Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

584. Garp Won’T Go To The Sea This Time

"Pull over and wait until they are almost done fighting. Let Thomas Berry lead the men when they are done fighting. You should watch carefully and don't let Duncan Vice Admiral. The white-haired man send the black-haired man.

Leonardo was slumped on the beach chair on the deck, applying a facial mask and basking in the warm sunshine. Kent stood next to him with a bounty in his hand and reported on the situation of the two pirate groups in front of him.

Leonardo was not interested in dealing with these unattractive junglers and was too lazy to open his eyes, but he still asked Thomas Berry to prepare for action.

To be honest, ever since he got married to that stinky bitch from Gion and received Gion's "betrothal gift", a small gold card, he had no desire and no desire, and he was completely at ease.

Originally, his ideal was to follow in the footsteps of his father and become an ordinary Marine Vice Admiral. Then someone was covering his life, and in the end, he accidentally licked the Five Elders as his godfather and became a Marine Admiral. Although he became a Marine Admiral, Admiral, but before he got married, his finances had been controlled by that stinky woman from Gion, and his life depended on that evil little black card. This made him obsessed with money for many years.

But now, he is a Marine Admiral, and his official position has been promoted to the top. He has no idea about the position of Marine's first brother. Looking at the life of Kong and Sengoku's first brother, he is deeply pained. If he has that time, he might as well enjoy life. , the leading position is a bad position. Not everyone can sit in 657. Anyway, he has a small butt, so he definitely can't do it, so there is no use in brushing up those achievements.

As for money, with Gion's little gold card, he didn't seem to be short of money. For a while, it seemed that his life had no choice, and he was just drinking and waiting to die like Kizaru.

Although he looked down upon them, the younger ones below also wanted to perform well, so the pirates they met along the way always asked Kent and Bob to take their younger brothers with them.

But to be honest, this Toss Berry is really worth it. I guess he perfectly avoided the excellent genes of Duncan Vice Admiral when he was first formed. He followed his mother. The first battle after entering the New World was after both pirate groups had finished fighting. Later, when I came out to clean the battlefield, I saw a vice-captain in front of me whose net worth of tens of millions had declined severely. He almost died. He was stabbed in the abdomen. If it weren't for his presence, he came out and applied for two headquarters hospitals with Sengoku. Medical science is called a beast, and this guy might be GG in the first battle.

Moreover, this guy's temperament is just like his father. Duncan Vice Admiral also joined Golden Lion at the beginning and was defeated by Golden Lion. This guy is as brave as ever, rushing out to find someone (bibd) worth tens of millions. The vice-captain thought that if someone was seriously injured and his condition declined, he could be manipulated casually...

After that, Leonardo didn't dare to let this guy play as a free agent, lest he would not be able to face Duncan Vice Admiral when he returned to the headquarters that day. After all, he put his son in your hands because of his trust in you, and he ended up with My son went to New World and failed at the beginning. I guess the friendship between Sengoku and Duncan Vice Admiral also capsized at the drop of a hat.

But I have to say that this guy's luck is heaven-defying. In the past, when New World was more chaotic than it is now, he would not encounter so many pirates fighting in New World, but now he has just entered New World within a few days. On average, they encountered pirates fighting at least three times a day, and they were so superior that they ignored their Uncle Marine and fought in front of Uncle Marine. Sometimes the pirates who fought even knew it was him and still ignored them and continued fighting. Without cowardice.

Could it be that his nickname of Marine "Immortal Admiral" is not applicable in the New World?

When I brought up the pirate leaders, I saw the look in their eyes like a stepfather when they saw him, so I knew it was obviously not the case.

So there is reason to believe that this is all brought about by Thomas Berry's heaven-defying luck.

How can a pirate who can break into the New World be so brainless? Knowing that Uncle Marine is reaping the benefits, most people would have dispersed long ago, but these guys still start fighting regardless of their superiors. This is not because of Thomas Berry. What is the impact of luck?

"Boom! Boom!!!"

"Red-haired kid, don't run away!!!(▼觅▼#)"

"Oh my God! That old ass Garp is catching up with me again, hurry up, hurry up...ˊAˋ)

"Captain, this is already the fastest. The propeller has used up 100Q of fuel."


"Made, De Ge and Bin Zhi were deceived. The two new ones they bought were second-hand goods..."

Fuck you! You bastard profiteer, don’t let me see him next time!”

"Stop talking nonsense, come and shoot the cannonballs. I don't have many bullets left. This Garp is so stingy. He's even chasing after him in the New World..."


A thrilling chase is taking place on the sea not far from Leonardo. The protagonists of the story are the Marine hero Garp, and the Red Hair Pirates, who are about to take over as the fourth giant of the New World.

The Red Hair Pirates ran with their lives, and the iconic dog-headed warship was also chased at the risk of their lives. This time, the old boy Garp learned wisely and stopped going to the sea. Although he can swim faster than the dog-headed warship, But after entering the sea, he soon became the sparring partner of that brat with red hair, polishing the sword in his right hand...

On the other hand, watching Garp's opening with another hail of shells, the Dragon Rider and his boys were in tears, especially Yasopp, the first shot of East Blue, which had no bullets. They could only watch the shells flying in the air. Sora shed tears.

Marine is so damn rich that he has already forgotten which round Garp has thrown iron balls at them at the beginning of the round. Anyway, as a professional sniper, he has already used up all the bullets he carries, but the opponent There are also artillery shells. Damn it. The price of artillery shells is much more expensive than the bullets of his grandfather's gun!

Now he has run out of bullets, but the other party actually still has cannonballs, what the hell...

"There is no way to go on like this. The old guy Garp is on top. Beckman, think of a way! (T▽T)"

The dragon-riding warrior burst into tears. He grabbed the collar of Beckman who was holding a cigarette butt in his mouth and swung it wildly. If he had known that Garp was so angry, he wouldn't have left in such a hurry. Although Aunt Ravi was a little older, she actually turned off the light. Same thing, at least they can still eat and drink well, but now, they haven't eaten for almost three days. They originally thought that after surviving the first half of the journey and arriving in New World, the old guy Garp wouldn't catch up, and they might be able to do it in New World. Brushing the jungle to make a living.

Who knew this old guy would be so angry? There are many wild monsters in New World, but they have no chance!!!

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