Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

579. Tyrant Bear Appears

Looking at a bunch of bastards who don't want Bilian, Shanks covered his face and looked at the sky. How the hell did I find such a bunch of shameless bastards...-_-||

"...8=('o`*))) Alas! Let's get ready today. We will set off tomorrow morning. As long as the money earned by the captain during this period is evenly distributed, it will be enough for us to go to New World, De Ge and Punch. Later, we will buy two thrusters for emergencies, and Lime Jones and Gabu will go check out our ship..."

Beckman looked at a group of shameless friends, and then at Shanks, who was almost emaciated. He took a deep breath and began to assign work. To be honest, setting off now is obviously not a wise choice. Intellectually, he agrees with Lucky Lu. The Garp must still be on fire now, and he will definitely be chased by Garp again now that he sets off. But emotionally, he still supports Shanks' idea, because their captains are so fast now. It was so bad that he was really worried that Shanks would die if he stayed for a few more days.

And there was one thing he didn't tell his friends. That Aunt Ravi had been giving him hints in her eyes these past two days. He was also worried that if Shanks couldn't bear it, it might be his turn, so it was better to leave first. , In an excellent team, it is enough for one person to sacrifice. If 500 people also die, it would be a bit redundant...

"Hmm... Beckman is right, I have made a lot of money in this little time, which is enough. (dc)

After hearing that Beckman supported him in arranging work, Shanks immediately took out a bundle of baileys as if he were offering a treasure. Needless to say, although Aunt Ravi was a little disgusted, she was quite generous and it was not in vain that he had worked so hard during this period.

“Puff ha puff…”

"Hiss...Moses Moses, I'm Leonardo."

Marineford, early in the morning, Leonardo was woken up by the sound of a phone bug just after dawn. He jumped up in excitement and almost jumped to his waist. He looked at Tosono Mima, who was still sleeping beside him, and picked up the phone with a grimace on his face. bundle.

His uncle, I don’t know what this stinky bitch is up to. She practiced post-up singles all night and kept saying that he was a striker. She finally rested for a few days and regained some strength. Now her waist is almost broken. ...

"I'm Sengoku. Have you recovered after a few days of rest?"

Sengoku's voice came from the phone bug.

At this time, Sengoku was in his office. He had been working overtime since last night, holding a piece of information in his hand and looking very serious.

..... Not bad, what's wrong with Marshal Sengoku? (①①)

Leonardo heard Sengoku's voice sounding serious, indicating that something big had happened. Although his waist still hurt a little, he couldn't tell. What man would admit that he is not good in front of others?


"..."Tyrant" Bartholemew Kuma attacked three of our Marine cargo ships and four pirate groups in New World early this morning. Go and have a look immediately. If you find that bastard, you will be killed or alive. See death. (▼△▼ㄨ)

Sengoku was very angry now, and he said the last part through gritted teeth.

Looking at the information in his hand, Sengoku really couldn't bear it anymore. Since the last time Dauberman reported Bartholemew Kuma, he didn't pay much attention to it. After all, a guy robbed his good friend's cargo ship before. Compared to this For Bartholemew Kuma, the cargo ship that dared to rob his good friend was his key target. After all, everyone knew that it was the cargo ship of their Marine hero Garp. Let alone the first half, it would not be there even in the New World. The pirates dared to catch Garp's attention, but there was a guy who so blatantly interrupted Garp's cargo ship in their Marine territory.

This kind of person is usually either a new fool or a guy who has the confidence not to worry about being chased by Garp. Judging from the fact that Garp has not caught up with the guy for a month (bibb), the opponent is obviously not a fool. So compared to Bartholemew Kuma who robbed the Dauberman cargo ship, he was concerned about the guy who robbed the Garp cargo ship, but then that guy disappeared inexplicably and has never appeared again until now.

Garp has been chasing the red-haired warrior because his grandson was deceived by the dragon-riding warrior. In addition, his eldest nephew's recent trip to Sky Island, there are too many things going on, and he can't take care of that matter. Just let it go.

This morning, he received the news that Bartholemew Kuma attacked their Marine cargo ship in the New World and killed several pirate groups. He then re-read the information about Bartholemew Kuma. From this look, good guy, this Bartholemew Kuma is really special. Damn, this is a bit lawless. In the past year, they have attacked their Marine cargo ship many times and defeated more than thirty pirate groups. This business ability is even more impressive than Akainu's in the past year, and now it is even more deadly. Went to New World.

Originally, the incident happened in New World, so he didn't intend to pay attention to it. He could just add any number to his bounty. After all, the black and white war in New World last time had a great impact. If they Marine entered the New World, he would I am also worried that the pirates in the New World will form a team together and cooperate sincerely to target their Marine, and it will not be easy to handle by then.

Moreover, their Marine's cargo ships have always been damaged by others in New World. The losses are nothing to Marine. At most, they are just an increase in the price of some special vegetables and fruits that are only available in New World. , the impact is not very big.

But this time is different. One of the cargo ships that Bartholemew Kuma abducted this time contained this year's latest limited edition doll customized by his dead man. Do you know how expensive that thing is and how difficult it is to buy it? ?

He had to call and make an appointment more than half a year in advance, and then queued for several months and spent more than half a year's salary. Finally, it was his turn, and the goods were taken away by that bastard Bartholemew Kuma. , how could this not make him angry.

It's a pity that Kizaru is chasing the Red Hair Pirates with Garp, Kuzan is stationed at the G1 base and cannot move easily, Akainu... Anyway, if there is no major group activity, Sengoku will never let Akainu go to the New World again. Last time If you are lucky enough to survive being forced into a group fight, it will be very difficult next time.

The only one who can move now is the eldest nephew who has just finished the battle with Kaido and is taking a rest at the headquarters to look after his daughter. When he thinks that the things he spent half a year's salary and waited almost a little to buy were taken away by that bastard Bartholemew Kuma. He was upset.

I immediately called my eldest nephew and asked him to go to New World and fuck this bastard!

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