Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

580. He Even Dares To Steal Brother Yi’S Goods

".....Marshal Sengoku, is there any story here? (O_O)?"

Listening to the sound of Sengoku gnashing his teeth, Leonardo became even more confused. Based on his understanding of Sengoku, Marine marshals generally attach great importance to their own image and rarely shout about killing. Neither Kong nor Sengoku had ever said that before. Live this kind of death order.

Even if they really encounter those lawless and conscienceless pirates, they will not shout and kill them. They just accidentally hit an iceberg on the way back after being captured and drowned.

Anyway, they were all silent hints to the younger brother or Impel Down to secretly kill those pirates. They would never be said openly like now.

What does it mean to see a person alive but to see a corpse dead? Isn’t it just that if you really can’t catch someone alive, just bring him back dead?

As for why he was brought back to death? I guess he wanted to whip the corpse.

How much hatred does this have? It's not like their Marine cargo ship has never been raped before. On the contrary, this kind of thing is very common, especially in a lawless place like New World. In the past, even the gold in the sky was raped from time to time. There are two ships, let alone their Marine cargo ship. The person leading the team on that kind of cargo ship is just a Rear Admiral at best. But later on, the World Government did a good job in keeping Tianshangjin secret, plus the Marine cargo ship is nothing. The oil and water are actually some common vegetables and fruits in the New World. Unless they are extremely hungry, those pirates may not even attack them.

He was not surprised that the tyrant Xiong Lu had taken advantage of these cargo ships. After all, Garp's son was in the early stages of starting a business and needed a lot of money, physical goods and weapons. Garp's son had also been involved in Marine and World Government, and he was very familiar with the operations of Marine and World Government. It's so familiar that people even dared to rob my own father, and attacked several cargo ships to sprinkle water on them...

But this time, he obviously felt that Sengoku was very angry. He was definitely not angry because of those ships of vegetables and fruits. There must be something inside.

It is normal for a subordinate to care about the leader...

"My belongings are also on one of the ships" Anyway, we'll get him (X)


Of course Sengoku won't say that he worked hard and the limited edition doll he finally bought was also taken away. Although he helped the Five Elders fight against all the enemies in the Marineford War, his character has become inseparable from the doll, and it is still European and American routes, but he still tried his best to maintain his upright image as a Gundam in the hearts of his subordinates, so he just talked about his goods. The eldest nephew is so smart, he should understand...

"(⊙_⊙)....His goods? It won't be... again..."

Leonardo put down the phone with a confused look on his face, and then the doll incident involving Marineford's battle rang. After all, the impression was too deep. The doll happened to knock the handsome guy over, and it was really hard to forget.

There was no such thing as gathering in the first half. There was only one doll toy company like New World in the world. When he was playing with Whitebeard’s stupid son, he even confiscated a batch of them. Moreover, Sengoku was the first brother of Marine. What other things needed to be obtained from If you bought it from New World, that's all it has.

I usually see this Sengoku as quite serious, but I didn't expect him to have a Shapolang side, and he would kill the tyrant bear for a doll.

But... to be honest, the difficulty of this mission is a bit too high. With Tyrant Bear's ability to flash like crazy without a CD, even Kizaru can't catch up, let alone his speed. He can fight tough battles. He really can't do this kind of chase.

"What's the matter? Marshal Sengoku is looking for you?"

I don't know when Tien woke up. He measured his body and said to me.

"Well, that bastard Tyrant Bear showed up and fucked Marshal Sengoku in the New World. He asked me to go there."

Leonardo came back to his senses and looked at a small blanket lying on his side on the bed, looming, if it hadn't just flashed to his waist...

"Well, be safe."

Teion seemed to sense something, nodded like a queen, then adjusted her sleeping position and fell into a deep sleep.

Leonardo rolled his eyes speechlessly, you are so cool, what should you do if your employer and employee are full of respect for you and won't help solve the problem...

"Domi, inform Kent, Bob...and Thomas Berry, and ask them to bring the headquarters."

Seeing that the stinky bitch was indeed asleep, Leonardo could only hold back the anger of beating her face to face and hang up the phone to Dominic in Sabaody.

...Please give me flowers...

Originally, he only planned to take Kent and Bob, but Toss Berry is too watery, and he is the only child of Duncan Vice Admiral. He really didn't dare to take them to the New World. Two days ago, he also talked with Duncan Vice Admiral, who is retired at home. However, the other party has no intention of having a second child. Although he often goes to No. 69, Xingfu Road to check the rankings, he has always said goodbye after dawn and adheres to the scumbag theory of the three principles, so he really doesn’t want to see his old man. The leader sent the white-haired man to the black-haired man and let him fool around with Dominic in Sabaody.

But this guy is the Marine Vice Admiral after all, and he has no government affairs, so he can fool around with Dominic now. Anyway, nothing big happens now, but if Marine makes any big move, this guy won't be able to hide. To go on stage, in order to prevent the white-haired old leader from giving away the black-haired one, it would be better to take him for a tour of the New World. Although he can't level up, it would be good to accumulate more experience in fighting. At least he won't be as bad as he is now. Marine Six Styles played so smoothly that they couldn't even defeat a group of nameless fish-man Karami. It's really a bit embarrassing...


And this time he went to New World to meet Tyrant Bear. To be honest, he was not sure. The guy photographed himself as being able to teleport. How the hell could he find it? So he simply took Toss Berry for a tour of New World and waited for Sengoku's anger to subside. Defeat a few more New World pirates and you'll be back.

"Roger! Curry Admiral, are you preparing for a big move? Kaido?"

Over at Sabaody, Dominic asked curiously. The last time Bob and others came back, he told him that the boss had fought a battle with Kaido on Sky Island. Not long after he came back, he ordered his troops again. When he wanted to come, It probably has something to do with Kaido.

To be honest, he is also a little tempted to go to the New World with the boss. He knows what he is made of. He has been promoted to the top of Marine Vice Admiral through the back door of the boss. He doesn't care about performance, but going to New World with the boss can not only improve his performance but also make money. A sum!

In the past few years, he has been promoted to the base commander of Sabaody. Although he is at a low level, he is addicted to making quick money with his boss. He really doesn't like this kind of mediocre monthly salary, and last month his wife was a bitch. After opening a gym, he doesn't have much money... Knives.

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