Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

433. Curry Admiral is such a nice guy

"Look, isn't it easy, it's hard for you to be slipped out of your hands by this weak chicken...

Sand Crocodile and his younger brother were taken away by Uncle Marine in new seastone handcuffs. Leonardo came to Kuzan and raised his eyebrows.

"....E=('0`*))), I have nothing to do, I will go first, just in time to go back for vacation.

Kuzan exhaled and turned the air around his mouth into ice balls. After saying something, he turned and left. For some reason, he found that this guy's mouth was getting more and more sloppy. Guy turns into ice sculpture....

"Cut.... Damn virtue, Bob, you guys send these guys to Impel down, and we continue to set off to the Queen's City."

Leonardo looked at Kuzan's back and pursed his lips, and then spoke to Bob and the two unnamed people around him, Vice Admiral, who was sent to him by Sengoku to represent him. It's not too late to fight crime. If there are criminal activities in the Queen's City, it's too late. The news of the Water City will spread there, and it will be difficult for people to prepare. .....

"Curry Admiral, my business...""

Seeing that Leonardo was leaving, Bobby, who was sweating, was in a hurry. He originally planned to do his best to let the landlord go tonight, but now they are leaving. If this is reported to the headquarters, Although he thinks he performed well in the process of catching the sand crocodile, he should be able to make up for it without having to go to the Enies Lobby to drink milk tea, but his position as a talker in Marine, the capital of water, is unlikely to be preserved, and he will be transferred to which mountain corner Looking at the fish pond, his future will be gone. Now the money he has made in the past six months is gone. With that little savings, he can't even buy a toilet in New World. How can anyone in the city of water be a talker? Chic!

.....(⊙_⊙)? Your business? Do you have anything else to do? You did quite well in the process of catching the sand crocodile this time, and I will report it to Marshal Sengoku for your credit~99

"The next time the hood is bright, you can't get any money...Let's go."

Leonardo looked at Poppy with a question mark on his face, as if he didn't know what he was talking about. Finally, before leaving, he came to him and muttered a few words with deep meaning, then turned to board the boat and waved at him.

Although he had proposed to Brother Mickey last time that he wanted to raise wages for Sabaody Land, Water Capital and Uncle Marine in Queen City, and Brother Mickey also reported to Five Elders, but the high consumption in such places No matter how high the salary is, it is a drop in the bucket. He, the big brother who takes the lead, is getting extra money, and he naturally doesn’t object to the younger brother getting extra money, but it depends on the situation.

The sand crocodile is 55 to 50, but he is the one who is the focus of the first brother. Can this guy get any money?

“.....Curry Admiral rest assured! I....will....remember....stay....!!!”

Shortly after Leonardo left, Bobby savored Leonardo's words carefully, then his eyes lit up, moved to look at the huge ship that had sailed into the distance, and waved his hands desperately.

"Sir, you mean we're all right?"

Bobby's adjutant looked at the boss's tears and snot flowing down, and asked nervously.

"Ah, what Curry Admiral means is that he doesn't object to making money, but he can't work with a guy like Sand Crocodile like this time...""

Bobby nodded slightly, and said with a long sigh of relief, he was really afraid that Curry Admiral would chug him when he crossed the river and demolished the bridge. After all, he was right under the Senju Buddha at that time, and he really wanted to smash it down. Iron Body may not be able to hold two big fists no matter how slippery it is. Kaido was deformed by these big fists.

It seems that this Curry Admiral is a decent person, and he specially mentioned him....

“Curry Admiral is such a nice guy!”

The adjutant also sighed when he heard this. Everyone said that it is good to be a job in the water capital, but who knows what the real situation is. The water capital is good, an international metropolis, but with the world economic bubble. With the continuous expansion of the water capital, the price of the water capital is also getting higher and higher, if it is not for Marine, his Rear Admiral salary can't even stay in the water capital hotel for two nights!

Curry Admiral sympathizes with the suffering of his subordinates...

Sailing on the sea heading to the Queen City, Leonardo is in a good mood. Sand crocodile is sand crocodile. Although he is still a spiritual guy, the pattern of this guy is not much smaller than ten years later. This trip to the water capital , let him gain a lot, as he guessed, Bobby's place is just a small head, most of the gambling money for half a year is in several safes of Sand Crocodile, there are more than 50 small goals, this Fuck That's more money than if he went around the New World.

Sure enough, you can't underestimate any talent who can be photographed in the future. You can make so much money just by staying in the first half of the water capital for more than half a year. It can be seen that although the pirates in the first half are not high, their spending power is really special. Luggage, this is not even the bonus of the pirates, and when that wave of bonuses comes down, it is estimated that they will almost break through the 60 small goals. The key is that the cost of doing this is still low, even if 37% is divided into these The little brother who came with him, the rest is enough for him to pay off the card debt and then slap that wicked little black card in the face of the stinky woman in Gion, and he can support him by having a football team with that stinky woman. rise!

This kind of harvest also made him look forward to his trip to the Queen's City. It is also an international metropolis. The main income of the Queen's City depends on tourism, so the per capita GDP (Nuo Mo Zhao) may not be as high as that of the Water City. , But the flow of people is much more than that of the water. If there is another casino like Sand Crocodile in the Queen City, to be honest, even if you take your family back to the mountains and enjoy the rural life, there is nothing wrong...


"Moses Moses, I'm Leonardo...I"

Just when Leonardo was looking forward to his trip to the Queen's City, the phone bug in his arms rang. Seeing that the phone bug's expression was not that of Gion's stinky bitch, he secretly picked up the phone bug with a sigh of relief.

"Curry Admiral, no, Sand Crocodile... Sand Crocodile that guy ran away!!!

At this time, Bob's anxious and indistinct voice came from the phone worm, and there was some crying, and there was a bit of sadness in the crying, which made people know that this guy is definitely better than being beaten by others. .....

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