Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

447. That Marine Admiral wouldn't cross the river and demolish the bridge, would he?

"Jie Jie Jie... There is no problem, you can leave at any time. "(^?^)?"

After getting the reply from the "Star of Celestial Dragons", Leonardo also made a gesture of please with a smile.

"Curry Admiral, can this guy really handle those pirates?"

Not long after Doflamingo left with his younger brother, JR Nortan, who had been beside Leonardo but didn't speak, finally couldn't stop talking.

Curry Admiral said before that he had already found a pirate candidate who could take over the Queen's City, and the other party was also a pirate. Originally, he thought it was the pirates with relatively large positions in the first half or New World, but only now did he know that it was a pirate. It's a little pirate who didn't come out of North Blue, although that guy looks sulky, it feels quite reliable

However, he always felt that using the little pirates of the pirates North Blue to VS the pirates of the Grand Line was a child's play. He was not good at talking before when he was talking about business, and now he finally asked when the people left.

"Relax, this guy is different from those little Galami. Have you ever seen a pirate or a dwarf mule in a mixed society that made the business into the Grand Line before it entered the Grand Line? This guy is brain-eating, Although the hands-on ability is so-so, but if you want to play with your brain, the pirates and dwarf mules in the city of the queen are not enough for others to play with, but this guy is not a stable person, you should keep an eye on him in the future, at least you can't let him. He's doing things on our land...

Leonardo touched his chin and looked at the backs of the two people in the distance.

To be honest, he actually doesn't have much confidence. He doesn't know when Doflamingo entered the Grand Line in the original work, but according to the poor industrial distribution of Doflamingo in the Grand Line today, it should not be this time. Doflamingo is someone who is steady and steady every step of the way. According to the normal plot, it will take at least a few years for this guy to enter the Grand Line. At that time, with more money, more preparation from his younger brother, and his criminal talent, the first half of the The brainless cat and dog would definitely not be able to stop him, and at that time, he had already been in contact with some Celestial Dragons and even the five respected seniors at the top of the World government.

Don't worry about being targeted by those Celestial Dragons because of their pirate status.

The reason why he got this guy in the first half of the time is because he remembers that this guy will be the most promiscuous one of Shichibukai's 1.0 version of Shichibukai's two-way kill in the future. Grand Line, but if he wants to come, in the original book, this guy can avoid the pursuit of Vice Admiral of the crane, and at the same time can develop into a black and white two-way take-all of the first half of the general scoop, now he has his support and there is no Vice Admiral of the crane. Chasing and killing, if you want to become bigger and stronger, there should be no problem.

"Young Master, we really promised that Marine Admiral would come to the Queen's City to help him get rid of some pirates? Marines are untrustworthy guys, what if that Marine Admiral crosses the river and demolishes the bridge.

On the other side, on the way back to North Blue, Diamanti, who had lost eight-pack abs during this period of time, was on the way back to North Blue, because she had been anxious for a long time, breathing in the free air. The conversation between Marine Admiral and the young master made him worried.

Marine are untrustworthy bastards, that Marine Admiral now needs them to help him deal with the pirates in Queen City, so draw them a pie and trick them into Grand Line, if they deal with the pirates in Queen City After that, it's their turn to say the next one.

Marine is not doing this once or twice.

"Fufufufu... There are so many pirates in the world that they can't catch them all. It is because he understands this that he asks me to help him deal with the pirates in the Queen's City instead of doing it himself. Besides, everyone. It's just mutual use, as long as we still have value, he won't touch us, and isn't this a good opportunity for us to enter the Grand Line? 35

Also, without Marine Admiral, who was laughing less than him, Doflamingo said slowly after laughing enough.

The reason why he agreed to that Marine Admiral is because there is a Marine Admiral as a guarantee, so the chance of him being targeted at the Grand Line is much smaller. This is definitely a good opportunity for him to become bigger and stronger. Also a lot smaller.

When he becomes bigger and stronger, he can afford the sincerity that the five old guys can't refuse, and with enough confidence, that Marine Admiral can't move him even if he wants to.

And no one can resist the temptation of an international metropolis, let alone three!

If he were allowed to develop seriously in a cosmopolitan city like the Queen City for a few years, his money would be enough for that Marine Admiral not to touch him.


Diamanti nodded when he heard the sudden realization. Everyone else hated being used by others, but thinking about it, the reason why they were used shows that they still have the value of being used. If people have no value at all, then they are waste. Is it?

Marine Admiral used them to deal with the pirates in the Queen's City, why didn't they use that Marine Admiral to march into the great sea profit?

After figuring this out, Diamanti stopped talking and began to frantically output all kinds of food into his mouth.

To be honest, the pressure of staying with a Marine Admiral 977 is too much, every day I can't eat or sleep, I worry that if I eat too much, if I sleep too well, those uncles Marine will come here in the middle of the night for a post-up single. ......

After all, the atmosphere inside Marine was too oppressive, and even he couldn't stand being an outsider for a few days. God knows if those Marine uncles will have psychological problems after staying for a long time.

So every night when he goes to bed, he is half asleep and half awake, and now he can finally eat and sleep soundly!

....Little Curry, this kid met Doflamingo in the Queen's City? This kid won't be so poor and mad to extend his money to North Blue? (⊙_⊙)?"

On the Naval Headquarters side, although Doflamingo has not been included in the focus of Sengoku, because of Doflamingo's identity, after discovering Doflamingo's industry in the Grand Line, Sengoku has always been in the habit of paying attention to Doflamingo, so Doflamingo swaggered from North Blue some time ago. Flying to the Queen's City, how could it be possible to hide from him, not long after Doflamingo left, a younger brother from Naval Headquarters came to report the situation.

After all, a Marine Admiral connects with a little pirate who dominates the North Blue underworld, but anyone with a bigger brain will also associate the green fox Admiral with a rose in his heart......

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