Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

578. Shanks Finally Lost To Reality

"Hey! Stop talking. I just hung up the phone with Vice Admiral Garp. Now Vice Admiral Garp comes to me four or five times a day asking me about the whereabouts of Red Hair Pirates. If there is no more news about Red Hair Pirates, I guess I’m about to retire early, and I don’t know which ravine these bastards Red Hair Pirates are hiding in. I called all the Marine Base officers, but I didn’t get any news at all. These guys are really good at hiding... .=(0`*)))"

Originally, he was very happy when the little brother came to chat with him, but he couldn't be happy about the topic the little brother talked about.

Recently, he has been so confused by Vice Admiral Garp that he almost became Vice Admiral Garp's dedicated line salesperson.

He was very happy to be able to chat with Vice Admiral Garp. After all, Vice Admiral Garp is his idol and his belief, but now Vice Admiral Garp is obviously still full of anger. He is the first person who calls every time. The sentence is to ask him if he has the whereabouts of Red Hair Pirates. In the next sentence, he is still checking. Vice Admiral Garp immediately started to spray. Even the gods can't handle it if this continues. He has to wash his face after every phone call. He does it every day. There are already pretty girls in the office...

The Red Hair Pirates are enough. The lesson of the Roger Pirates is not enough. They have to mess with Vice Admiral Garp. He even wonders if the red hair is sick. To live a good life, don't have to be a poor person. It's fine now, but it makes him feel uncomfortable. He hasn't had a double break for a long time.

I hope these bastards will remain poor for the rest of their lives!

...... The people Roger brought out are all full of avoidance, otherwise Vice Admiral Garp wouldn't have been chasing them for decades. Go to No. 69 Xingfu Road tonight to relax and take note of me. Account......"

Seeing Mickey sighing, Leonardo already regretted coming to him to find out the information, and he was going to lose money if he didn't get the information.

But thinking that the dragon-riding warriors should now form a group in a certain corner to beg for food, he felt much better.

"Captain, it's so tight right now. Do we really want to leave tomorrow? It's very nice here. Why don't we stay for a while and wait for the news to pass before we leave. Miss Ravi still takes care of us so much. You are too heartless. "

"Yes, Captain, it's quite nice here. The environment is beautiful and the air is fresh. Anyway, we're not in a hurry. Let's stay a little longer. I guess Garp's anger hasn't gone away yet."

"Uh huh huh...!"




In the first half of the Grand Line, in a unique luxury villa in a remote town that was not recorded on the nautical charts, Lucky Lu, the "most flexible fat man in the world", was holding a barbecue bigger than his head in one hand. , with one hand he kept grabbing various delicacies on the table and crazily stuffing them into his mouth like a starving ghost reincarnated. His mouth also kept teaching Shanks, who was in the C position, his eyes were sunken, he was in a trance, his face was pale and he was much thinner.

Other friends also nodded in agreement with Lackey Lu's words.


"You bastards, you don't dare to waste time. I'm in a hurry and will leave tomorrow! (▼△▼X)"

Seeing a bunch of heartless friends who have breasts as their mother, they were patronizing him and completely ignored the fact that he lived in hot water every day. Shanks was so angry that his aunt came to visit him. For half a month, half a month, he was like a ghost. Knowing that this is how he came here for the past half month, if it weren't for these bastards to eat well and sleep warmly, he wouldn't be like this now with all his abdominal muscles!

I still remember that if I couldn't bear to see this bastard so hungry and emaciated, Beckman would have picked up other people's cigarette butts... Alas! In the end, reality defeated the last piece of pure land deep in his heart.

Thinking of having to endure nausea every day for the past few and a half months and spend time with an old woman he could call mom just for the sake of good food and drink for these heartless bastards, Shanks was not angry at all, you know. The team was so difficult to lead, he should have just listened to that bastard Marine and just stopped Mariejois from being a house son-in-law.

But there is no turning back arrow, and now there is no point in regretting it. Why did he find these bastards himself? The team has developed to this point, and it is too late to regret it. He made an appointment... Bah! That's the path I chose. You have to finish climbing even though you are still climbing.

What he wants most now is to get out of here as soon as possible. The fat guy Lucky Lu has grown back. Beckman has also saved several boxes of flowers. He has also made a lot of money from the eldest sister he can call mom. It was enough for them to last until the New World, and now is the time. Every night here is a nightmare.

Now...nightmare, it's time to wake up!

Compared to having sex with that aunt, he would rather fight Garp for 300 rounds. Isn't it just a broken knife? Labor and management don't want it anymore!!!

"The captain is right! In order for us to have enough to eat, the captain had to surrender to La Wei and La Wei. Look, the captain has lost weight in the past half month! Don't your consciences hurt?"

"."You want to sell the captain for a little glory and wealth, your souls have been corrupted! Captain, I support you! (^▼X)*

There are still normal people on the ship. For example, Yasopp, the first shot of East Blue, has not been hanging out with this boss for too long. He has not experienced many experiences of starving for three days and nine meals, and he has to pick up cigarette butts when he smokes, so he pecks at Beckman. When Huazi was thinking about his future plans in life, he was the first to stand up and speak righteously and harshly against a group of pig friends and dog friends.

Of course it doesn't matter that all of you bastards are in position, but Laozi hasn't yet. The first shot of East Blue is still the first shot of East Blue. How can there be Lucky. Lu, "the most flexible fat man in the world" "This title came in a cool way. He also thought about following his boss to the New World for two years to get the "World's No. 1 Quick Shot... Bah, the world's No. 1 shot came back to honor the ancestors. For this dream, he had already abandoned his wife and children. We have retreated, and now these bastards are actually choosing their waists for five buckets of rice [are they worthy of the sacrifices of Zhao Qiuzi? E!

"That's right! Which bastard just said to stay here, stand up for Laozi, and don't say you know the employer when you go out in the future, so as not to lose the face of the employer! (▼△▼ㄨ)"

Yasopp had already mentioned this, Lucky Lu also quickly scanned the food in front of him and the thigh in his right hand. After wiping his greasy mouth with his greasy hand, he grabbed another stick from the dining table. The fat man with a big face said impassionedly to the friend who had just agreed with him, as if justice had come upon him, as if he was not the one who persuaded Shanks to stay and called Miss Ravi just now.

"That's right! Who just said that those who were left behind will be left to the labor and management to stand up, and the labor and management will cut off their ties with him!! (X)"

"That's right! I'll cut it too!!"


A group of people echoed in a righteous and awe-inspiring manner, as if they were not the ones who echoed the fat man just now. .

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