Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

576. Kaido Has Read Fairy Tales?

He knew about the "monster current" on Gaya Island. Over the years, there would be several incidents where this "monster current" would be pushed up to high altitudes and fall to pieces. However, no one had ever thought of using this "monster current" to board the ship. The danger of the mentioned Sky Island is too high, coupled with the instability of the "monster current", which sometimes gets bigger and smaller. The legendary Sky Island is at an altitude of tens of thousands of meters. If the momentum of this current is not so strong, It only reaches a few thousand meters in the air and then stops. If it falls, it will be absolutely shattered.

Moreover, this method is only mentioned in fairy tales. A normal five-year-old child would know that fairy tales are all lies. Only Roger's brain can find this kind of method from fairy tales. Method, Sengoku admired Rayleigh and the guys for being really big-hearted and dared to accompany Roger to play like this. If one of the "670" fell off the cliff, it would be cool.

Those guys were still young back then, so they were desperate for their lives.

It's no wonder that Marine hasn't found a way to log in to Sky Island for so many years. To be honest, things like this in fairy tales won't be accepted in court. If any kid dares to come to him with a fairy tale book and say it's a way to log in to Sky. Island's method, he didn't say anything and used a big hand to blow people away from the cliff. It's really ridiculous. Only people like Roger who have been at sea for decades and can still maintain their innocence will believe it. This kind of thing.

Hmm... I might also believe what Garp says...

"Second question, do you know if Kaido has any purpose in going to Sky Island? Have you found the Golden Land?"

After praising Rayleigh for their thoughtfulness, Sengoku calmed down and asked the second question. This was also what he cared about the most. He was not afraid of how much trouble Kaido would cause, but he was afraid that Kaido would make a fortune.

Although Kaido's Beasts Pirates have always been aggressive and fierce, due to Kaido's playing style, they have been the "Three Disasters" for many years. The younger brother changed them one after another, and that's why. Beasts Pirates has been unable to grow bigger and stronger for so many years. It has never been able to break out of the New World and go global like the original Golden Lion. But if Kaido's goal is the Golden Land, if he really gets it, he can harvest it regardless of the cost. He’s a younger brother, and what’s most indispensable in the New World is cannon fodder younger brothers!

... Marshal Sengoku, Kaido is a bit stupid, but his mind is quite normal. To be honest, if Rayleigh hadn't told me that there is indeed a golden land up there, I wouldn't have believed it. Besides, when those big pirates have time, they might as well read some small books or something. Who would be bored reading fairy tales? For a guy like Kaido who started killing people at the age of five, I guess he doesn’t even know the story of the Seven Dwarfs. I’ve never heard of it, so how could I believe in the Golden Land? I guess he got tired of playing iron all the time and wanted to change to something else, like high-altitude bungee jumping or something. Finding Sky Island must have been an accident. That guy looks too good. Ugly, as soon as he went up, the birdmen from Sky Island thought they were invaded by alien creatures, so they started fighting. "

"As for the Golden Land, we haven't seen it. We fought a protracted battle with Kaido at that time. Kaido was exhausted and I was almost exhausted. Now you can see it. After so many days of rest, my feet are still weak even when I walk. At that time, We were worried that Tien and the others would not be able to hold Kaido if he woke up early, so Tien asked Bob and the others to throw Kaido down from the top, and then came back in a hurry. There was no time to look for the golden land, and even if we found it, we I can’t bring it back, Rayleigh said, but there are still people there, and the gold is also their property. We, the Marines, are the incarnation of justice and can’t take it by force.”

Leonardo spread his hands and said.

Although he also loves money, he must get it in a wise way. If he had turned into a big earlobe before he went to Sky Island, and if he had scraped off all the gold and used it to build a gold ship, he would have wiped out all the gold. It doesn't matter if you come down, but now the talker of Sky Island is still the little old man of Sky Knight, and they also got the Thunder Fruit. He probably never hopes that the big earlobe will be the talker of Sky Island in his life and lead his little brother to the moon. Now The residents of Golden Township are also living well. Even if he went there, he could only dig up two gold bricks as a souvenir...

"...Let's ignore this topic for now. Are you going to give that Thunder Fruit to Lucy?"

Hearing what he said, Sengoku nodded in agreement with his statement. If it weren't for the clear record in Marine that the Golden Land was part of Gaya Island four hundred years ago, he wouldn't have believed in the existence of the real Golden Township, let alone the current Golden Land. Almost all the legends of the village come from fairy tales. Not to mention those pirates who kill people all day long. Even in the Marine, no one will look at those childish things. People like Kaido who always shout and kill, have seen it. Fairy tales are really ghostly...

As for the matter of the Golden Country, what the eldest nephew said makes sense. They are Marines who uphold justice, and they still have to stick to their own bottom line. He was also a little bit troubled just now. After all, their Marines really want to break free from the shackles of the World Government, so When I heard that my eldest nephew had been to Sky Island, all I could think about was the Golden Land...

The last question is very important. In fact, from his own or Marine's perspective, he doesn't really want Thunder Fruit to be given to Lucy Jiu. Of course, he also likes Jiu Lucy's child, but after all, Jiu Lucy is a girl. , even after eating the Thunder Fruit, which is known as the strongest Logia, although the upper limit is much higher, there is still a gap compared with boys. After all, a woman like Charlotte who is born to be a king only comes out every N years, Lucy Jiu He's just an ordinary person and doesn't have a D in his name.

His most ideal plan is for his eldest nephew to have a boy with Toien or to see what potential talents there are in Marine Academy. As for Jiu Lucy, 3.5 can totally find her a more awesome Devil Fruit, Thunder Fruit. It's really too much.

Of course, this was just his idea, and it was hard for him to say it out loud. After all, Jiuluxi was Xiaohe's treasure, so he planned to do some ideological work for his eldest nephew before the fruit was given to Jiuzhen in the garden.

"....I went to Sky Island to find Thunder Fruit just for Lucy. Of course I prepared it for her! Marshal Sengoku, don't you have any bad thoughts? Then you have to pass the Crane Vice Admiral first. , now I have to file an application report before I can see my daughter..."

Leonardo looked at Sengoku strangely. He saw something different in the old boy's eyes. This old boy wouldn't pay Thunder Fruit's attention anymore, would he?

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