Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

437. Kong hides deep enough!

.As far as I know... JR. Notan Vice Admiral is not a person like that, he is the son of Commander Kong's cousin... he is also Commander Kong's nephew, no matter in temperament or appearance, he is the same as Commander Kong The handsome guys are very similar, and with his family conditions, he should still be able to afford the big cigar of Sand Crocodile, so he won't be in the same boat as a pirate...

Kent hesitated for a while and then shook his head. He had met JR Nottan when he was in the headquarters, and he had been a patient for a while. To be honest, if he hadn't known that Commander Kong had always been single, he would have They all thought that the guy was the son of Commander Kong who was scattered among the people. The two looked so alike that they even had the same Mohican hairstyle, which was very characteristic of Commander Kong. Shuai is getting older, his hair and beard are white, and he is like the General Manager Kong when he was young. It was only when he asked someone out of curiosity that he realized that this guy was the son of General Manager Kong's cousin, that is, the nephew of General Manager Kong.

Also because of this relationship, he would not doubt that JR Nortan would like to join the pirates like Poppy in the water capital, because there is no need for them at all!

There is an uncle at the second highest level of the World government, what do you want without 22? The commander-in-chief is always the leader of the No. 5 area in Sabaody! One night's expenses are enough to make those pirates work hard for several years.

Do you need to ruin the reputation of the commander-in-chief for decades for such a petty profit? It's not worth it at all!

"...You mean that the base officer in this Queen's City is the son of Commander Kong's cousin, and he looks exactly the same as Commander Kong??(⊙_⊙)?"

Hearing this, Leonardo suddenly became energized, his eyes lit up, and the Eight Trigrams in his heart began to come alive. At this time, where does the Queen City have this son who looks very similar to Kong... No! Nephew is important.

Don't maybe don't know who Kong is, they all thought that Kong was the grandfather who became an official in the World Government before he completely released himself. Although the old leader released himself to compete with others in Sabaody District No. 5, the Marine uncles didn't think there was anything wrong with him. , After all, their commander-in-chief has worked hard for so many years, and now it's time to enjoy life.

In their impression, the Air Commander has always been a rigorous and decent Marine Marshal.

Only a very few VIPs at No. 69, Happy Road, Marineford, and Leonardo who stumbled upon it, knew how unrestrained Kong was, so when he heard the Queen City's words, JR Notan actually looked just like Kong, and he was still The son of Kong's cousin.

It's not that his thinking is dirty, it's really that Kong's uninhibited image is deeply ingrained in his heart, and he can't help but think in other ways.

After all, cousins ​​and cousins ​​are usually childhood sweethearts and bamboo horses, hoe He and Dangwu...

"Yeah! I didn't expect that the genes of General Manager Kong's family are so powerful that they can be affected by several generations..."

Kent is one of Marine's younger brothers who has always believed that Kong is strict with himself. He never thought that this JP. Notan Vice Admiral looks exactly the same as Kong. In fact, it is not that the Kong family is genetically strong and can still be affected by generations. reason.....

"So who is this... JR. Notan Vice Admiral's father? Is he still alive? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo can see that Kong's image of integrity is very deep in Kent's heart. When Kong was in power, he treated him like his own son, and he couldn't break the image of Kong in Kent's heart, so he asked politely.

It may be because he watched too many family dramas in his previous life. He always suspected that this JR. Notan was not Kong's nephew. The relationship between the two should be further improved. The Queen City is an international metropolis, and not everyone can come here as a nephew. Let's not talk about those before, let's see before the four high-ranking Admiral, the four major international cities are now Marine Admiral. He doesn't know what background Poppy has, but Poppy's strength He has seen it before. It is stronger than the current elite Vice Admiral such as Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan. Armed color plus Iron Body can resist sand crocodile sand machete without injury. Such strength, now The flying squirrels and Huoshaoshan still can't do it.

According to Kent, the strength of this JR. Notan seems to be quite strong. If he didn't know about his relationship with Kong, he would have believed it, but now...why doesn't he believe it so much!

If this JR. Notan is very strong, he has not heard of this guy's reputation in Naval Headquarters for so many years. Although he does not pay much attention to those Uncle Marine who has not appeared in the original book, but if he is really strong in his hands-on ability , He still heard of it, after all, he lives in the real world now and is not an anime, before he went to the water capital, Poppy Vice Admiral's life was better, he still heard a few, at least Poppy once had a more dazzling 's record.

But this JR. Notan's name, he has only heard of it for the first time, although there is also a part of the reason for his dereliction of duty. He has been under him for several years, and he still doesn't know what it is called, but the other way around It also shows that this JR. Nuotan has no outstanding record, so he has to wonder if Sengoku let this JR. Nuotan come to the Queen's City Club 947 because of the relationship of the boss Kong......

This made him even more suspicious of the relationship between this JR. Notan and Kong.

He had a guess that if this JR. Notan lost his father when he was young, then the plot would be right...  

"...this is really unclear, I only heard that Marshal Kong's cousin is JR. Notan Vice Admiral's mother died after giving birth to JR. Notan Vice Admiral, I haven't heard of JR. Notan. Who is Vice Admiral's father.... Curry Admiral, do you think there is something wrong with JR. Nottan Vice Admiral? Impossible? (⊙_⊙)?"

Kent touched his chin and said while recalling, seeing that Leonardo kept inquiring about JR. Notan's situation, he thought that Leonardo suspected that JR. Notan had the same problem as Poppy in the water capital.

"Cough cough... That's not true, you know that Chief Kong used to cover me a lot when he was in Marine, and now he knows him... cough, nephew is working under my hands, so it's natural to know more about the situation , I have to take care of this JR Nottan Vice Admiral when I have the opportunity in the future..."

Leonardo explained to Kent, but he already had the answer in his heart, cousin, cousin, no father, mother died early... This is the son who has to run away!

Kong is hiding deep enough!

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