Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

448. Who is this going to bombard?

Hearing his younger brother's report, Sengoku was also confused. After all, although this eldest nephew also likes to play some small routines in his heart, in his eyes, those are just playing house. It is to treat those pirates as the object of making money.

So after listening to the little brother's report, his first reaction was that this kid was forbidden by him to go to New World to make money, and started to reach out to North Blue?

Some time ago, Aokiji also reported to him about the water capital. Although the kid helped Poppy to hide it, Poppy and the sand crocodile Crocodile were very tricky, and it was easy to find out, but he was also like Leonardo thought, After finding out the tricky relationship between Poppy and Crocodile, he didn't say anything. Although Poppy and Crocodile, who had been the focus of his attention, were indeed a bit too much, but Poppy was able to quit the team in time and Selling teammates, and also personally fighting with former teammates, shows that in this Bobby's mind, Marine is more important, people can't make mistakes, as long as they know their mistakes, they can correct them, and turn back in time before they make mistakes, Sengoku It is also considered to open one eye and close one eye. After all, Poppy is the younger brother of the eldest nephew, and the eldest nephew did not report this situation to him, indicating that the eldest nephew wanted to protect this Poppy.

This kind of thing is not too small, and Bobby has no bad records before, it is not a big problem to give the eldest nephew a face, and although the original intention of the eldest nephew to go to the water capital is to make money, he can rectify the water situation. It seemed to him that it was not bad, and now that his eldest nephew was in contact with Doflamingo's former Celestial Dragons, he immediately thought that this kid was afraid of dying in the Queen's City and would not gain much benefit, so he aimed at Doflamingo.

After all, this kid can do anything to make money sometimes, a little Doflamingo is nothing.

Sometimes he has to admit that this Celestial Dragons has been drinking Melatonin since he was a child, and it does have advantages over others in many aspects. Don't look at the stupidity of most Celestial Dragons on Mariejois, but once they become black, their minds are not ordinary at all. people can compare.

This Doflaming is an example. Although North Blue's pirates are not as scarce as East Blue, they are similar to West Blue and South Blue, but North Blue's situation is much more complicated than West Blue and South Blue. The complex environment was mixed step by step and the entire North Blue underworld was unified. There is really nothing to say about his ability, and Doflamingo's ability to make money is even more outstanding, so the eldest nephew is staring at Doflamingo in his opinion. Aiming at Doflamingo's net worth.

I'm about to get married, and the finances are tightly controlled by the land rights, so it's normal to have a small treasury...

But...why did the eldest nephew meet Doflamingo in the Queen's City, which made him a little confused.

The current chief of the Queen City is Kid Nuotan. After Big Brother left Naval Headquarters, he was transferred back after seeing an elite, Vice Admiral, who went to guard the fish pond in the mountains. After all, Kid Nuotan is not relative to him. Don't be so shy like Big Brother.

The situation of the Queen City Even if Kid Nuotan reports everything is fine every time, he also understands the actual situation, but since Kid Nuo Tan did not report the matter to him, that is to say, he intends to take care of the Queen City by himself, he is not good either. It was a big blow to his enthusiasm. Although the Queen City was a little noisy, in his opinion, Kid Nuotan was still able to cover it up. After all, it hadn't become a den of thieves, and it was their Marine talk.

Now the eldest nephew called Doflamingo to meet in the Queen's City again, and it seems that it is not just as simple as making money.

"I don't know, Doflamingo left less than half an hour after seeing Curry Admiral. When he left, he took his cadre Diamanti with him. I haven't had time to find out what they said.

The intelligence brother answered honestly.

"...I see, you go back first."

After being silent for a while, Sengoku waved his hand to the intelligence boy and told him to leave. Then he opened the drawer and took out a golden phone bug. Once the kid is ready to do something big, the private phone bug will definitely have no signal...

There's nothing wrong with Doflamingo, but it shouldn't be too ruthless. After all, Doflamingo's identity is too sensitive. He is really worried that his eldest nephew will kill Doflamingo if he kills Doflamingo.


"Moses Moses, Marshal Sengoku? Who are you planning to bombard? Let me say it first, I won't do that kind of thing, I still want to be a coach with a football team born in Gion...(⊙_⊙)? "

On the Queen's City side, Leonardo is studying a map of the distribution of the major forces in the Queen's City, and plans to have a wave before Doflamingo arrives. The sincerity given to him is quite generous, and he doesn't need to be greedy for this little bit of cheapness, but after thinking about it, since everyone has come, there is no reason to return empty-handed. It's over, he has a wave today, and there may be another wave tomorrow, and Doflamingo is not in place yet, he is not a head-scratcher, his colleagues can also lighten some of the burden on JR Nottan before Doflamingo comes.

And just when he was about to choose a target, the sound of the phone bug startled him. When he arrived at the Queen's City, he was afraid that Gion's call would affect his work and deliberately photographed the phone bug. He has not recovered yet after being flattened, and when he saw that the private phone bug that he flattened was still on the table, An An (Nuo Zhao Zhao) quietly closed his eyes, he was inexplicably relieved, and then took out The golden phone bug that came out of the inner bag was stunned.

There are only two people in Marine who can call him the golden phone bug, one is the first brother Sengoku, the other is Dominic, Sengoku is the first brother of Marine, he also has a higher level golden phone bug in his hand, and Dominic's hand. There is a golden phone bug he gave that can launch Buster Call.

However, Dominic usually doesn't dare to use the golden phone bug to call him. Instead, he locks that thing under the bed. It's not because of promotion. Naturally, he doesn't dare to stay with him, so this time he used the phone bug that can initiate Buster Call to call him. People, who else is not a brother Sengoku.

Buster Call is too immoral, and it may even kill off his descendants, so he generally keeps a distance from this kind of thing. Now that Sengoku is looking for him, should he be asked to perform Buster Call????.

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