Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

434. Garp's Son Debuts!


"What? Isn't that guy chained? Could he also unlock the lock???(⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo sprayed the phone bug with a sip of salt soda, and asked with a confused look.

What's the fuck going to do? It's been less than a week since he was arrested, and he gave him such a big surprise.

He knows that plot characters like Sand Crocodile 55 open, before he completes his mission, there will definitely be some moths, and some side plots will be interspersed to make him run out, but he estimates that such a straight-line plot should happen in the Impel down, after all, it is not far from the water capital to Impel down, and it will be there in a week if the sailing is normal.

In a week, even replacing the Sand Crocodile with Doflamingo's brain would not be enough time for him to come up with a plan to escape.

Besides, they are all handcuffed by seastone, and that guy doesn't have the ability to get away. Seastone's restraint on Demon fruit power is absolute, especially for those with the ability to open the fruit flow like Sand Crocodile. It's impossible to break free from the seastone handcuffs with his body. Besides, he doesn't have the courage to cut off his feet like Golden Lion, right?

But he never thought that this storyline would come so quickly, it's only been less than a week, this guy just slipped away?

This inevitably made him wonder if this guy was special enough to open 947 locks?

"Unlock??(⊙_⊙)?..No, we were attacked by a group of pirates on the way to Impel down, a guy whose face is bigger than his body, who is neither male nor female, looks like a strange guy. The crow guy rescued the sand crocodile Crocodile...  

On the other side, Bob, whose nose was bruised by K, was also confused. He didn't know what Curry Admiral was talking about with unlocking. The bastard who helps the pirates is really special. As the saying goes, you don't slap your face. As a result, those pirates don't talk about martial arts, and they greet you with their faces. Now he's so handsome that it hurts...

" come back, it's not your fault for this."

This guy Bob doesn't know if his face is swollen, his speech is slurred, and Leonardo can't understand many details, but he still understands the general meaning, that is, a face is bigger than the body, not male. A person who is not a woman and a strange person and a person who looks like a crow led people to raid them, and then needless to say, although the three are Marine Vice Admiral, they are all recovering from serious injuries, and it is difficult to return to the peak (cceg). Right between Rear Admiral and Vice Admiral.

And the guy whose face is bigger than his body and the guy who looks like a crow, Leonardo has basically guessed who they are, this Fuck must be Garp's son who is going to debut, Bob and the three Compared with the military force value of the future revolutionary army, it is normal to be Haibian, and it really can't be blamed on them.

But he was very curious, wasn't this king Luffy just born not long ago?

Is Garp's son ready to debut now?

He is really not sure about this. After all, the number of appearances in the revolutionary drama in the original book is too small, and he passed through before seeing the later stage. I don't know when Garp's son established a terrorist organization, and that guy Dorag What do you want Sand Crocodile to do? The two are obviously not in the same way, one is to overthrow Whitebeard as One Piece and then dominate the world, the other is to inherit the will of their D family to overthrow the rule of Celestial Dragons and restore the D family. The glory of a hundred years ago, although the general direction is the same, but the path is very different, right?

Garp's son is not a mouth-watering player like his son, is he? Still want to learn from Roger's personality charm to fool the sand crocodile into the organization?

According to the plot of the original work, Garp's son obviously thinks too much this time. Both of them are ambitious, and who is willing to be the younger brother of whom...

But it is useless to think too much now, the sand crocodile has been taken away, and Garp's son's ability to hide and seek is as outstanding as his ability to hunt down Roger. The World government CPO has been looking for more than ten years and can't find it. People, it's impossible for him to find them out. The world is so big, the ghosts know where they are.

And Garp's son doesn't know anything about the fruits. It's rain, wind and electricity. It's more complicated than fat Charlotte and Kaido. Anyway, how can someone take a person to travel thousands of miles a day? The horse is still fast, he can't catch up with him now!

According to Mickey's brother's description, when Garp's son was still in Marine, there was no shoe print on his face, nor was he Demon fruit power, but a pure physique player just like Garp's old boy.

This is a bit exaggerated. To be honest, a pure physique player can be turned into a monster by the giants of Kong, Sengoku, Zephyr, Crane Vice Admiral than Akainu and Kizaru. I don't know what ability the last Devil Fruit is, but if Kishimoto is a little bit more bloody, the big boss is very likely to be Garp's son!

At that time, the son VS the father, the picture is so exciting when you think about it. . . .

And since we already know that Garp's son is going to debut, Sand Crocodile is a small problem for this news. Originally, Sand Crocodile should not die. In the future, people are looking for Whitebeard to contribute a girlfriend, even if they are sent to Impel Down will also have a branch line to get him out, but now it's just that the branch line happened to him in advance.

But thinking about it, I don't know if it's a bad year for him this year. He slapped a wave of people in New World, and ended up running halfway without saying anything. He even killed and maimed the little brother he brought with him. He had to go to New World. With Kaido, the fat woman Charlotte was sweating so badly that she couldn't even pay off the debt, and now even a sand crocodile has made such a fool for him.

I have to ask that stinky girl from Gion to buy some red panties.

"Curry Admiral, the sand crocodile has run away, will something happen over there in the water capital?"

Leonardo just hung up the phone when Kent asked in a low voice. He could hear clearly from the side just now. Pirates are generally people who have revenge. Although Poppy Vice Admiral is obviously stronger than the crocodile, but if the sand The crocodile is playing in the dark, it's really hard to say, after all, he thinks that Poppy Vice Admiral's IQ is not very high.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be fooled by a big cigar.

"No, although that guy was rescued, it's not easy to escape, and he's not a brainless person, he won't fall in the same place twice..."

Leonardo shook his head calmly.

Just kidding, I was rescued by Garp's son, but I don't want to be a younger brother. How could I run away without a wave of blood collapse? You must know that Garp's son is surrounded by special double-spend red sticks!

(PS: Thanks to dads for their monthly passes, happy Mid-Autumn Festival dads!).

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