Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

569. The Old Guy Can’T Even Do It, So He’S So New At It.

"It's not like you haven't fought before. Who can make money like you? You can't get anything even if they try to fight for you. You're the one who takes the lead in New World. Pay attention to my eyes...?ç¬

Leonardo continued to spit out fragrance and finally ended the attack with an undisguised look.

"Damn you brat, you have the guts to say it once! (#` Dis')"

Teacher Kaido was stimulated by this look. He rolled up his sleeves and rushed in front of Leonardo with a big stick on his back. His tiger eyes as big as copper bells were blazing with fire and he stared at him like he was about to do something.

"A guy who can't even fuck an old guy has any dignity, right? If you dare, fuck him over. I don't want to talk to a guy. o('^^)0"

I don’t know how long it had been since Mr. Kaido had washed his face. When he saw that the big copper bell that was less than one meter away from him actually had eye turds in his big eyes, he was instantly disgusted and pulled Gion forward and opened his eyes again. The distance left is humming, indicating that he is not talking to Lao Huo.

"You damn bastard..."

"Who are you talking about, bastard?"

"The bastard said you..."

"Oh! So the bastard is talking about me..."

"Smelly brat..."

"I won't talk to Laohuo 170('^`)o"


"I won't talk to Laohuo...o(^^)o"

"You retreat"

"I won't talk to Laohuo...(^`)O"


Everyone was dumbfounded when they saw the two figures, one big and one small, talking to each other without anyone else. You look at me, I look at you. This change didn't happen too fast, catching them off guard.

You guys should really fight! There is an egg between the spray...-_-||

Kaido is also an idiot. He knows that Admiral's mouth is at a historical level, but he insists on confronting Admiral. Isn't this just asking for abuse?

Looking at Mr. Kaido, who was screaming with anger at Admiral, all the Marine uncles also shook their heads speechlessly. No wonder Mr. Kaido, the one-on-one king, was suppressed for so many years before he came forward. The hardware has come up, but the software is obviously I can’t keep up!

It seems that the big pirates in New World are not that easy to mess around. Just relying on force is not enough, you also need to have brains.

In fact, more than 20 years ago, after Mr. Kaido bravely broke into Naval Headquarters many times and was executed dozens of times without dying, Mr. Kaido's hardware has already met the standards of the top four. As long as it is better than the one that hides its head and shows its tail, it was Kong in West Blue. Baloric Redfield who was sent to Impel Down is much more famous, and Kaido-sensei has the attributes of Immune to Death.

Before the rise of Admiral in their Curry, they were unique in the world. There was basically no problem with being among the top four players. The Golden Lion, the number one player in the New World back then, had many younger players who did not dare to provoke Mr. Kaido.

But I don’t know if this guy is playing iron too much and has developed muscles in his brain. This software really can’t keep up with its own hardware. When playing in a group, one person always goes first, but his little brother hasn’t arrived yet. , he was besieged and beaten to death by the enemy. He obviously had so many younger brothers! Wouldn’t it be OJBK to join a group with his younger brothers?

Even now, even though they know that Admiral in Curry is a bad mouth person, he still insists on getting in touch with him to criticize him.

Teacher Kaido was able to take over, and they all wondered if it was because New World's top talents were withering away, so they picked someone from among the dwarfs...

"This Kaido is so pitiful. He is a New World giant after all. Do you want to persuade Admiral Curry..."

However, there are some who don’t understand anything. Uncle Marine, who debuted only a short time ago, really can’t stand it anymore. Although Kaido-sensei is a pirate, he is still a big shot. Curry Admiral almost turned him into a dog. It is inevitable that he is a little uncomfortable. Stress martial ethics and disrespect your opponents...


.........Son, did you pay for this Ensign as a gift?"

Everyone looked at Uncle Marine, who felt sorry for Mr. Kaido, and found that it was not a big-headed soldier but an Ensign who looked to be in his late teens. Bob was very curious about where this innocent child got his military rank, and how he got it. Come to their Sabaody branch.

Although the people in their Sabaody local branch are slightly suspected of ruining the retirement sanctuary, since their year, there have been some connections in the Naval Headquarters, old people with no big moles who just want to make money for retirement, and have no business ability. The fried dough sticks will be sent to their Sabaody land by Marshal Sengoku.

However... such a naive and simple child should not appear in their Sabaody branch. You must know that it is difficult for such a naive and simple child to survive in their Sabaody branch...

“Reporting Bob Vice Admiral, I am Latina Rajeri who graduated from Marine College this year, Dalmecia Vice Admiral is my uncle!!”

This innocent young man raised his head, straightened his chest, tightened his abdomen and lifted his buttocks, and replied in a clear and loud voice, without any shame at all.

His uncle Dalmecia once scolded him. If anything happened in the Marine, he should report his name. Although he was not an Admiral or a first brother, he still had some respect in the Marine. He had always followed his uncle's teachings. Whenever someone asks him, he always tells his uncle's name before opening or closing his mouth. Anyway, the effect has been pretty good since Marine Academy.


A group of Marine uncles around him looked at this young man who was obviously from a very well-connected family but had no shame at all.

So they have the most annoying relationship, but it’s not easy to criticize. The one in Dalmecia is their Naval Headquarters elite Vice Admiral. He debuted at the same time as Kizaru Admiral and Akainu Admiral. Zephyr’s chief instructor’s protégé, Marine Vice The main player in Admiral has a much higher rank than Bob and Toss Berry who are present. They are both Marine Vice Admiral, but their wages and benefits are not comparable to theirs.

However, this kid graduated with an Ensign badge and was clearly the eldest nephew of Vice Admiral of Dalmesia. Sengoku Admiral actually brought him to their Sabaody branch to eat and drink. They probably guessed that this innocent and innocent child was here. Here's the reason....

This kid is too naive and probably has no real qualities. Dalmecia Vice Admiral himself probably can't protect him.

"Your idea is right. If you continue to maintain and carry forward your fantastic ideas, you will have a bright future in the future..."

People are talking about this, what else can Bob say? He has an awesome uncle to protect him, and he, who seems to be in his twilight years, can only send the most sincere blessings to this child... ………….

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