Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

568. Teacher Kaido: If You Can Do It, Go Ahead!

Rayleigh, this bastard, always wanted to seduce Charlotte. Of course he knew that when Charlotte was young, she was not what she is now. She was the flower of the New World. I don’t know how many bastards wanted to fall under her pomegranate skirt. Golden Lion. The old man is also one of them. When he was still growing, the old man from Golden Lion often bullied him because of Charlotte's fat wife. However, Golden Lion's method of flirting with girls was too clumsy and he couldn't win over Charlotte's fat lady, but Rayleigh, that bastard, is different.

Almost half of the legendary stories on the sea back then were related to this bastard. When he and fat lady Charlotte separated, he seriously suspected that this bastard was here, but there was no evidence. Now this bastard is retired. Teacher Kaido couldn't bear it now that he went to find Charlotte, the fat lady, after being retired.

He was just one of those bastards kept by Charlotte's fat woman, and now Rayleigh, this bastard, wants two!!! (^x)


"Bang bang bang bang!"


Rayleigh, who was crazy and defensive, looked at the angry stupid guy with black lines on his head. Everyone said that this stupid big guy had enlightened his mind and learned to use his brain, but now he doubted that this stupid big guy was really pretending. Shit!

He believed everything others said. Even when Charlotte was young, she was as beautiful as a flower and a real beauty. But now, with Charlotte’s weight, he wouldn’t even accept it if it was delivered to his door. He’s really treating everyone Treat it like he is no longer picky about food...

But now he can't explain it. With such a stupid big man acting so superior, everything he says is in vain and he can only continue to carry it. Fortunately, he has been recuperating recently and did not go to the Daughter's Country to meet The Fish Men Island. , Shakky’s personal dino whipped wine worked pretty well and is still holding up.

"Hiss!! Rayleigh is so strong, I thought he was going to die just now..._©/*)"

The violent battle ahead stunned a group of Marine uncles, especially Rayleigh's strong defensive ability which opened their eyes. The old man looked out of breath before, but he was able to defend against Kaido. The teacher's violent attack lasted so long, it was so sharp!

You must know that every attack from Teacher Kaido can explode the space. Just thinking about that kind of power makes your scalp numb. Anyway, if they are allowed to attack, they can't even defend against such a brutal attack from Teacher Kaido. Just block it. They were all crippled, but Rayleigh, an old man over sixty years old, actually managed to prevent them all.

He is truly a legendary pirate!!!!


Toss Berry, who was brought to the world by Leonardo, has already dislocated his jaw. There is no way. He has not experienced any big world experiences since his debut. The only big world experience was when he was an intern. When Teacher Zephyr led them to improve their performance, Teacher Zephyr beat three pirates with a net worth of over 100 million to a pulp.

He has never personally experienced a battle of this level between Mr. Kaido and Rayleigh. The force of the collision between the two sides was too fierce. Compared with such a scene, Mr. Zephyr defeated Three Tails, a big pirate worth over 100 million yuan, one-on-one. The scene where he was beaten into a dog was just a joke. At this moment, he really couldn't find any words to express the scene in front of him. It was too cruel. The big monster Kaido was as violent as if he had taken Power Man, and the legendary big pirate "Pluton" "Rayleigh is old and strong but still very energetic.

Is this the ceiling of combat power on the sea?

..... Now it's just a warm-up session. When Curry Admiral comes on the court later, you will know what cruelty is..."

Bob, who had been calmed down by Rayleigh's age and strength, was now calm. Although he was surprised that Rayleigh was still so strong at this age, but thinking about it, he was once a top pirate. After Roger became Before One Piece became a god, his reputation was even better than Roger's. So the scumbag hasn't been hacked to death yet, so he must be very strong. Now he's older, but it seems like it's okay to resist Kaido-sensei. Whitebeard is also older. Don’t you still sink Kaido into the sea often?

Although Rayleigh didn't expect Whitebeard's physical condition, Kaido on the opposite side was not without the ability to fight back...

"Hey! Kaido, are you okay? Just shouting god-tier is useless! Swing the bat!"

"And Rayleigh, your defense is useless, counterattack! Stab him in the waist!"

From a distance, Leonardo watched Teacher Kaido unable to attack for a long time, while Rayleigh kept passively defending, shouting at the two of them with hatred, rolling up his sleeves and shaking his fist once or twice, not to mention looking at the two Idiots are fighting, and it feels so good to light a fire on the side! \(^?^)?

"."Bang neighbor!"

...Son of a bastard! You go ahead!?(*`Dan'*)??"

Kaido-sensei was already very annoyed when he kept swinging the stick but couldn't hit it. But that Marine brat was still chirping and making sarcastic remarks. Kaido-sensei was so angry that he smashed the super-large stick on the ground. , said angrily at the Marine brat who had never heard of it.

It's not that he doesn't work hard, Rayleigh, that bastard's defense is as airtight as a tortoise shell, even more disgusting than that old guy Whitebeard who combines offense and defense. Whitebeard at least always fights with him, but when it comes to Rayleigh This bastard, none of his attacks were particularly comfortable. Every time he swung the bat, he was blocked by this bastard before he reached the most comfortable position. His powerful power couldn't be used at all. It was so disgusting that he wanted to vomit.

Rayleigh wears glasses just to pretend to be polite and flirt with girls. When did the uneducated bastard (Wang Qianhao) become a technical expert? It’s really fucked up... Now that Marine brat is still bitching and bitching. There was no more fun, and Teacher Kaido became even more unhappy.

He didn’t know that this little Marine kid was incompatible with him. Every time he met this kid, he got so angry that everything went smoothly. This time, too, he originally just wanted to do a high-altitude bungee jump, but ended up flying too high and discovered a fairy tale. In the story of Sky Island, as soon as the talented girl landed on the ground, she was treated as an alien invasion by a group of birdmen and little galami. She was so immortal that she met this brat and found his big enemy Rayleigh. Bastard, I originally thought that Rayleigh Bastard's hair was white and he should be as good as Golden Lion and be defeated by him, but I didn't expect that Rayleigh Bastard still had a little more fuel in the tank.

The attack may not be as sharp as before, but it is even more disgusting than before. It will be very bad if you encounter this brat.

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