Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

563. Rayleigh: This Is Called Making Friends Broadly

"Beckman, what should I do now? I want to eat meat...!"

Seeing that the boss looked like he would rather die than give in for five buckets of rice, Lucky Lu looked at the big-headed Beckman with tears in his eyes, who was meditating with his eyes closed and holding spiritual food in his mouth. When he was in doubt, he asked Beckman Everything is in the fine tradition of Red Hair Pirates.

Call 117

Beckman looked at the pitiful eyes of the friends around him, took a deep breath of Huazi, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground and stamped it out, and stood up as if he had made some important decision. Look at Shanks seriously.

"There is nothing we can do.... Come on, Captain!"

"We support you!!!②?)?"

The dragon-riding warrior, the red-haired Shanks... died!!!!


"Wow! This is the legendary Sky Island! So beautiful! (?v?*)"

"Look, look, it's really not happening (??)O"

"It's so beautiful. I wonder where the legendary Golden Land is..."

At an altitude of 10,000 meters above Gaya Island, Bob and others on the warship looked at the few "birdmen" with small wings on their backs on the White Sea Coast and the vast white sea around them, and they couldn't bear it like country bumpkins entering the city. They were so amazed that some Marine uncles even took out a book of fairy tales and rummaged through it. The legendary Golden Land was full of gold, and even the toilets were made of pure gold. Who cares if you want to take one off and take it back? You have to work hard for a few thousand dollars a month.

Although they all knew that the purpose of this voyage was the legendary Sky Island, they all dared to believe that Sky Island really existed. After all, it was only mentioned in fairy tales, although Admiral Curry said that Rayleigh was I've been here with the Pirate King Roger, but who can be sure if this old guy is bragging...

Looking at all this now, this old guy is really not bragging!

It’s so ____ beautiful!

Even Gion, a true academic, was amazed by the scenery in front of her. She was not as superficial as Bob and others. There were records about Sky Island in Marine. She had seen a lot in those years and knew that Sky Island was indeed It really exists, but no one has found a way to board Sky Island. Marine has been looking for it for many years. After all, Marine relies on World Government for its funding. If Marine wants to escape from the restrictions of World Government, it is natural to find a way to make money. However, 80% of the world's economy is controlled by the Celestial Dragons. It is not easy for Marine to rely on the control of the World government. The legendary Golden Land full of gold is one of the ways. Therefore, Marine has been there for many years. I keep looking for a way to get to Sky Island, but if you think about the fairy tales mentioned in the book, I guess even an adult dog wouldn't believe it. This is why Marine has not found a way to land on Sky Island for many years.

Then when he saw those ladies on the beach with wings on their backs and flat chests, Gion secretly breathed a sigh of relief. For a moment, his confidence returned. The ladies with this style...

"Stop talking nonsense and go find the talker here quickly." "

Gion still remembered the purpose of coming up. After being a little surprised, he immediately came back to his senses and said, "We will talk about the Golden Country later. Finding Thunder Fruit for our precious daughter is the first priority now."

"There's no need to go. This is someone else's territory. He should have known about it when we came here. He is probably coming over now..."

Rayleigh shook her head and then looked at the surrounding scenery and fell into memories.

The scene when they came to Sky Island appeared in front of him as if it was yesterday. At that time, they were in high spirits, drinking and chatting happily. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. Roger is no longer here, and the friends have gone their separate ways. He His hair is already white, but I don’t know if that guy Jabba is still alive...

Recalling the scene back then, Rayleigh also looked hesitant.

"Dear friends from Qinghai...are you...Mr. Rayleigh?!"

Sure enough, within ten minutes of Rayleigh's wandering, a rather handsome old man riding a Pegasus, wearing a price tag and holding a knight's gun appeared above them. Suddenly he saw that Rayleigh on the warship looked familiar, and he recalled it. He looked at Rayleigh in surprise and uncertainty and asked.

I have to say that the old guy’s memory is quite good. More than ten years have passed. At that time, Rayleigh, a charming uncle with blond hair and gold-rimmed glasses who was still considered a master’s killer, is now a white-haired little old man. He can still look good. Recognized.

And the look of surprise on his brows told Leonardo that although this old guy Rayleigh was a bit of a scumbag, he didn't brag about it, and his relationship with this so-called "god" should be pretty good.

"Hahaha! I haven't seen Mr. Gan Fore for many years. I didn't expect you to still remember me."

Rayleigh looked at the little old man who had not changed at all in more than ten years and laughed boldly. At the same time, he did not forget to glance at Leonardo, as if to say "..." See? This is making friends broadly. You have your own people wherever you go."

Leonardo looked at Rayleigh's stinking look, rolled his eyes and didn't bother to criticize him. He didn't know what it was like to know a guy like this who could explode with Thunder Fruit if his big earlobe was bitten. What a stinker, the old guy is not your father!

I have the guts to ask him to ride a Pegasus to the New World and dress in such a high-profile manner so that he doesn’t get beaten up!

It’s so amazing......

"It's been more than ten years since we last met. How are Roger and the others?"

The little old man riding a Pegasus came to the warship and gave Rayleigh a big hug and then asked, maybe the other person is male and too old, Leonardo can still feel the weight and is resistant to this big announcement... ....

"(Wang Liaohao) The others are fine, but Roger was gone more than ten years ago..."

When it came to his friends, Rayleigh said with melancholy again.

"Really, it's such a pity... By the way, all Marine guests, why don't you come and sit at my house? Please let me do my best as a landlord."

After hearing the news about Roger's fart, the old knight's eyes dimmed a little, and then he looked at Leonardo and the others and said with renewed enthusiasm.

Although he couldn't understand why Rayleigh was obviously a pirate, how could he hang out with these Uncle Marines? Aren't Marines and pirates cats and dogs?

Could it be that Rayleigh has always been an undercover agent sent by Marine to stay with Roger?

Looking at these Uncle Marine's faces, he doesn't look like a bad guy, especially the handsome Marine standing in the C position. At first glance, he is an upright Marine, but he is a guest from afar.

He's not a pirate, Uncle Marine can't come and fuck him, right?

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