Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

558. Leaders Everywhere Only Want Results.

... Anyway, I leave this kid to you, and you can take care of it yourself. In short, I just want the results and people to live. (one_-)/"

Sengoku said with a black line and hung up the phone without giving Leonardo a chance to speak.

Of course he knew that Stowe Berry was difficult to deal with. He had seen Stowe Berry’s information before. He never thought that the old man’s son could be such a talent. In the past, because of the case of little Curry, he rarely He will carefully investigate the information of the Second Generation and Third Generation officials. When he thought about it, he also had the guidance of his elders when he was young, and later the guidance of the famous teacher Zephyr. Hard power should be no problem. It was also true in the past. Those Marines The children of the family never worry about insufficient hard power, so when Stowe Berry kept "picking up" seriously injured pirates with outstanding performance, he didn't think too much about it, and he didn't consider the issue of hard power at all. Anyway, Rear Aren’t the places below Admiral meant to be promoted if you want?

But this time, because of the fish-man hero Fisher Tiger incident, this kid was actually beaten up by a group of unknown fish-men, Karami. He really embarrassed their Marines, and it was precisely because of this incident that he started Paying attention to Stowe Berry's hard power, I discovered something incredible after this attention.

This child's strength is indeed too good. Logically speaking, with the normal strength of the Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, even if his condition declines, he can still easily defeat the unknown fish-man Karami of Haibo. However, the average Marine family The children of the Marine family are generally stronger in strength. Generally, they only come into contact with Haki when they reach the Marine Vice Admiral. Many children of the Marine family have already been exposed to Haki when their strength reaches a certain level. This is why the strength of the children of the Marine family is higher than that of those without background. A colleague wants some for the wall.

But this kid was a Naval Headquarters Rear Admiral, and he was the son of his old buddy Duncan. He thought that this kid's strength should be very good, but it turned out that he couldn't even handle a group of unknown fish-men Karami, which was really disappointing to him. Surprisingly, when he specifically looked through the child's information, he realized how much money this child had made. However, because the Mariejois slave incident had such a huge impact, the World Government attached great importance to this matter. Now Tossberry has put that child The main culprit, fisherman Fisher Tiger, was bombarded. The Five Elders forcibly promoted this kid to the Marine Vice Admiral. He had no choice. In order not to cause dissatisfaction with other Marine officers, he did not have time to train this kid, so He can only be handed over to Curry.

Curry also has experience in this area. After all, even Dominic can bring it out, and Stowe Berry should have no problem.

Because little Curry is not very reliable when doing things, he goes to New World every three days to fight off pirates. Every time it is big news, the old man was worried to death when he knew that he wanted to hand over his son to little Curry. Two fruit baskets were delivered. For the old man's concern, he patted his chest in front of the old man to ensure that it would be fine. Now that little Curry said that he couldn't carry the child, it really made his head hurt.

However, Curry had already patted his chest and agreed, and it is certainly impossible for him to agree now if he wants to go back on his word.


"My darling...(#`n')"

Sabaody, Leonardo listened to the busy signal from the phone bug, and slapped him angrily. The phone bug on the table ended his short and glorious life...

"What are you doing? You're still up so late? (▼△▼X)*

Gion didn't know when he came to the door of his office and looked around. He sniffed and found nothing unusual or strange smell before he said angrily.

...and it's not because of Stowe Berry's matter. Marshal Sengoku is such a bitch. He calls people to labor and then just ignores them. (▼△▼#)"

Leonardo also complained angrily.

Sure enough, all leaders in the world are the same. If something happens, the younger brother will do it. The process is not important, as long as the results are achieved.

But this special girl, Stowe Berry, is so good, even if he can win more money than Dominic, he can’t bring him along!

"Tch, don't you always say that if you go out to get around, you have one foot in the coffin. There is no tomorrow. Marshal Sengoku hands him over to you. You just follow your own method. It's his ability to get ahead. If you can't get ahead, it's his ability. It's his fate to die on the sea, and I don't think Vice Admiral Duncan and Marshal Sengoku will blame you."

Gion waved his hands indifferently and said.

Although these words are somewhat cold-blooded, after living on the sea for so many years, I have become accustomed to life and death. When so many of their classmates died on the sea, they still felt it when they first jumped on the street. It’s sad, but I’ve encountered it too many times and my heart has become numb.

Marines and pirates are actually the same. They don’t know what will happen tomorrow. Without strong strength, who can say that they will definitely live to their sixtieth birthday?

"."Really? Vice Admiral Duncan only has one son. If something happens to Stowe Berry, he won't come to block me with a kitchen knife, right? (O_O)?Grave"

Although what Gion said is very reasonable, whoever comes out and licks blood from the knife edge has no tomorrow, but... then he is the one who deceives others. When it comes to his own family, it will be another matter. , if you put yourself in his shoes and think about it, if his son was taken away to improve his performance and could not come back, he wouldn't be able to bear it anyway...

What's more, Stowe Berry is an only child. Just like him, when he was standing and masturbating with Kaido and having a duel with Whitebeard, his father didn't know how many times he was admitted to the ICU. His father's career was going smoothly. I have never been injured... No! I have never been injured. I have a good foundation and can still hold on. Duncan's old Vice Admiral is different. As an elite Vice Admiral back then, he was also the commander of the New World branch. He has been catching pirates all year round ( Li Wanghao)'s front line, not to mention big and small injuries, there have been several serious injuries, and the last one seriously affected his announcement of retirement. If he knew that his son had died, who knows what he could have done? Can't hold on...

"I think... maybe, maybe, probably not. Duncan Vice Admiral is actually quite reasonable...

Because my sister is the third person in the Naval Headquarters, Gion has had more contact with many older generation Marines. I can’t help but recall that Duncan Vice Admiral was a low-key and heroic person, unyielding and upright. Good old people like Duncan Vice Admiral. It should be reasonable.

But when she thought that Stowe Berry was the only son of Duncan's old Vice Admiral, she was not sure. Teacher Zephyr had retired at the peak of his career because of his wife and son's affairs. She was also not sure that if the only son died, Duncan Vice Admiral would be able to Can't hold on....

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