Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

424. Kuzan's temperament really doesn't look like a good person


"Moses Moses, I'm Leonardo..."

Just as Brother Marine was packing those big and small bags of shiny gold into the boat, the phone bug in his arms rang.

"Curry Admiral, I'm Poppy Vice Admiral's lieutenant, Poppy Vice Admiral is having sex with Sir Crocodile! Please come here quickly, or Sir Crocodile will run away!! 1"

"Bang... bang!


In addition to the anxious voice of Adjutant Bobby Monkey came from the phone worm, there was also a faint loud sound of objects colliding.

"OK, I'll go over now and let Poppy hold that bastard, but don't let him run away..."

Leonardo raised his eyebrows, this Poppy surprised him a little bit, he thought that this guy would tell him the position of the sand crocodile after taking people out for a spin, and let him go over and give the people After smashing it and throwing it to the New World, let him go to Whitebeard for a heads-up. After all, Sand Crocodile's worth is too small. He really has no interest in picking up orders that are less than 100 million. He is not as hungry as Akainu. The pirate younger brother who doesn't have it will not be spared, and the dignified Marine Admiral doesn't have a card face.

930 He didn't expect that this Poppy would really change his ways, and if something happened, he would go straight to the Tutusha Crocodile...

"let's go!

Leonardo hung up the phone bug, made a look at Kent and the others and led them towards the seaside mansion outside the suburbs.

"What's going on? What's going on? Someone seems to be doing it over there..."

"Looking at the posture, which big pirate is coming to our water capital, right?"

"Damn it! Look, Marine Admiral is here, some big pirate must have fucked Marine..."

"Marine "Undead Admiral" didn't expect to be so young, looks younger than on live broadcast. …

Even without Bob's words, Leonardo knew where he was when he brought people out. Walking on the street of the Water Capital, it was already full of yellow sand, and the deafening sound was constantly coming from a distance, and the people on the street were also constantly buzzing. Looking in the direction where the sound came from and whispering, when I saw Leonardo passing by with a bunch of Uncle Marine, I was even more sure which big pirate was cceging with Uncle Marine over there.

Why the big pirate?

Just kidding, Marine Admiral is here, can't the big pirate have this card?

If a big pirate came to their water capital before, they would not be surprised at all. After all, this is the water capital. The best shipbuilders in the world are concentrated here. Even if Roger, the pirate king, had to come to buy a boat here.

But these years, because of the advent of the era of pirates, Marine and pirates have become more and more fierce, and the capital of water is the place where Marine focuses on marking. Than this kind of elite Vice Admiral with goods in their stomachs, so their water capital has not had a big pirate for several years, and they almost forgot what a big pirate looks like, and now a big pirate finally appears in their water capital. Fighting bayonet with Uncle Marine, watching the yellow sand filled the sky and the deafening sound, the passion of many young people was also aroused.

Although Sand Crocodile has not touched Haki yet, the power and destructive power of Logia's Devil Fruit cannot be underestimated. After all, that guy has sucked up the water of a country and turned an oasis into a desert. The man is still quite good, just based on his current special effect with the practical Vice Admiral Bobby, this time Leonardo thinks that it is not that the sand crocodile is not good enough, it is indeed that the first brother Sengoku is a little too stingy, 100 million The contract is not willing to give it to others.

Look at this special effect, how fierce!

The water capital is surrounded by the sea, and even if the sand crocodiles are 55-55 open, it is impossible to turn the water capital into a large desert. Even if there is no magnifying move to drain the water here, the Sand Crocodile relies on the powerful destructive power of the fruit's ability, and currently it is still fighting back and forth with Poppy, the Grandmaster's two-color Haki's Marine Vice Admiral.

With this performance, Leonardo felt that even giving him a contract worth over 100 million yuan would not be too much...

"Cough cough, everyone... fathers and villagers, uncles and brothers, there is a fight in front of you, you can see how dangerous this situation is, you can go home quickly and don't wander around on the street... 35

"Hey! I told you, that curly hair exploded head, didn't you see that there was a fight in front of you, don't run over there if you have nothing to do, even if you go by yourself, you have to take someone over there. You are not a good person by looking at your appearance. Didn't you hear what Uncle Marine said..."

"Arrest him! (♥~X)"

Leonardo looked at a group of residents on the street who were not afraid of death, and they craned their necks to look desperately into the distance, knowing that there was a battle ahead. He wished that his father and mother had not given them a pair of space eyes, and did not realize that the big pirate and Marine Uncle is fighting, it is a very dangerous thing for them to stand on the street and watch, especially in the yellow sand, but Leonardo can vaguely distinguish that it is a tall man with curly hair and explosive head, as if As if I didn't hear what he said, I still have to go to the place where the battle is taking place. It's okay to go to death by myself. There are a group of people following me. At first glance, it looks like a street kid in the capital of water...

......I chased that guy for more than half a year, and finally found him, can't I go over? (-_-)/"

Hearing this, the figure in front of him who was called a curly-haired exploding head turned around and looked at this bastard who called himself to be restrained. Over.... Let's have a fight with this bastard to distinguish between big and small kings.

This bastard is definitely intentional, 5.0 vision will not see clearly is he?

"Huh? Kuzan is you? Why did you come here? You really are, and the Water Capital didn't notify me, so I can take care of you. (^?^)?"

"Forgive me for speaking so straight, you can't see the truth, those street scumbags...

The curly hair exploded and turned around. Only then did Leonardo see clearly that the street boy he thought was actually Kuzan. No wonder he would be fooled by Sengoku to shoot Infernal Affairs in the future. This temperament, this shape, from the back, it really doesn't look like a good person. .....(^?^)?.

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