialty water mixed with wine, Rayleigh's acting skills were still online, and the weird application disappeared in a flash, and then he said to a group of former younger brothers' friends without changing his face.

Although he has already washed his hands, Shanks is also a disciple he taught. Since Shanks 913 didn't tell these friends about his wonderful experience in Sabaody, he can't explain it clearly and properly protect the younger brother. positive image.

"Soga! I thought the captain would do it when he saw this Marine, but I didn't expect the relationship between the two to be so good.

The fat man with the big meaty legs nodded in agreement and sighed.


The others nodded, yes, they didn't expect their captain to have such a good relationship with this Marine Admiral.

"Hehe, Leonardo is not the same as other Marines. Although he has a tougher attitude towards pirates, it is also divided into people. Pirates also have good people and bad people..."

Rayleigh is very pleased to see Shanks' innocent and innocent little brothers. Compared with those who are eloquent and eloquent, Rayleigh pays more attention to feelings. This also shows that Shanks has grown up and found his partner.

I just don't know what's going on with that kid Buggy...

Beckman, with Hua Zi in his mouth, looked at a group of simple friends helplessly looking up at the sky. Just now, he keenly noticed Rayleigh's fleeting weird (cceg) expression, indicating that their captain and this Marine Admiral must have their differences. The secret he knew, combined with the captain's behavior before arriving at Sabaody Land and the abnormal behavior of a senior alcoholic who avoided Naxian bar all the way after arriving at Sabaody Land, he had reason to believe that the captain had committed some cases in Sabaody Land before. , and then caught by this Marine Admiral in this case what can't be said secret..


What to sleep? How to sleep? What does it mean?

Beckman, who likes to use his brain, unconsciously touched his chin and recalled what Marine Admiral had not finished, and slowly started to make up his mind...

"Cough cough... Let go, bastard, I'll be rude if you don't let go, by the way, I'm going to sue you for one more crime of attacking Marine Admiral... bastard, how dare you be so arrogant in my territory! (▼~ ▼ㄨ)”

Leonardo was also uncomfortable by the hand full of alcohol, and said angrily when he broke free.

"It's all you bastard, if it weren't for you, the Hawkeye guy wouldn't have been pestering me for so long! (#`mouth)?"

Real Dragon Knight saw that his hand was swept away and wanted to continue covering his mouth.

"I'm taking care of you, no matter what, we've known each other for a long time. Let you be your son-in-law to Celestial Dragons and inherit the billions of people's fortune. You're not happy to be a pirate. This is a high-risk profession. Which one of the pirates has a good end? Look at your boss, Roger, who was so beautiful during his lifetime, is he still dead? I see that you haven't mastered your swordsmanship yet, so you tried your best to take that pretty boy with Hawkeye. I will be a high-level sparring for you, so that you can practice swordsmanship to the top and not get hung up. This kind of treatment is not even for Brother Marine. Why do you blame me? If it wasn't for my relationship with Rayleigh, I would have gone earlier. West Blue treats you as a bastard and treats your kindness as an asshole


Leonardo didn't know what it was like to be ashamed at all, and pointed righteously at the true Dragon Knight Shanks' nose.

"...You still said! Why do I need your bastard's attention?! Draw your sword, I'll hack you bastard to death! (Ⅱ)?"

Leonardo didn't say anything, especially the words "Celestial Dragons' son-in-law" stimulated Shanks to the point where he was afraid that the little friend would analyze something from it. Shunlai's super artifact "Griffin" pointed at Leonardo.

If it weren't for the worry that the fake wine here is too expensive, he can't afford to damage it, and the strongest Conqueror's Haki in history would have burst out...

"Oh, I'm so used to you? Kaido doesn't dare to fight with me, come come, whoever lays down today is the son...

Leonardo was also a little angry. He rolled up his sleeves and pulled out the ancestral sword of kindness and pointed at Shanks. To be honest, he was still a little vacuous. I don't know if this bastard got the super artifact from Celestial Dragons. The ancestral sword of kindness was severely injured, and the repairing gold alone caused him to bleed heavily. It was difficult to stand up in front of the stinky woman in Gion, but this is his place, where Marine was killed by Marine. Copying the guy and pointing his nose to invite battle, if you don't agree to him, you don't have to mess around...

"Come on, I'm afraid of you, who is lying down and who is the son! (#`mouth)?"

Shanks is also not cowardly, even if he gets down first, it's better to be a son than to expose secrets․ .....

"Come, come, bastard, if I don't teach you a lesson, you are still flying...(7~#)"

"Come on, son of a bitch, Marine Admiral is going to be in awe...(#`mouth)?"


The group of top-quality 3D friends around became even more stunned. Looking at the two of them, they couldn't figure out whether the two were real or fake. Didn't you just love each other? Why are you fighting each other now?

What does "Senior Rayleigh, the son-in-law of Celestial Dragons" mean? Can Celestial Dragons still see our captain?(⊙_⊙)?"

Everyone present was attracted by the two men who were arguing with each other, but Beckman, who had been making up his mind, caught the point from Leonardo's previous words, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he looked at Rayleigh, who was drinking calmly. . . . .

(PS: Thank you thank you dads for the monthly pass!!!).

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