Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

559. Rayleigh: Labor And Management Are Called Broad Friends.

".....So you're not sure?"

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time...-_-||

Seeing Gion's unsure look, Leonardo spread his hands helplessly.


"Kuri Admiral! There is a result!"

At this moment, the door of the office was smashed open. Dominic, with messy and greasy hair, a big beard, bags under his eyes that had fallen to his face and could no longer be called a human, ran in and said excitedly, "Just like an old scholar." After half a lifetime of research, he finally solved ten eternal mysteries. He looked so excited that Leonardo and Gion were shocked.

Especially since Gion had already grasped the hilt of the sword with one hand. If she hadn't recognized Dominic through the voice, she would have drawn the sword immediately. Is this girl still Dominic?

Although Dominic was not handsome before, he was at least human-like. Now he looks like a refugee who has been enslaved by an old black slave for many years.

"Hiss... drink some water first, take a deep breath, and speak slowly... O_O)"

Looking at his little brother who no longer looked like a human being, Leonardo couldn't stimulate him, so he quickly poured him a glass of water to calm him down. In his current excited state, those who didn't understand him thought he was returning to the past to explain things. In the end, he went down to sign in as his last words. He was really moved by Tai Te Niang's 257, and it was not in vain that he supported this little brother to take the position.

"Ahem... Curry Admiral, Gion Vice Admiral, based on the method we used to describe Sky Island from those story books - after screening, we found the most reliable method, combined with Rayleigh's description , we are 100% sure that Roger used this method to get to Sky Island..."

After drinking two glasses of water, Dominic calmed down a little, and then began to say that after more than half a year of search and discussion, they finally found a version that was basically consistent with Rayleigh's original description.

It is said that there will be a soaring sea current called the "Monster Current" on the eastern headland of Gaya Island. After several people investigated, they also encountered some pirate shipwrecks rising into the sky every year on Gaya Island. If their estimation was correct, this so-called "monster current" was the huge water column that Rayleigh originally said brought them to Sky Island.

As long as we find this "monster current", we may be able to calculate the time when this "monster current" will erupt most powerfully based on the local weather, and we should be able to bring people to Sky Island by then.

Of course, it is rumored that Sky Island is 10,000 meters above the sky. If the eruption of this soaring current is not strong enough, it will be like those that are carried five or six kilometers into the sky by the soaring current and then fall down, causing shipwrecks and deaths. So at this time Point, the intensity of ocean current eruption must be calculated.

"Sigh! You should go back and rest first... rest more during this time, and inform Bob to bring a few more navigators and we will set off tomorrow."

Leonardo nodded clearly. Hearing Dominic's analysis, he also had an impression. In the original book, Garp's grandson and his group seemed to have met after Alabasta killed the sand crocodile. The pirate ship fell from the sky, and then Garp's grandson's big head believed that fairy tales were not a lie, just like Roger. Finally, he searched blindly and found the "monster current" that was pushed to Sky Island. If If this is the case, then this method should be correct!

The next day, Bob took Thomas Berry and others and a group of experienced navigators to board the ship. There were not many people setting off this time, so Leonardo took Bob and Stowe Berry to go to Gion. A group of navigators, after all, they didn’t go to Sky Island to grab territory. Besides, with Sky Island’s level of combat power that can turn into a god with just one Thunder Fruit, even if Bob, who had been seriously injured and was in declining condition, would have reached the ceiling when he got there, if If he didn't want to meet the bird people with wings and worry that they wouldn't be able to get back down after going up, he wanted to just let Bob and a few people go up.

After all, he is also a Marine Admiral. He does everything by himself, which is a bit rewarding. This girl from Gion must follow her because she is worried that he will not be able to withstand the temptation of Miss Birdman. After all, the kind of person who wants to (biag) is as rare as an angel. Creatures are so attractive to humans. Why do Celestial Dragons like creatures of various races, especially murlocs? Isn’t it just that they are rare...

And I don’t know how awesome that “monster current” is. If there are too many people and the current is too strong, Douren will be too strong and increase the resistance. If he can’t bring so many people up, he will rush off. In order to reduce the resistance, this time he will His Admiral ship has not even sailed. This thing is expensive. The price of an Admiral ship is more than the bounty of a Whitebeard, and this does not include labor costs.

If something unexpected happened, just scratching a layer of paint would make him extremely distressed. He would simply switch to a small warship, even if it was destroyed by then, he wouldn't feel bad at all...

But before going there, Leonardo felt that they were going to strengthen friendly exchanges between the two parties this time, not to fight, so they had to find a tour guide. As for this tour guide

"Ouch! It's been a long time since I last saw the landlady and she's still so charming. This old guy Rayleigh doesn't know if he stepped on shit in his last life. He was so promiscuous when he was young and still met a confidante like you who will never leave her.. .....*(^?^)?"

At present, the only person he knows and can find who has been to Sky Island is "Poseidon + Pluton" Rayleigh, who has obtained the second ancient weapon. Leonardo came to Area 13 early in the morning, and Rayleigh started driving. bar to find someone.

As soon as he walked in, as he expected, there was a drunkard lying on the table in the corner. The wine sold in Rayleigh's bar was really expensive. No one with a net worth of 500 to 600 million would dare to come here for a drink. Liquor, if he didn't make a living by selling some information, let alone maintaining Rayleigh, he would have declared bankruptcy.

"Haha, Brother Marine, you still have such a sweet mouth. You're such a busy guy, why don't you come to my little bar in your spare time if you don't help Garp hunt down the Red Hair Pirates..."

Rayleigh's son Shakky said with a smile while wiping the wine glass.

As a famous intelligence dealer on the sea, it is no secret to her that the Marine Hero vs. Straw Hat Second Generation, the dragon-riding warrior red-haired Shanks, even Kizaru has joined the battle, but seeing how stable she is, the dragon-riding warrior is probably already there Escaped while being chased by Marine heroes…………

...I'm not dead yet, it wouldn't be polite to say bad things about him in front of others...-_-||"

After Shakky finished speaking, the drunkard lying on the table in the corner looked over with a dark look. If he hadn't already washed his hands and had no money to live on, he would have drawn his sword long ago.

This little bastard has to give him a blowjob every time he comes here. Do you really think there is no more oil in the labor-management oil barrel?

Is labor and capital called lazy sleep? Labor and capital is called making broad friends! (~X).

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