Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

421. Sand Crocodile: Water City is big enough

On the other side, in a luxury villa on the outskirts of the capital of water, it has beautiful environment and facilities and is located by the sea. The first ray of sunshine in the morning shines on the sea every morning. When you open the window, you can feel the clear sea breeze blowing on your face. ,If you are touched by a girl's slender hand...

The man who builds a big villa here looks like a person with taste and high pursuit of life.

However, this large villa used to belong to an unknown retired old pirate. Back then, the old pirate was lucky to have been in the sea for decades, and even the captain and deputy captain were killed, but he was still alive. And he inherited everything from the captain and vice-captain, and found that he didn't seem to have to work hard, and he didn't have to go to those dead fat women, so he immediately washed his hands with the dead ghost captain and the dead ghost vice captain and came to the water. This international metropolis spends huge sums of money to choose such a beautiful environment, with mountains and waters, to build luxury villas.

However, it may be that it is too immoral to make money to kill people. When this retired old pirate was about to build a luxury villa, he died before the money was spent. After that, this type of villa changed hands several times and finally landed here. In the hands of Bobby, the high-ranking person in the capital of water.

And although this big villa has changed hands several times in the past few years and fell into the hands of others, it may be because the scenery of this big villa is too evil, and the people who have passed this luxury villa have been inexplicably thrown into the street in less than two years. Having cancer means suffering from a strange disease inexplicably. Over time, this luxurious mansion has also become a haunted house. When Bobby won this haunted house, he didn't want to screw up and move in, just to buy the bottom.

And now this luxury villa is still the same luxury villa from the outside, but in fact it has been converted into a luxury casino. It is strange to say that this famous haunted house in the water capital was opened by sand crocodiles. After the transformation into a big casino, it may be because of the pirates' suffocating aura, the sand crocodile did not hit the streets, but the business was extremely hot. In just half a year, he made a lot of money. Although he said it was five. Five points, but looking at the appearance of a country bumpkin like Bobby who has never seen money, just giving him a little bit every month will make him as happy as a second idiot.

At this time, in the room in the big villa, Sand Crocodile was half-opened, holding a large cigar and looking out through the one-way mirror, and there was an endless stream of people outside, shouting to kill the Quartet. Those pirates, the corners of their mouths could not help but rise slightly. If business is so hot every day in the future, there is no need for him to plan on the spot. In three or four months, he will be able to raise the start-up funds to enter the New World. .

Marine Admiral is a piece of shit in front of these green Baileys!

Looking at the piles of green Baileys on the table outside that were constantly taken away by his younger brother, what he saw was not money, but the famous scene of him defeating Whitebeard and ascending to the top of One Piece, flowers, applause, and spotlights.

"Captain, our men just saw Marine Admiral's boat in the port, could it be that Marine Admiral who is chasing after...35

However, just when the sand crocodile fell into a beautiful dream, a little brother was sweating and out of breath. He didn't know how to knock on the door when he came in.

From this little brother's terrified expression and trembling voice, it can be seen that he is afraid of that Marine Admiral Aokiji.

Their boss is already arrogant enough. One person sucks up the water seal of a country and turns an oasis into a desert. This kind of thing is beyond the understanding of a normal human being, but when he encounters that Marine When Admiral Aokiji, when he was mentally tender and cool, the boss was playing against Marine Admiral Aokiji

In just ten minutes, he fell hundreds of somersaults in a row, and his nose was crooked.

The unknown is the most terrifying, although the boss often complained that there was too much ice and the venue was too small... This kind of inexplicable ability to make their boss fall for half an hour is simply too scary Oh, why did their boss meet God and kill God before he met Marine Admiral, and when he met a ghost and kill a ghost, when he met Marine Admiral, he threw himself to the ground before he even started to bleed?

Although the teacher told them to believe in science since they were young, but when they grew up, they realized that the end of science is actually a special kind of metaphysics...

So he was 100% sure that there was a big horror in that Marine Admiral Aokiji!!!

"...Not that bastard Marine, this time it's another bastard Marine, don't worry, the water capital is big enough, this bastard Marine won't freeze, but I can't..."

Sand Crocodile said quite confidently with a big cigar in his mouth, completely forgetting the embarrassment of being hunted down by another bastard Marine.

If Leonardo was here now, he would be quite surprised to see this sand crocodile 50-50. At this time, the sand crocodile could be said to be a high-spirited, positive little fresh meat. The moldy look after a girlfriend was cut off by Whitebeard.

Before meeting Whitebeard, a girlfriend had not left him, and there was no wound that ran through the entire face. He also had Logia Sand-Sand Fruit, which is rare in the sea. It has reached the end of many people, so the current sand crocodile is a blessing and fantasy for the future, and it is a positive dreamer, not the expired and moldy careerist in the future.

I don't care if I fell so badly against Marine Admiral Aokiji and his nose is crooked, one or two defeats won't knock him down, it will only make him stronger.

There is no such thing as smooth sailing in life, the greater the difficulties experienced, the higher the future achievements will be.

The stronger the enemy, the greater he will be in the future.


Under the irrigation of a series of chicken soup for the soul, the sand crocodile at this time can be said to have a stable mentality, and he didn't care about the so-called "undead Admiral" at all.

In turn, a young man who can face life with such a positive attitude will become a moldy careerist who has no hope for the future and only relies on the ancient artifact "Rayleigh" Pluton after more than ten years.

Whitebeard is sinful!!!!

"Captain, you already know? Which Marine Admiral is this time? (⊙v⊙)"

This little brother felt numb when he heard his captain say that.

There are only four Marine Admiral in total, and it's not enough for their boss to provoke one Aokiji, and now there is another one, he doubts that they have stabbed Marine Admiral's nest!

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