Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

560. Rayleigh: Shanks Can’T Be A Poor Guy!

"Eh?! Old man Rayleigh, are you there too? You've taken good care of yourself in the past two years. You still have your eight-pack abs. It's just that your skin is a bit...but it's okay. I'll take you to get two bottles of hyaluronic acid later. , guaranteed to bring you back to the top! But... I didn’t see you just now, and I thought you were going to the daughter country to make up for the mistakes you made when you were young! Speaking of which, you are a bit outrageous, look. The landlady is so kind to you and doesn’t care about your past. You are no longer young. You can’t be a teacher eating what’s in the pot and still thinking about what’s in the bowl. What I hate the most in my life is that kind of super Mangekyō! (^?^)? "

Leonardo pretended to be surprised and looked at the constipated Rayleigh and smiled.

.....Tell me, what's the matter with you coming to me? But before I tell you, I want to ask, how did Shanks get into trouble with that guy Garp? (O_O)?"

Rayleigh was too lazy to chat with him and get straight to the point~.

Hyaluronic acid injection?

Labor and management have always relied on personality charm and inner beauty to seduce girls. Is that really necessary?

His little brother was being chased so fiercely by Garp. It would be a lie to say that he was not worried. However, he was also very curious as to why Garp was chasing his little brother so fiercely. He looked like he would never give up until he killed his little brother. They were much more ferocious. Based on his understanding of Garp, Garp is not a stingy person, and Shanks has not done anything harmful since his debut. Plus, there is a Celestial Dragons father-in-law who is protecting him.

When he first debuted, wasn't his treatment pretty good? Except for that eagle-eyed handsome guy who kept pestering him for fencing all day long... Bah! Apart from the fencing competition, he didn't encounter any big trouble. I don't know how he ended up in East this time. Not only did Blue lose a hand, but he was also targeted by Garp. Judging from Marine's reaction of not making a big move, it felt more like a feud between Garp and his little brother.

But he really couldn't figure out how his little brother got into trouble with Garp. Their Roger Pirates had two major interns. Apart from Shanks, who he and Roger had high hopes for, the other one was Buggy. Buggy was still blind in East Blue. It seems that there is no hope. Now all hope is pinned on Shanks. Now Shanks is targeted by Garp. It is false to say that he is not worried, but Shakky can't find out the reason. Originally, he is I plan to ask Shanks when he comes to Sabaody land, and then he will come forward to help the little brother adjust. After all, being targeted by Garp is not a good thing.

My little brother is still young, so we can't let him be chased by Garp for decades like them and become a poor guy, right?

It didn't matter if they were poor back then, and it didn't matter if they were both parents, but Shanks couldn't be poor. Shanks and the rest of them had to support him. "Just the money he spent on drinking at Ma Zi's place every year was a lot..." .

Now that the Marine brat came to him, he could first understand the cause of the matter and then see how to adjust it.

.......Don’t you know yet? That bastard is so courageous. I thought he was already powerful enough by riding the girl from Celestial Dragons, but you know that this bastard is doing it in East Blue What? This bastard fooled the grandson of our Vice Admiral Garp into lameness. He has been clamoring all day long to become the Pirate King. Tell me, isn’t this wicked? Ever since Drago left Marine, this grandson But it is Vice Admiral Garp's sustenance. Now that it has been deceived into this, can Vice Admiral Garp not get angry? What would you feel if you and the boss's son were deceived by me into becoming Marines? What's more terrible, This bastard deceived Vice Admiral Garp’s grandson into lameness. He even gave Roger’s straw hat to Vice Admiral Garp’s grandson. Tell me, how wicked is this!”

Leonardo's saliva was flying like a thunderbolt, and he told all the evil things about the Dragon Riding Warrior in Windmill Town.


Rayleigh and Shakky were shocked!

Although this kid kept saying "Vice Admiral Garp's grandson" which sounded strangely like a curse, but they had no evidence, they understood everything this kid said.

Shanks actually deceived Garp's grandson!

No wonder Garp went crazy, what Shanks did was indeed a bit unethical.

Just like what this kid said, if they have children, and they are deceived by this kid into becoming a Marine...then what the hell, it would be weird if they don't start over again.

Don't doubt it. With this kid's historic mouth, anyone who is a middle-class person with little life experience can't stand up to this kid's deception...

…………please give me flowers……


"Fortunately we don't have children..."

Thinking of their pirates wearing Marine uniforms, Rayleigh and Shakky secretly breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time, this was the first time they were glad that they didn't have a child.

...Tell me, why did you come to me this time? Have you found a way to get to Sky Island?"

Now that he knows the whole story, Rayleigh is also planning to give up the idea of ​​being a middleman between the little brother and Garp. The so-called harm to the family... What the little brother did this time is indeed unreasonable. Who are you trying to fool? You can't fool Garp's grandson. ah!

Isn't it good to fool the guy in front of you?

"That's why I came here. The method has been found. Although it still sounds unreliable, it is also the most reliable method, and it is almost the same as what you described. But this time I am looking for something. I don’t know where to go to fight. I’m worried that the bird people there may be xenophobic and it won’t be easy to deal with then, so I would like to ask you to come with me and be a tour guide. Didn’t you go there with Roger? It wasn’t too long. You should go with me. Are you familiar with the people there? It will be easier for you to explain to them when the time comes.

Leonardo spread his hands and said.

"Isn't this... not good? You also know that I am just a coater now, and I rely on this job to support myself. If I go to Sky Island with you, how much less business will I have?

Rayleigh's eyes rolled around twice, and she said miserably while blowing on the fake wine in her hand.

It is inevitable that I will be poor, and I will have to rely on myself in the future!

...Come on, who doesn't know that you are a well-known coating master within a radius of two meters? I can count your customers with my toes in the past ten years. It's a gross business.

I'll calculate your daily salary for you. Come with me and you'll get food and lodging for two hundred and fifty a day. Do you want to do it? This is higher than our Marine private's monthly salary... (-_-)

Looking at Rayleigh who was about to settle the score with him, Leonardo directly planned to say it with a black line.

Why don't you go to the Daughter's Country or The Fish Men Island every few days to do some crazy business...

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