Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

423. The evidence of the crime will naturally be packed

"Anyway, don't worry, that guy can't do anything to me when he comes, Marine Admiral is just a little more famous...

The current sand crocodile is just a mental boy, and he has not yet been beaten by Whitebeard. He has no idea how deep the water in this world is, and he has never come into contact with Haki. In addition to the water of the five elements, there is Armament Haki.

So even though he was so embarrassed by Aokiji, he just thought that Aokiji was eating frozen fruit and had some restraint on his Sand-Sand Fruit, so he could ignore his elementalized K to him, Marine Admiral. , that's why Aokiji's fruit ability just restrained him a little, and the other three didn't threaten him at all, this is the confidence of a king!

Since his debut, he has encountered many enemies. Except for Aokiji's Marine Admiral, no one has been able to break his elementalization and touch his body. This is also the source of his confidence. In his opinion, it is no wonder that there are so few Logia Devil Fruits. Simply invincible!

No matter how much you fight the "undead Admiral", you can summon Senju Buddha, but you won't be able to hit him. Even summoning Bump Man Lai is useless!

So even if he knew that the "undead Admiral" had already arrived in the water capital, he was not panic at all, and seeing the younger brother's expression suddenly relaxed, not as tense as before, he was also very comforted. Although this younger brother could not fight , But this mentality is still good. Hearing that Marine Admiral's name is not only not nervous, but relieved, isn't this trust in his boss?

The younger brother trusts him so much, and he naturally cannot fail the younger brother's trust in him. When the Marine Admiral comes, the 300-round battle will let the younger brothers experience his true strength!

"This family is really good at making money. The labor and management are sweating so much in New World. This guy can count the money here with the air conditioner in comfort...~*

In the Water Capital Base, Leonardo counted the large and small bags left by Bobby and his adjutant, plus some large items that they should have been too late to take away.

Bobby is just a talker on his land. He earns more handsomely than he does. He wants to get money and takes people to New World to be exposed to the sun and rain every day. As a result, he is forced to stay here with the air conditioner every day. Singing a song, some pirates automatically send Bailey to him, this fuck can't be sour, who is the boss?

Look at Poppy, a little Vice Admiral under his command has already been sent by pirates to send money, and he still has it, the more he thinks about it, the more saddened he is. Before, he had been looking forward to Doflamingo's big moneymaker, and the big water hose entered the New World to see what benefits it brought him. As a result, this guy didn't live up to his expectations. After being checked by two arsenals, he couldn't come out in North Blue. , let him wait until the flowers withered, but it is estimated that Doflamingo, the star of Celestial Dragons, dared to bribe Marine Admiral, but the key is that this bastard has not appeared until now, he is waiting in the empty space in Sabaody That guy is up...  

"Hoohoo... Curry Admiral, I found the location of Sir Crocodile. It's in a villa by the sea on the outskirts of the water capital. The guy runs a big casino there, and most of the pirates in the water capital are located there. They were all there... When I came back, I also saw that Poppy Vice Admiral, the base commander of the Water Capital, seemed to have brought someone over there. I guess he went to tip off the news. These two guys are out of ten Nine has an unknown relationship...  

Leonardo was taking stock of the harvest this time. Bob, who was "lost", finally lived up to his expectations. He ran in a hurry and finally found the coordinates of the sand crocodile. Since he was not there before, he didn't know who Bobby and his were. The adjutant was caught, and when he saw Bobby taking someone over, he thought he was going to tip off.

"Understood, you take a break first, and we will be in the past when Bobby calls."

Leonardo raised his eyebrows, the people Sengoku arranged for him seem really useless, the guy in Kent is well-informed and has the potential of an old yin person, this Bob seems to be quite sharp in inquiring about news, The capital of water is so big, this guy was able to find out the coordinates of the sand crocodile in a short period of time. Seeing that he was clean, except for some sweat on his forehead, his clothes were not wrinkled. The Sand Crocodile didn't notice the existence of this guy.

"Huh?? Curry Admiral, these are....

After Bob slowed down, he was suddenly struck by a golden light. Titanium alloy dog ​​eyes only noticed that there were a lot of golden Dong Bears in front of them. At first glance, he was a good guy, and the fuck was all over the floor. The sparkling gold and silver jewelry almost couldn't open his eyes.

Even if he had seen the big world, he was taken aback by such a large number. He only left for such a short time. Curry Admiral would not take someone to copy the warehouse of the Water Capital Bank?

"""Bobbi Vice Admiral has timed things out before you came, these are the "criminals" he found in several casinos""

Leonardo can accentuate the word "criminal evidence", these guys should be able to understand the meaning of the word "criminal evidence" if they lose the old headlines.

"No! I didn't expect this Sir Crocodile to be so daring to be chased by Aokiji Admiral and dare to search for so many "people's fat and people's cream" in Sabaody. If a few people come, then all these "criminal evidence" will be brought back to the ship... ."

It's not bad, it's an old fried dough stick. Although the state has not declined seriously, at least the people (promise is good) are still online. When he heard Leonardo say this, he understood, and immediately asked the younger brother to pack these big bags and small bags onto the boat. , they are all said to be criminal evidence, of course, they cannot be allowed to stay here, and naturally they have to be shipped back to become evidence in court in the future.

"Well, it's really rare that you can find out that guy's location in such a short period of time. After I go back, I'll report it to Marshal Sengoku, and I'll give you credit. (???)?

Leonardo said with a smile, talking to these old fritters is easy, many things don't need to be made too clear, just open a little bit, and people will understand what he means.

It's no wonder that these guys are already in decline, and Sengoku is reluctant to let them abdicate and leave the opportunity to young people. With this vision, this experience, to be honest, Dominic is still a little bit worse, this is experience!!! !.

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