Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

525. Significant decline in family status

After the birth of his daughter, Leonardo's life has not changed at all. He was already ready to be a full-time nursing father. As a result, since his daughter was born, he was not taken away by his mother, except to meet his daughter during the daily breastfeeding time. It was at the Crane Vice Admiral, he had to call and make an appointment if he wanted to meet.

"Gion, shall we take Lucy on a trip in two days? Speaking of which, we haven't really traveled..."

Three months after the birth of his daughter, Leonardo tossed and tossed at night and couldn't sleep. After thinking about it for a long time, he hugged Gion from behind and said.

This special mother's father has to call ahead to make an appointment when he sees his daughter. What is this called? He originally asked for a two-year leave to accompany the child, but it was so difficult to even see his daughter every day. His vacation is coming to an end, and when he returns to Sabaody, it will be even more difficult to see his daughter in the future. His mother and Crane Vice Admiral are holding onto his daughter and want to take the child to Sabaody. Totally impossible.

After Gion's maternity leave, there is no need to go back to Mariejois and be transferred back to Naval Headquarters, but looking at the stinky motherfucker's posture, when he returns to Sabaody land, he will definitely leave his daughter to his old mother and crane Vice Admiral and him back to Sabaody land, who It is as simple as drinking water to make the relationship between people's people harder than iron, and changing positions.

But the key is that what he wants to see is a special daughter...

"...Stinky bastard, I didn't see you say that to me before Lucy was born. (^▼X)"

"Alright, I'll be leaving in two days..."

Gion, who was being hugged, glanced at him angrily and then nodded. This stinky guy didn't have so many thoughts in the past. Now that his daughter was born, he would get along with his daughter for a longer time.

But think about it, since her daughter was born to now, let alone this father, even her mother has to go to her sister to see her daughter, which makes her feel that it is not her own, and so on. After this stinky guy returns to Sabaody, she will definitely follow him. The temptation of Sabaody's No. 5 area is too great, and she doesn't feel relieved if she doesn't follow, so their daughter will stay in the headquarters with her sister, old Curry Vice Admiral They, there are so many things in the sea now, they have to wait for a vacation if they want to see their daughter in the future.

"Hee hee, it's not that you always accompany me, so you don't have to think so much. Now that our daughter is born, and I am a father, you can see if my salary card is... always swiping black Cardo is not good, you are saying that when my vacation is over, you will go back to Sabaody with me, what are you worried about?"

Leonardo licked a handsome face and said in a good voice.

To be honest, as the son of the strongest king in the fifth area of ​​Sabaody, he didn't even brush the dungeon in the fifth area of ​​Sabaody, which is a big pity for him, the father is so awesome , As a son, you can't take too much!

Although he has accompanied Kong several times before, but because this stinky woman can check accounts, he really dare not swipe the small black card in the fifth area of ​​Sabaody, otherwise this stinky woman will not demolish the base of Sabaody. , If there is a salary card in hand, then it is not so easy to check the accounts.

Just kidding, want to check Marine Admiral's accounts? It takes five godfathers to speak, so far five godfathers are on his side...

"No! It's two different things, don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, it's not enough to eat what's in the pot, but also think about what's in the bowl? (^∇X)"

As soon as we talked about this topic, Gion, who had been drowsy, immediately regained his composure, and quickly turned around and sat up, and Haki looked at him with contempt.

"Hey hey hey... Stop making trouble, it's a big night, go to sleep... Mad, I'll fight back when I move..."

This night, the offense and defense were switched, and each attack of the two sides exerted the strongest strength, and penetrated into the hinterland of the defending players to the greatest extent.  …

"Really, the child is still so young, so take her out to sea..."

"The sea is windy and waves are strong, pay attention to keep your children warm..

"Remember to change your child's diaper on time...35

Marineford port, after a night of offense and defense transition, it didn't take two days. The next day Leonardo and Gion dragged their tired bodies to his mother to take the children away on the grounds of taking the children on a sea trip, and the mother sent them to the port. After that, with a face of reluctance, he kept telling the two of them to keep reciting endlessly.

・・・・For flowers・・・ 

To tell the truth, in Leonardo's memory, his mother is not someone who likes to nag, but the person who always nagged in his ear when he was a child was his father. Why has his role changed now, but his father is in his ear? The old lady didn't say a word behind her, didn't even bother to look at him, and looked at the baby girl in his arms with a reluctant expression.

Leonardo felt that his family status seemed to be getting lower again, but he had no proof.

"Knowing my mother, I finally took a vacation, and I went out to play for a few months and came back to return Jiu Lucy to you, okay? -_-|"

There is no way to be nagged all the time, Leonardo said helplessly.

That's right, his daughter's name is Jiu Lucy. Such a compelling name was not given by his illiterate father, but by Vice Admiral, who originally had the right to choose the name. , but his father thought about it and felt that his son had flirted with his sister at the age of sixteen or seventeen. After all, he is the leader of the Marine supergiant, so he can't even have the right to choose a name, right?


According to Tsuru Vice Admiral's explanation, Ji Lucy is the name of her and Gion-san, in memory of their dead mother.

However, this explanation made Leonardo feel a little twisted. He always felt that his daughter was the rush of his mother-in-law. However, after the daughter was born, his family status had declined significantly. It was useless to raise his hand against him. No one supported him.

"Anyway, be careful, if something happens to my precious granddaughter, I'll ask you! (♥~X)"

The old lady gave Leonardo a stern look. During this period of time, she was on the Vice Admiral shift, and she took it with her this week. After just one day, her precious granddaughter was taken away, and the sea was still so dangerous.

Can't wait a few more days before leaving next week...

"I promise, breaking my arm and breaking my leg won't make your precious granddaughter suffer from any minor ailments, right? -_-||"

Leonardo received the warning from his mother's eyes, and extended his four fingers to the sun in the sky.


After receiving the assurance of this "unfilial son", the old lady finally calmed down a little and snorted coldly, leading the still reluctant father to look back and watch Leonardo and Gion board the Admiral ship and leave the spoon.

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