Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

565. Rayleigh Wouldn’T Have Taken Advantage Of Teacher Kaido Back Then, Right?

"That's right, that's the fruit. Thank you so much, Mr. Gan Fore!"

When the little old man came out with a small wooden box, Gion couldn't sit still as soon as he opened the small wooden box. He came to the little old man with a "whoosh" faster than Kizaru's speed of light and said thank you, but in his hand But I didn’t know what politeness meant, so I grabbed the small wooden box directly.

"Hahahaha, no need to be so polite..."

"Boom boom......!"

"What's wrong, sir, there's a big monster coming outside, and all our people have been killed!!!"

The little old man just laughed twice and before he could say a few words, there were several loud noises outside, and a little old man's younger brother ran in in panic.

"Nani?! What bastard doesn't want to mess around anymore and dares to cause trouble on my territory. Guests, please wait a moment while I go out and take a look..."

When the little old man heard what his little brother said, he immediately frowned and became angry. He was already a little high and stimulated by the alcohol, but when he heard that his little brother was fucked, he could still bear it. After speaking to everyone, he picked up the guy and summoned Pegasus. The companion rushed out.'s that idiot Kaido, let's go out and have a look...~..-_-||"

Leonardo and Rayleigh are all experts in sex. After hearing what this little brother said, Observation Haki has already started to sense the scene of the big monster beating the children in front of him. The crazy tendon meat plus a super large size. Bangzi, who else could it be if it wasn’t Mr. Kaido?

Not to mention that the little old man is already in his 70s and 80s due to alcohol, even if he returns to the peak of decades ago, with a teacher of 10 or 80 years old and a stick...

I sensed that Mr. Kaido and Leonardo also had a black streak. I was wondering why the Thunder Fruit had already been obtained by this little old man. People at the lowest level like those with big earlobes would most likely not be able to reach the top of Sky Island. , how did he get Thunder Fruit with such big earlobes, but now that Mr. Kaido appears, he has a high probability of guessing that this is the case.

For a large house demolition company like Mr. Kaido, it would be strange if this luxurious palace of the little old man is not demolished if it really starts working. Then it will be normal for Thunder Fruit to be missing...

He is short-tongued and soft-handed. After receiving such a big gift from someone, it is not easy to watch others being bullied.

"Boom boom boom......"

"Oh my god, this monster is so scary..."

"Sir, be careful!"

"Ahem...Damn it!"



It’s so miserable!

When everyone rushed to the battlefield, they happened to see the little old man and his little friend Pegasus being hit with a home run by Mr. Kaido. Judging from the strength of Mr. Kaido's swing, it was purely because the little old man and his Pegasus were not beaten. It's because he is still needed in the plot later. Oda simply doesn't want him to burp now. However, after Mr. Kaido's blow, the little old man and his Pegasus are no longer able to move. The younger brothers with wings around him are even worse. Many of the people lying on the ground had been beaten into meat buns by Teacher Kaido. Only a few were paralyzed on the ground and cheered for their boss.

The cheering and shouting was indeed loud enough, but it was of no use. It did not add combat power to the little old man at all. In the first round, the little old man had no health left.

"What is Kaido doing here at Sky Island?"

Gion frowned and hugged the small wooden box tightly as he looked at the cruel Kaido teacher in front of him.

.....Maybe Qinghai below can no longer hide his soul of war. "

"Hey, hey, hey! Rayleigh, what are you doing? (⊙_⊙)?"

Leonardo was speechless and spread his hands. Teacher Kaido ran up to him. He probably couldn't satisfy him anymore by playing iron at home and ran up to play bungee jumping. Then he saw Rayleigh, an old boy, running up behind him and shrinking down. As if he was hiding something, Leonardo looked confused.

"Huh? You bastard brat... Wow! Rayleigh, you bastard bastard is here too!! (Dan)"

As if he heard what Leonardo said, Teacher Kaido suddenly turned around, ignoring Uncle Marine next to Leonardo, and focused all his eyes on Leonardo. Just when he was about to say something, he suddenly glanced at Behind Leonardo is a dodging little old man.

It's him!

It's him!

it's him!

Back then, when he was not yet fully developed, he met him who was in his prime and at his peak. Back then, when he had collected all the six divine costumes, he met him who was despicable and shameless and had no martial ethics!


Although many years have passed and this bastard has gray hair, Mr. Kaido still remembers him even if he turned into ashes!


This old bastard with no martial ethics, he and Roger led a group of despicable and shameless bastards to bully the more powerful and make him bed-ridden for more than two years. This was the only major injury he suffered in his pirate career. Seeing Rayleigh At that moment, Teacher Kaido, who could be described as an enemy, was extremely jealous when he met him. Even the kid Marine who often teased him and stood with him was completely ignored by him. The focus of his eyes was all on Rayleigh who was hiding behind Leonardo. .


Leonardo and the others looked at Teacher Kaido, whose anger was rising and his eyes were on fire. He was ignoring them as if he had met the enemy who killed his father. They all looked confused, especially Leonardo, who just remembered that he was a little angry. Teacher Kaido played a few times, and then he took Teacher Guytu's head horse in exchange for a wave of bonuses.


After all, Teacher Kaido should have a deep hatred for him. That time Teacher Kaido didn't directly attack him when he met him, but now his big enemy has been ignored. Teacher Kaido only has Rayleigh in his eyes now. They were a little confused and looked at the old boy Rayleigh. Did this old boy do something immoral back then to offend Mr. Kaido? He has been retired for more than ten years and he is still so resented by Mr. Kaido that he ignores his current big enemy... ..

Then everyone recalled Rayleigh's decades-long pirate career. To be honest, Rayleigh's pirate career can be called a legend. It is no exaggeration to say that it is more exciting than Roger, the pirate king. The legendary stories he left on the sea are simply a man's. Model⋯⋯⋯⋯


Everyone thought of the legendary story Rayleigh left on the sea, and then looked at Teacher Kaido, whose anger level was skyrocketing. They seemed to have thought of something, and their eyes when looking at Rayleigh became rosy.

Generally, things that can make people harbor hatred for more than ten years are either the hatred for killing their father or the hatred for taking away their wives. No one knows who Mr. Kaido’s parents are, so there is no hatred for killing his father, and the only thing left is the hatred for taking away his wife. I hate it, but looking back at "Poseidon + Pluton", most of the legendary stories in Rayleigh's life are related to girls, and the answer is naturally obvious.

Rayleigh couldn't have pried Teacher Kaido into knocking on the wall, right?

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