Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

564. It Takes No Effort To Get It.

"Mr. Rayleigh and all the Marine guests, why do you want to come to our Sky Island?"

After everyone arrived at Gan Fore's luxurious palace, Gan Fore was also a very forthright little old man. He immediately asked people to hold a banquet without wasting time. Gan Fore asked Rayleigh while blowing bottles.

"Mr. Gan Fuer is actually Jiang Zi. A few years ago, I got some information about a Devil Fruit from a pirate. There is a high probability that this Devil Fruit is on Sky Island. This Devil Fruit is our former Marine." The Devil Fruit owned by several Marine Admirals, we at Marine have not been able to find it for many years and have no clues, so we came here to look for it."

Rayleigh did not answer but looked at Leonardo who was tasting the delicacies of Sky Island. I have to say that the delicacies of Sky Island are very different from the delicacies in Qinghai. The taste alone is completely different. Most of the delicacies in Qinghai are delicious. A lot of seasonings are used, but relatively few seasonings are used in the delicacies cooked here on Sky Island. Really high-end ingredients often only require the simplest cooking methods.

After receiving the look from Rayleigh, Leonardo put down a piece of barbecue from an unknown animal in his hand, wiped his mouth and said to Gan Fore.

He wasn't worried that when the little old man discovered the Devil Fruit and saw how much attention they paid to it, he would think that the Devil Fruit was awesome, so he hid it himself after finding it. The meaning of 143 in his words was very clear. This Devil Fruit belonged to the first few of them. They have been looking for Marine Admiral for many years. After all, this little old man has been the leader of Sky Island for so many years. It’s not like he would offend him for the Marine Award for a Devil Fruit. This little old man has come along all the way. He also saw the bodyguards, they were just a group of little garami who knew how to use their fists and embroider their legs to have guys in their hands. No wonder they were pushed sideways by the big earlobes in the original work. Although Thunder Fruit is very powerful, it was without Haki. Only under certain circumstances will he appear invincible, fast and destructive, but in the New World, he is estimated to be worth only around 5.6 billion.

Being able to be promoted with a net worth of 5 to 6 billion, this group of people does have something to say. Although this little old man has been around for so many years, I don’t know if he has ever been to Qinghai, but I believe that a Marine Admiral is enough to scare him. Of course, this little old man I have close friendships with people like Roger and Rayleigh, and I think he is a relatively open-minded person. In front of Roger, who can listen to the voices of all things, I really can't hide the good or bad.

Because of his playing style, his Observation Haki is only so-so, and he does not pursue the ultimate level of predicting the future for five seconds (biad). As for the ability to listen to the voices of all things, he suspects that it is related to personal talent. It has nothing to do with the strength of Observation Haki. Garp, Zephyr, Sengoku, Kong, Rayleigh and others all have such abilities. If he didn't have a system dad to protect him, his talent wouldn't be that strong. Observation Even if Haki is very good at it, he probably won't reach the level of Ka-2, and it doesn't match his playing style at all, so he doesn't pay much attention to it.

"So that's it! The Devil Fruit you are talking about is the kind of fruit with strange patterns, right? My partner once ate this kind of fruit and became like this now. I actually got one two years ago. I don't know. Is it the one you are looking for? Please wait a moment and I will show it to you..."

After listening to Leonardo's description, Gan Fore pondered for a while and then seemed to think of something and said to everyone.

"Really?! That's great. I've seen the Devil Fruit illustrated book before, and I can bear this Thunder Fruit. Sorry to trouble you, Mr. Ganfuer!"

When Leonardo was still surprised when he heard that Devil Fruit was in the hands of this little old man, Gion next door became obviously more excited. It took no effort to get this!

Originally, they thought it would take a lot of effort to find this fruit. After all, Sky Island is quite large. It would not be easy to find a small Devil Fruit, even with the help of someone here, let alone if This Devil Fruit hasn't appeared on Sky Island yet, so it would be a waste of time and Bob would have to stay here for several years. After all, he doesn't know when that big earlobe got the Thunder Fruit.

Unexpectedly, Gan Fule had a Devil Fruit in his hand. He estimated that this Devil Fruit was probably the Thunder Fruit. After all, there were only three Devil Fruits that appeared on Sky Island in the original work, the phantom beast species, the Horse Fruit. .The Pegasus form was eaten by this little old man’s horse. It’s a pretty awesome Karma Fruit, but that thing didn’t appear until after Garp’s grandson debuted, so it shouldn’t have appeared on Sky Island yet, so it should There is only this Thunder Fruit.

Speaking of which, the Feng Shui of Sky Island is really awesome. There are two awesome Devil Fruits in one place. Let’s not talk about Thunder Fruit. Logia is known as the most awesome one. Its speed can match Kizaru’s Sparkling Fruit and its destructive power. You might as well give in to Akainu's Lava-Lava Fruit, it's almost a combination of offense and defense.

There is also the causal fruit. This kind of regular Paramecia fruit is pretty awesome, but most people really can't play with it. Among the three series of Devil Fruit, Logia has the smallest development space, and Zoan has not much development space. Paramecia has the largest development space. The cool things are really cool, and the rubbish is also rubbish.

For example, a hot fruit in the hands of those uneducated pirates is completely different from that in the hands of Charlotte's fat lady, her overachieving son. His precious daughter is surrounded by Vice Admiral Crane with multiple postdoctoral degrees. If But he really wants to get a Paramecia for his baby daughter, but there are too few outstanding Paramecias. The only few outstanding Paramecias he knows about either have to wait for more than ten years or wait for Whitebeard to hit the street. The world has been too long... ....…

But there is another problem here. If the Thunder Fruit is in the hands of this little old man, how can it be obtained by that big earlobe in the future? The identity of the big earlobe should not be able to contact the leader of Sky Island, right?

"No trouble, if you eat this, you will become a landlubber. No one of my men wants to eat it, so I will keep it. If you don't tell me, I will forget that I have a Devil Fruit here... Hahaha. "

Gan Fule, who had a bit of a fight with Rayleigh, blushed and laughed. He probably was old and had bad legs and feet, so he stood up and walked towards the depths of his palace.

"Hiccup... After eating the Devil Fruit, you will be abandoned by the sea. Although your abilities are good, you can't go into the water!"

Rayleigh, who was also on top, looked at them speechlessly and said after letting out a long belch.

Although he doesn't care too much about eating Devil Fruit, in the eyes of traditional pirates like them who have been pursuing freedom all their lives, eating Devil Fruit will mean being abandoned by the sea.

This guy is still a pirate, so he personally doesn’t think much of Devil Fruit. No, the people in the Roger Pirates don’t think much of Devil Fruit. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have taken the Devil Fruit they got back then. Lost it to Buggy. .

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