Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

524. I believe in Buddhism, why do I go to worship that thing?

"...I have worked hard, the time has not yet come!

Leonardo doesn't know what Sengoku means in Sengoku's words, he likes girls, but girls are not as tall as boys on the basis of the same conditions. If not in the top five in history, Gion is also a great swordsman, or a candidate for Marine Admiral. When he crossed over, Kizaru was too underestimated and killed by Fire Ash, and he replaced Kizaru's position as Marine Admiral.

But think about it, in the original version of Marine Admiral version 1.0, Gion and the wretched man who had been beaten by him were already Admiral alternates. What does Admiral alternates mean? It’s not that the starter can’t be helped due to injuries. What does it mean to let them top the field?

However, after Summit War, Akainu's first brother Marine, Aokiji is likely to play the male pig's foot in Infernal Affairs 2 directed by Sengoku, Marine Admiral vacated two, if we follow the normal procedure, it should be Gion and that It's right to make up for the wretched man, but Marine didn't do that, but selected two Admirals, Green Bull and Fujitora, from the public through the world conscription. Gion is still the Admiral candidate, and he can't take the position until Kizaru burps. Why?

It's not because Gion is a great swordsman, 040, but her strength is a reluctant Admiral, maybe she can barely reach the Admiral level than Marine Vice Admiral, but she is a weak existence in Admiral, because she herself is a woman, and the upper limit is not as good after all. The man is so tall.

After the Summit War, because the first person in the New World, Whitebeard, who had dominated the New World for decades, died in the war, and Marine won the victory. So Marine took advantage of the momentum and had the confidence to engage in a wave of conscription in the world. There is no talent who can act as Marine Admiral, so there is no way to find it from the people, and if I can't find it, I will let Gion go with that wretched man, so at that time Gion was always Marine's third-year choice, there was no way, the strength was placed There, this kind of strength is not comparable. Although it reaches the standard of the upper ranks, it is still qualified. Although the Marine Admiral is not in the third position, once it is in a fight, it is also the target of the opponent's top combat power. Being killed is a considerable blow to Marine and the World government.

And when Kizaru hiccupped, Marine Admiral was killed by a pirate, which was a big blow to Marine's reputation. Marine also (cceh) had no face to do anything about being an Admiral from an early folk master, and there was no other way but to let Marine Gion tops.

Therefore, under the same talent conditions as boys, the upper limit is also high and low.

Plus now they Marine, since he and Kuzan and Gion came out this year, needless to say, the people who have come out of Marine Academy in recent years are not as good as each other, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that he was an intern with Kuzan at the beginning. After the end of the period, the record can be scratched by Rear Admiral, and there are several Commodore and subordinate officers below, but in recent years, Zephyr is still leading the team, and it belongs to the beginning of a big era, but there is no one Not to mention Rear Admiral, their Marine graduates from this class are not even Commodore. Last year they were invincible. They were all captains, and they couldn't even get a Lieutenant Junior Grade. It is said that last year's gang of students After graduating, Zephyr quietly burned the archives of the gang at the school, beating them to death and refusing to admit that the gang was the students he taught.

It's too much water, and a full-ranked ship is leading the team on his own territory, even with his eyes closed, not to mention brushing the Commodore, the subordinate officer also sprinkles water, right?

But Leonardo knew that the ones who attacked Zephyr were still behind. In the next few years, let's not say that all of them are captains. Don't say that all Ensigns have already burned incense and worshipped Buddha. After all, Ensigns are already the lowest-ranking officer class. Those who graduated from Marine Academy, Even the lowest is Ensign, too low to be on the ground.

If the Marine Academy is still such a big boss, the Marine Academy will have no face to open, and Zephyr will have to cut his belly to find his wife and children.

Therefore, seeing that the one class that came out of Marine Academy in recent years is not as good as the first class, he is also a little anxious, but at present, he has not reached the point where he is eager for talents. After all, except for Kizaru who is a little older in their golden generation, The others are still relatively young, the oldest Kizaru is only in his early forties, and he is still at his peak. People in the One Piece world have maintained their peak period for a long time because of their strong physical fitness. Ordinary humans can still play at the age of sixty. , Of course, except for old boys like Garp who don't have a year, who made the family name Monkey.D?

But as Marine's first brother, Sengoku's vision can't just focus on the present, but also consider Marine's future. In a decade or two, Marine's existing talents can still be stable, and Leonardo's current children are born, waiting for them to grow up. If you get up and fix it, you can get stuck at this time point. If you are an individual, you can continue to top it. After all, they are the children of their Marines. Relatively speaking, it can be more reassuring than external recruits.

"Then go and say goodbye. I heard that there is a god statue in New World Huanyan Island that works. When you are free, you can go and say goodbye..."

At this time, Kizaru came out of nowhere to interject.

"...I believe in Buddhism, why do I worship that thing? It's not right. But you are not a cultural person, Kizaru, when did you believe in these things? -_-||"

Leonardo looked at Kizaru speechlessly, wondering when the thermos cup that the guy kept in his hands all year round became a bible as thick as the book in the hands of the future tyrant bear.

"Well... the end of science may be theology, and it doesn't matter if you know more.

Kizaru said indifferently while flipping through the bible in his hand.

"...Don't look at it so much, give others a chance, that guy Akainu has already stabbed you in order to match you, and one day he will make people crazy, be careful people come and fuck you. -_-|| "

Leonardo spread his hands silently.

As the old saying goes, don't be afraid of other people's talents, just be afraid of other people's talents and hard work. He doesn't know if Kizaru is talented in reading, but the best hobby of this Marine's first talent is reading books. It just so happens that Akainu doesn't like reading books. Type, in order to tie and surpass the old rival of Kizaru, Akainu has really kept his temper to read books these years, even harder than Kuzan, who worked quietly every night.

However, one is reading books because of hobbies, and the other is just to compare with others. If the purpose is different, the effect will naturally be far different. If Akainu knows that Kizaru is reading the Bible, which is boring and thick, maybe Akainu really is. Will come back for a duel with him.

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