Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

422. When you meet Admiral named Red Dog, he becomes a sacrificial burial system

It's bad enough to mess with an Aokiji, I've been chased a while ago, I can't eat or sleep all day, I'm afraid that if I close my eyes and open them again, Marine Admiral will give them chug, they're just a little bit more Fortunately, it wasn't the Marine Admiral named Red Dog who was rumored to have killed all the pirates. At least this Aokiji Admiral is more particular..

But even so, it was not easy for them to be chased by that Aokiji Admiral. They finally found a way to get rid of that Marine Admiral in a military book that I don't know how many years ago. Another special admiral, this fuck is really terrible.

He wondered if their captain had clashed with Marine Admiral.

There are only four Marine Admirals in total. Many people may not meet one in their lifetime at sea, but they have only debuted with the captain for less than two years, and they are about to meet the second Marine Admiral. The jackpot in the lottery will be confused, but they are met by chance.

Now I can only wish that the Marine Admiral I met was not the 22-year-old Red Dog...

"This time it's the Marine Admiral green fox...'

Sand Crocodile can't figure out why this little brother is asking this, Marine Admiral is here because of labor and management, not you...

"Huh...that's fine."

The younger brother also breathed a long sigh of relief when he heard that it was the "undead Admiral" and not the Admiral named Red Dog.

In the first half of the pirate circle, the Marine Admiral named Red Dog was much more deterrent than Leonardo, the leader of MarineF4. After all, Akainu wandered around in the first half of these years, and the number of pirates who died in his hands was like a feather. There are different levels of quality. Sometimes a container of pirates is worth the price of a big pirate that Leonardo slapped a big pirate in New World, but the number of pirates in Akainu's hands is too huge, not to mention that Roger has not yet reached the top. Before One Piece, Akainu had already "made great achievements" in the first half, but Akainu's deterrent power was not so great at that time. After all, there were not many pirates emerging in the first half.

But at the beginning of the new era of Roger's ascension to the throne, after young people from all over the world set sail to the sea following the great waves of the times, the number of pirates that appeared in the first half can be said to be overwhelming. According to the incomplete statistics of the Marine Big Data Department, In recent years, there will be one pirate in every half-family around the world on average. This is a very macroscopic number. How big is the world, so far, it is estimated that the person sitting on the throne in the depths of Mariejois should know, after all, the world is It was shot by people.

But if you ask him how many people there are in the world, even he himself is confused by the trajectory. The number of people in this world is so extraordinary that it is impossible to count only those with legal identities, let alone another. Lots of illegitimate ones.

The pirates are not only rebellious, but also have a very unrestrained life thinking and informality. Look at how many children Charlotte has and how many hats she has brought to Teacher Kaido. Teacher Kaido doesn't care at all except for Kaga's waist. , From time to time, I even ran to Charlotte fat woman to fight a friendly match to know how unrestrained the life of pirates is. According to an anthropologist who did not want to be named, those illegitimate children in the world are likely to be more than legitimate There are even more, and this is not limited to humans. After all, they are still hairless primates. Although they sometimes indulge properly, they are more restrained in the end. Other races are even more unrestrained. What kind of patriarch, There are a lot of people who have been addicted to drugs just after taking office for less than a month,

So no one knows the total population of this world, but the number is definitely a terrifying number. In today's era, there is an average of one pirate in every 1.5 households. It can be seen that Roger pretended to be this wave before his death. How big is it, how terrifying is the number on the sea, although the recruitment effect of the Marine world is not bad

However, compared with the total base of pirates, it is simply a drop in the bucket. 3

This is one of the reasons why Sengoku is not very happy about Leonardo going to New World when he has nothing to do.

This kid is really good at making trouble. He went to New World twice and made two waves of big news. Sengoku is worried about when this kid will offend Whitebeard again. It's really not fun. Now Ballory K was sent to the sixth floor of the Impel down super luxurious presidential suite by the commander-in-chief. The whereabouts of the Golden Lion was unknown, and Roger was on the street. The only remaining fruit among the four top players, Whitebeard's status in the pirate circle was the same. Garp's old boys have the same status in Marine.

If it annoys Whitebeard and really stands up and shakes people, they will be worthless in keeping up with Naval Headquarters.

So Akainu's performance in the first half of these years is really sturdy. Whether you are a new pirate who just debuted or an old fritter, in short, anyone who encounters Akainu will basically become a feudal funeral system. The pirate younger brother who was forced to become a pirate and did not do anything immoral did not let go. This kind of slaughter and slaughter character also made many pirates talk about in the first half.

On the contrary, Leonardo's reputation among the Pirates of the New World has been at a low ebb. Who doesn't know that the bastard Marine is a bastard who doesn't talk about martial arts, and it is indeed Sengoku, who was brought out by the old yin ratio. The whole yin people.

930 And because Sabaody has always had a relationship with pirates, although the "undead Admiral" is famous, Sabaody is the chassis of others, but as long as the pirates who land on Sabaody don't do anything, the "undead Admiral" will also come back. Not going to Tutu pirates, even some drunk pirates were locked up for two or three days, wrote a review letter of several thousand words, paid a guarantee, and came out as a hero.

Moreover, they have never heard of this "undead Admiral" who has a one-stop service when he is a pirate. People have always only targeted the big brother who took the lead, and those younger brothers who have been forced to become pirates because of life will never target them.

In the eyes of those pirates who have never seen a big snake and diarrhea, the Marine Admiral green fox is more human than the Marine Admiral named Red Dog. If that Marine Admiral named Red Dog goes to Sabaody, Sabaody will have to bleed into a river. Not possible.

So when this little brother heard that it was not the Marine Admiral red dog he was worried about, but the "undead Admiral" he admired more, then he didn't worry much. Anyway, people always only targeted the big brother who took the lead, he was just a millionaire. This "undead Admiral" should not pay attention to him...

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