Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

436. The former queen has now brought a fish tank

The Queen's City, although there is still the title of Queen's City, there is also a Queen, but now the Queen of this Queen's City is just an ordinary noble, who has the title of Queen but does not have the rights of Queen, and can't even enjoy it. The Queen's treatment, but hundreds of years ago, the Queen's City really had a Queen, and she was the only woman among the twenty kings who once formed the World Government, so the Queen's City has been famous for many years.

It's just that the Queen's family from hundreds of years ago has immigrated to Mariejois to bring a goldfish tank after a certain period of blank history. Therefore, although the title of Queen is on the outside, in fact, she has a noble status in the Queen's City but has no rights. For many years, the "September 47" in the Queen's City has always been a matter of the World Government, and this so-called Queen is only here. image representative only.

Also because of the great reputation of the Queen City, it has always been the most famous tourist destination in the world, with tourists, pirates, businessmen, nobles, etc. coming and going, especially in the tourist season, every day in and out. The flow of people is much more than that of Sabaody, and it has also become a major taxpayer of the World government.

However, once there are too many such people, especially people of various classes, conflicts will definitely occur, and once conflicts occur, fighting and killing will naturally be inevitable, especially those Mr. Thieves, so the Queen City has always been the focus of the World government, so the Marine Base commander in Queen City has always been served by the Marine elite Vice Admiral who can fight, and even Kuzan was sent when the era was rampant. Came here to see how high the Queen's City is in the hearts of the five godfathers at the top of the World Government, and it is one of the four well-known cities.

Because of the existence of Kuzan, the Queen's City did not suffer too many disturbances in the early and most violent period of the big era. Although Kuzan did not make the Carnival City the most beautiful moral fashion of the year like Akainu did because of his personality and birth club. In the city, let alone the pirates, even the street thieves are all under the action of Akainu's anti-pornography and anti-criminal action. Every household does not have to close the door to sleep at night, and the little thieves dare not come out to the extent of being arrogant.

But the city of the queen is also covered by Kuzan. During the most violent period of the big era, the people above drink and dance, just like Leonardo's Sabaody. No matter you are a pirate or a street boy, as long as you don't In trouble, Kuzan doesn't have time to talk to these guys.

There is actually no problem with Kuzan doing this. Whether it is Kong or Sengoku, they are still satisfied with Kuzan's work. At least in the rampage of the big era, it is enough to ensure that the Queen's City will not be invaded by pirates. There is no need to think about Akainu. Just like the Carnival City, after all, there is only one annual Most Beautiful Moral Fashion Award a year. If there is competition, they will be embarrassed. Now this level is just right. Is it the same for Leonardo's Sabaody and Kizaru's Water?

But they all forgot, firstly, neither the land of Sabaody nor the capital of water is far from Naval Headquarters and Holy Land Mariejois. Even if Leonardo and Kizaru are not there, Naval Headquarters and Mariejois can respond quickly and fix it. The Queen's City is not close to Naval Headquarters, even if you take a shortcut from Naval Headquarters and crank the accelerator to the maximum, and you don't care about the traffic lights, if you want to feel the Queen's City, it will take at least two weeks, and this speed is still Only experienced sailors can move it, the continuous hairpin bends formed by several giant icebergs in front of the Queen's City are no joke..

The second is that they forgot that the person who spoke at that time was Kuzan, one of MarineF4. Those pirates and street runners were so obedient that they dared not make trouble like their grandsons. After all, Kuzan, a human ice sculpture artist, is not joking with you. There are also several lifelike human ice sculptures under the statue of the Queen.

Those pirates and street runners are forced by the perfection of Kuzan's human body ice sculpture art, and when they are grandsons, they are also grandsons, although their artistic cells are not as good as people's?

If you want to live for a long time, you have to be counseled when you should be counseled. One failure is not enough to determine success or failure. People have hope when they live...

However, when Kuzan returned to the headquarters to be promoted to Admiral, the situation was different. Although the Marine Vice Admiral JR. Notan, who was sent by Sengoku, had a good hands-on ability, he was also one of the best among a group of elite Vice Admiral. , But there is still a big gap compared with Kuzan, at least this JR. Nortan Zoan is not as gorgeous as Kuzan's special effects, and his artistic cells are far less than Kuzan, a master of human ice sculpture, plus he also does It's disappointing to not kill the opponent in seconds like Kuzan. Although this JR Nortan Vice Admiral can also climb the opponent, but it is almost only ten rounds away, and the deterrence is far less than Kuzan, the master of human ice sculpture. ...

Therefore, under the influence of Roger's temporary pre-installation and Kuzan's departure, JR. Notan's deterrent effect is not as good as Kuzan's. Although JR. Notan is still doing his best to fight crime and maintain law and order in the Queen's City, but after all It is impossible to restore the stability and peace that it was when Kuzan was there... Although the situation is better than before Kuzan came to the Queen's City, it is not much better. Pretending to be a grandson like before, plus the dense floating population in the city of the queen, when Leonardo was still in Sabaody, it has become a new criminal paradise, a place outside the law, there are so many tourists, one or two less. No one will pay attention to ten people, to care, even Uncle Marine can't pay attention.

During the day, it is a scenic tourist destination. At night, it is full of corruption and crime. After 12 o’clock in the middle of the night, pirates and street runners are surging, and the thrilling nightlife also begins. All kinds of action movies are here. When filming started, the director didn't call the card, and Uncle Marine couldn't stop when he came to sweep the floor.

"The Queen's City has become like this, why don't I know, is that guy JR. Notan also like Poppy in the Water City, what's the trick with those pirates and street runners? (⊙_⊙)?"

After hearing Kent's introduction to the current situation of the Queen's City, Leonardo was stunned. After all, this Queen's City is also his territory now. Anyway, this JR. Notan is also his peripheral little brother. Helping the bastard to do this, he didn't listen to Dominic's report to him, what's the situation?

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