Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

575. Sengoku: There Is Something Wrong With Roger’S Brain

Marineford, Marine's first brother's office,

"Nani?! You found a way to Sky Island, and you also found Thunder Fruit on it? You even had a fight with Kaido on Sky Island? Why did Kaido go there? Did you find the Golden Land? (O_O)?"

Sengoku was surprised to see his eldest nephew lying on his sofa like a dead fish with a look of disbelief on his face.

If someone dared to lie like a dead fish on the leather sofa he just ordered last week in his office without taking off their shoes, he would have kicked them out.

But now these are minor problems. The key is that the amount of information the eldest nephew has given him is a bit large.

He was surprised in three ways.

The first is Sky Island. Of course he knows that Sky Island is not a fairy tale, and the Golden Land on Sky Island is not a legend. It really exists. After all, Marine has been secretly searching for Sky Island for so many years. Island's method is, of course, for the legendary Golden Township, Golden Township, Golden Township. Just by hearing this name, you know that there must be gold everywhere.

The price of gold is so expensive now. As long as they find the Golden Land, they, Marine, can't be said to be completely free from the constraints of the world government, but they don't have to think that many departments were interfered by the world government like in the past.

The second point is definitely the Thunder Fruit, the strongest Logia fruit. He knows how rare Logia is. Marine has also been looking for the awesome Devil Fruit for many years, but it is too random. Over the years, they Marine's harvest is not big, and there is no Logia or ultra-rare Devil Fruit from the fantasy beast series. His Devil Fruit was found on Rocks' ship when he defeated the Rocks Pirate in the Valley of Gods battle.

Just look at the current Marine Three Admiral to know how strong Logia is. Two years ago, their Marine finally found a Smoke Fruit with no attack power. He was happy for several months. Now he keeps it like a treasure and plans to keep it. A good prospect for the next generation of Marine, but Marine Academy really hasn't produced any decent talents in the past two years, and he really doesn't want to waste a Logia.

Not to mention that this kid actually found Thunder Fruit, who is known as the strongest Logia. Fortunately, he is often stimulated by that bastard Garp, and his mental endurance is relatively strong. Then he is a proper future Marine general!

The third point, and the most important point, is that Kaido is not competing for hegemony in the New World, so why is he going to Sky Island? Could it be that he is going to the Golden Land, and is he still being hunted by Garp in the New World? If you know where Gou is, there are four top pirates, Whitebeard, Charlotte, Kaido and Red Hair.

Although Whitebeard is powerful, over the years Whitebeard has never shown any great ambitions. He has no idea of ​​becoming the Pirate King and unifying the world. Therefore, both Marine and World Government have always had a laissez-faire attitude towards Whitebeard, and Whitebeard's power is too destructive, but it is not very harmful. They can only let it go until they are not completely sure to kill Whitebeard.

The same is true for the red-haired dragon-riding warriors. So far, the Red Hair Pirates are quite honest. They have completely inherited Roger’s willpower before he became a teenage boy. In addition, there is a Celestial Dragons father-in-law covering him. Even if he is a red-haired man, His good friend's grandson was deceived into being lame, so he didn't touch him. After all, the current red hair was not very harmful.

In addition to eating all day long, Fat Lady Charlotte spends her days breeding offspring at home. Although she shouts about becoming the Pirate King and having sex with Kaido in the New World all day long, in his opinion, Fat Lady Charlotte is not enough evidence.

Nowadays, the most dangerous of the four top pirates is Kaido. First of all, Kaido has great ambitions. He is very much like the Golden Lion, the benchmark in the pirate world. He spends all day either shouting about dominating the world or destroying the world. Secondly, Kaido is really troublesome. He is thick-skinned and thick-bodied and has strong recovery ability. Even Vegapunk's big head can't find a way to kill Kaido.

He was really worried that Kaido was heading to the Golden Land when he went to Sky Island. If Kaido were to get the Golden Land with Kaido's radical character, it would be difficult to handle!

..... Marshal Sengoku, you have a lot of questions, I don’t even know where to answer them?-_-||”

Leonardo slumped on this expensive leather sofa and said feebly. The stamina for a protracted battle with Mr. Kaido was really too low. He rested for two days at Sky Island and calculated the weather before returning to Qinghai, because Gion was in a hurry. He was so impatient that he wanted to give Thunder Fruit to his precious daughter, so he brought Gion to the headquarters first. After resting for two days, he finally had some energy to come to Sengoku to report on his work. It turned out that he had just talked about having sex with Kaido-sensei at Sky Island. After a while, he was confused by Sengoku's series of questions.

...Please give me flowers,

"..The first one is no problem. First, please tell me how you found Sky Island and how you got up there?"

Looking at the eldest nephew's behavior, he knew that he was having fun with Kaido. He has not yet recovered and his mind has slowed down for several beats. He was indeed a little too excited, so he calmed down and asked a question, which was also the question he wanted to know the most. They, Marine, had been searching for so many years but couldn't find a way to get to Sky Island, and in the end, their eldest nephew found it.

"Speaking of which, I discovered Rayleigh when I first arrived in Sabaody, and after chatting with Rayleigh for a few days, he said that he and Roger had been to Sky Island once, but I didn't take it seriously at first. Later, he went to New World from A pirate got a tip about Thunder Fruit on Sky Island. I was thinking about getting a Devil Fruit for Lucy some time ago and then I remembered it. After that, I asked Dominic to ask Rayleigh how to get to Sky Island."

"You may not believe it, but according to what Rayleigh said, Roger originally found the way to Sky Island from a fairy tale. It turned out to be successful. After that, Dominic and the others read fairy tales for more than half a year before they found one that looked better. A reliable method is that there is a sky-high current called the "Monster Current" on Gaya Island. Roger used this "Monster Current" to get to Sky Island. We also used this method."

Leonardo directly passed the blame to Rayleigh and said listlessly. After all, he couldn't tell Sengoku that he only knew that Roger and the others had been to Sky Island after reading the original work. To tell him, Sengoku would probably ask him to see a brain doctor and pass the blame to Rayleigh. It's the best way. Anyway, Roger and the others have indeed been to Sky Island.


Sengoku's brain has gone crazy, and his outlook on life that has lasted for decades has been severely impacted this time. The solution that Marine has been looking for for so many years and has not found is actually written in a fairy tale book?

The most important thing is that Roger has a really special brain and actually believes in the evil in fairy tales. The key is that he is really successful!

He deserves to be able to become the Pirate King. This heaven-defying luck can't help him...

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