Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

577. Sengoku Didn’T Even Want Girls For Marine

"'s not what you think! Jiuxi is the child of you and Tezono. Of course, the talent is not much different, but to be honest, Jiuxi is a girl after all, and she is not as fat as Charlotte. You are extremely talented, but this upper limit is never as good as that of a boy. If you and Toion are expecting a second child and it is a boy, it is better to keep this Thunder Fruit, or there is a talented boy in Marine, Jiu Lucy. We can also find other powerful Devil Fruit to leave for her. By the way, our Marine got a Paramecia Retrograde Fruit some time ago, which has pretty good potential. If it doesn’t work, Smoke fruit can also be used. After all, Thunder Fruit is known as the strongest Logia, and it is still sane. Some are better, it’s best to maximize the fruit effect..."

Sengoku coughed awkwardly, then pushed up his glasses and explained patiently that he was doing all this for Marine's future. Although he felt a little sorry for the kid Ku Lucy, he still had to say what he needed to say.

.......I can understand what you said. 18 I don’t care. I never planned how high my daughter’s future achievements would be. I can still protect her for decades. I don’t care. I just want her to be safe and grow up happily. Finding Thunder Fruit for her is just to improve her safety. You know I have as many enemies as friends, and Tien and I don’t have one for the time being. I don't have any objection to the idea of ​​having a second child if there is a powerful Devil Fruit to ensure her safety, but it doesn't matter if I say it. The right to speak lies with Toien and Tsuru Vice Admiral. They hope that their daughters will become phoenixes. The idea is deeply ingrained..."

Leonardo spread his hands and said that there was nothing he could do. He really didn't mean what he said. Tsuru Vice Admiral's expectations for Lucy were even more terrifying than Tezono's expectations for his precious daughter. They went to Tsuru Vice last night. When Admiral picked up his daughter at home, Tsuru Vice Admiral took out a plan called "Kyu Lucy Growth Plan" that was much thicker than an encyclopedia and discussed it with Tozono until midnight, although he couldn't He heard it, but he also got a general idea.

I have to say that He Vice Admiral, an intellectual with such a high postdoctoral degree, is really awesome. Lucy Jiu is less than one year old, and He Vice Admiral has already helped her plan her growth in the next thirty years. The route is much better than the growth plan his father helped him plan back then. Back then, his father could only help it plan it until it reached the top of Marine Vice Admiral and then stopped.

And there is no detailed plan. In the growth plan for the next thirty years listed by Vice Admiral, it even includes the amount of daily breakfast, the proportion of dishes, and how mature it is.

The cooking details are clearly written, and it is absolutely the most scientific food combination, because there is also the autograph of Vegapunk's big head at the bottom.

The things that educated people do is simply terrifying. If his father had been so educated and had such detailed plans, he would probably be able to become a Buddha at the age of ten, and he wouldn't have to wait so many years.

Now that he has Thunder Fruit, he estimates that Crane Vice Admiral will only become more paranoid. Sengoku is so generous that he even gave up girls for Marine. Although he can't do it, he admires it.

Personally, he didn't mind it. As he said, the purpose of looking for Devil Fruit for his baby daughter was just to improve her safety. He looked for Thunder Fruit because among the few awesome Devil Fruits he knew, Thunder Fruit was the only one. The information on Fruit is more accurate. The other Devil Fruits are either at the wrong time or I don’t know where they are. If the baby girl has a powerful Devil Fruit, it doesn’t matter to him whether it is a Thunder Fruit or not. The daughter is her father’s little cotton jacket, and he will not need her in the future. Go fight and kill, the retrograde fruit is actually quite awesome, the regular Paramecia fruit, with a postdoc like Tsuru Vice Admiral around to help develop it, the probability of being better than Tozono in the future is as high as 80%, with such strength In the first half, my own chassis was carefree.

But Vice Admiral Crane is in such a state of looking forward to women, let alone Sengoku, that old boy Garp can't come. It is said that Vice Admiral Crane had a crush on old boy Garp back then. I don't know if it's true...

.....You should go back first, I'm thinking about it. "

Although he was a little disappointed that his eldest nephew did not have any plans to have a second child, he was also relieved to see that his eldest nephew had no objection to his idea. After all, he became a father and his ideological consciousness had improved. But when it came to this He also had trouble asking his little friend to nod his head about something. If he could persuade his little friend, he wouldn't have to do ideological work for his eldest nephew.

You can see how much your friend loves Jiuxi when he named Jiuxi after her mother. Devil Fruit must want the best. If he dares to talk to his friend, the friendship will be over. turn...……

"Brother Mickey, do you have any news about where the Red Hair Pirates were chased by Vice Admiral Garp? Tell me, it will make me happy."(^?^)?"

Leonardo wandered out of Brother Yi's office. Leonardo was not in a hurry to go back. After the fight with Kaido, he didn't know if the stinky woman in Tien had early menopause, so he gave him a good look and asked her too. She didn't say anything, but she just grunted after a few words, as if she wanted him to look good. She didn't even know what this bitch was doing.

It's better to find Mickey, the Secretary-General of Marine, to find out about the Dragon Riding Warrior for fun. 897

All in all, Garp Old Boy has been chasing the Dragon Riding Warriors for several months. Since the last battle, there has been no news about Garp Old Boy facing off against the Red Hair Pirates.

Kizaru was not in the headquarters either. He was probably working overtime on Garp Old Boy's ship. The dragon-riding warrior couldn't withstand Garp Old Boy's anger and was hammered to pieces by Garp Old Boy. After all, Garp Old Boy is a person whose age will not affect the hardness of his fists. , Rocks, the New World overlord at that time, was beaten to death by the angry old boy Garp.

Sengoku never thought about killing the Dragon Riding Warrior. Although he and the Garp boy were good friends, and their good friend’s grandson was his grandson. He was also very angry when his grandson was deceived by the Dragon Riding Warrior, but who didn’t? The dragon-riding warrior has a noble Celestial Dragons father-in-law. For the sake of the overall situation, it is not good for him to attack the dragon-riding warrior.

And all the pirates that Garp chased were without exception either thrown into the Impel Down or starved to death after three days and nine meals. Red Hair Pirates was already strapped for money, and now he has to be chased by Garp. He has been able to I imagined this guy wearing a floral kerchief and leading a group of boys to beg for food on the street.

This is so much worse than his former boss Roger...(^0^*)/.

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