Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

585. Garp Goes To Sea Again!

"Little red-haired bastard, stop and don't run! Run! Run...!"

"Huh? It sounds like Vice Admiral Garp's voice. (O_O)?"

"There, there, there seem to be Red Hair Pirates...(0)"

Bob and others who were cleaning the battlefield suddenly heard a loud and familiar voice from the distance, their idol, Marine's spiritual totem, Vice Admiral Garp!

Then everyone followed the sound and saw two small black spots on the sea. From time to time, there were "booming" explosions. People with vision less than 5.0 raised their navigation glasses and saw that there was another dog-headed warship in front of them. The pirate ship, the iconic dragon-headed ship and the three-striped pirate flag on the left eye, who else could it be if it wasn’t the Red Hair Pirates?


"Hey! He really is a warrior riding a dragon. It's really miserable for this guy to be chased! \(^0^*)/™

Leonardo also heard the sound. He walked to the side of the boat and looked around. He almost laughed out loud. He could see that the Dragon Riding Warriors and the others were being chased by the old boy Garp. They all returned to Sabaody. Then I went to Sky Island for a walk and then came to New World. It turns out that this guy has just arrived in New World. Even a wooden boat shouldn't be so slow, right? Doesn't it have a propeller?

Like the Roger Pirates and the Red Hair Pirates, thrusters are a must-have item on their ships. They are very expensive and many pirates are reluctant to buy them.

Leonardo didn't know that Tangtang Red Hair Pirates had been tricked by a small town profiteer and spent a fortune.

"Yo yo yo. Vice Admiral Garp, there is a warship in front, it seems... where is Xiao Curry..."

On the dog-headed warship on the other side, Kizaru, who was holding a thermos cup in both hands to "supervise" the Garp old boy who was chasing the Red Hair Pirates, also discovered the Marine giant ship in the distance. Originally, there was only one Marine ship with this kind of signal, and their Marine brother However, after a fight with the Beasts Pirates on The Fish Men Island, I didn’t know what Marshal Sengoku, his boss, wanted to change to a bigger one for no reason, so the original Marshal’s giant ship was eliminated and thrown away. Little Curry has used it. This big guy is big in size and has greater emissions. Normally, Marine Admiral cannot afford to drive it. For example, Akainu, who has always been his opponent, cannot afford to drive it even if it is given to him...

"That's better, kid Curry! Stop this red-haired bastard! Egg! Egg!"

The old Garp boy is not yet dim-sighted. Monkey with a D added to his surname is still in excellent physical condition even in his seventies or eighties. What’s more, he is not old yet. Naturally, he also saw Leonardo’s car without a microphone. The Observation Haki roared at full speed. Not to mention Leonardo on the sea, even the Sea Kings in the deep sea were stunned by this powerful sound wave and slowly emerged from the sponge.

"Hiss...! Vice Admiral Garp is so determined and powerful, my eardrums are about to burst."


"Jie Jie Jie...! Dragon Riding Warrior, you really can't run away now!\(^?^)?"

"Hide the knife!"

Leonardo bared his teeth and buttoned his ears. After making a contribution to global warming, he pulled out the ancestral sword of kindness from his waist and struck the small black spot in front of him with a huge slash in response to Garp. old boys.

"Damn it, when did this guy come here..."

"One sword style. Flame! (▼△▼X)"

On the Red Hair Pirates, the dragon-riding warrior and others naturally discovered Leon Mando. When they saw a huge slash coming towards them, Shanks also pulled out the super artifact from his waist and struck with a slash.

"Boom boom......!"

Two huge and sharp slashes collided on the sea surface and erupted with huge energy sweeping the entire sea surface. The Sea Kings on the sea surface who were stunned by the old boy Garp were instantly submerged by the sword energy theory and finally disappeared on the sea surface.

"Mom, what should I do? There is a wolf in front of me and a tiger in back." (TM

"Why is this Marine Admiral here? Mad, Marine is indeed an unscrupulous bastard. I had two glasses of wine with him that day..."

Seeing the unkillable Marine Admiral in front of me and the extremely angry Marine hero behind me, the friends on Red Hair Pirates burst into tears. Isn't this girl so unlucky?

The sea is so big, so desperate to encounter this Marine Admiral.

When you escape, you must go and pay homage.

"Hahahaha! Red-haired kid, you can't run away now, can you? I'm here too!!!*(^0^*)/"


The old boy Garp behind saw Red Hair Pirates being blocked, laughed loudly, and before the adjutant with the knife beside him could react, he went into the sea again with a pop...

…Please give me flowers…

"Here it comes, here it comes, the old guy went into the sea again!!"


The friends of Red Hair Pirates almost lost their minds when they saw the old boy Garp go into the sea again with a pop. This old boy is really too fierce.

"Huh... One-sword style...!"

Shanks is also one of the top two. Although his left hand was broken, his strength did not decline but actually strengthened a lot. But it was already difficult for him to face the old boy Garp and Kizaru. Now here comes another bastard who can't be killed. Is this year his birth year?

But now is not the time to think about this. Garp has already swam over with thousands of horsepower. If he catches up, he will really file for bankruptcy. Then he will follow the same old routine and strike at the path Garp is swimming towards. He slashed out, trying to create a break like last time to block the route of the old boy Garp.


However, the idea is very good, but the Garp of today is no longer the Garp of yesterday. When he saw the red-haired kid drawing his sword, he planned to play that trick with him again. Just when the huge slash was about to strike, the Garp in the sea suddenly exerted his strength. Rushing in front of the slash with a sudden increase in speed.

"Armed, Iron Body!"



"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!!"

Everyone, whether it was Uncle Marine on the Leonardo giant ship or Uncle Marine on the dog-headed warship, Kizaru’s eyes fell to the ground at some point and he stared blankly ahead, including the dragon-riding warrior on the Red Hair Pirates They were also shocked.

What did they see?

That old boy Garp actually used his body to block Shanks' slash? Are you confused? Don't you know how powerful Shanks' slash is?

No one expected this operation, especially Shanks himself. He was dumbfounded. The relationship between Garp and his former captain Roger was as close as a close friend. Even if he was chased to this extent, he never thought of killing this old man. Boy, but this old guy actually took the initiative to hit him hard. What's the rhythm of his slashing attacks?

Do you want to take the initiative to go down to his Captain Roger and report it? (⊙_⊙)Again?

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