Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

586. Garp’S Iron Body Is The Real Iron Body

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! o(??)!"

"It's all okay!!(??)"


However, before the dragon-riding warrior could figure out why Garp, the old gangster, took the initiative to block the knife, there were screams of surprise and the sound of sucking in air-conditioning. Then he looked up and saw that the dragon-riding warrior almost bit his own tongue.

The attack dispersed, only to see a figure so black that it turned purple standing in the air. There was nothing wrong with him. He was so tough after so many things!

He resisted his own slashes without any scratches. Even Kaido can't do that, right?

"Made, Vice Admiral Garp's Iron Body is the real Iron Body..."

Leonardo is also paralyzed. Is the slashing attack of the dragon-riding warrior "603" strong?

That's really strong. Conqueror's Haki entanglement plus the bonus of the Supreme Knife is much stronger than his slashing. After all, his Conqueror's Haki is not as powerful as the dragon-riding warrior, and the ancestral kindness sword is not the Supreme Knife. The sharp sword, even if the dragon-riding warrior did not use his full strength in this feat, not everyone can bear the slash that can cut off the sea current. There are only a few people in the entire sea who can bear it, but whether it is Charlotte, the fat woman, or Kaido or "Big Diamond" Jozi is either extremely talented or has the ability bonus of Devil Fruit.

And the old Garp boy has never eaten Devil Fruit. This is pure Armament Haki and an extension of Marine Six Styles Iron Body. No preservatives are added. This is the real Marine Six Styles Iron Body. Compared with the old boy's Iron Body from Garp, Leonardo feels that other people's Iron Body is just like paper. Zephyr is also known as the master of Marine Six Styles, but to be honest, Zephyr's Iron Body is not as hard as Garp. It's really incomparable. Garp resisted the dragon warrior and entangled Conqueror's Haki's slashes without being hurt. In the original book, he couldn't even withstand the sword of Whitebeard, his idiot, and his arm was amputated.

Of course, there may also be factors like Whitebeard's sneak attack and Zephyr's need to protect the students. However, if the protagonist replaces Zephyr with Garp, Whitebeard's idiot will not be able to attack the cliff.

Just kidding, Whitebeard's super machete was broken twice by Garp....

"Vice Admiral Garp is truly a god..."

Kent and Bob, the die-hard fans of the Garp old boy, admired him so much. At this time, they looked at the dark figure, as if they saw the holy light in him!

The moment the idol performed the operation, their hearts almost jumped out of their chests. Although the idol was invincible in their hearts, the idol was no longer young. The original black and shiny hair was mixed with some white hair, and it was double-folded. It has turned white, so they are seriously worried that the next time they go to sea, they will really worship their idol like those pirates worshiped Roger.

Who knew that idols could be so powerful? Even at such an old age, they could still withstand the red-haired attack. It was so invincible!!!



"Hahaha! Red-haired kid, run! Where do you think I'm going this time?"

Garp jumped onto the Red Hair Pirates boat with a Moonwalker, squeezing his fingers and laughing loudly. Seeing this red-haired kid looking scared, for some reason, he suddenly felt happy. It was this little bastard who took advantage of the situation. When he wasn't here, his house was stolen. Every time he thought about his precious grandson touching the damn straw hat on his head and mouthing the words "One Piece", he became constipated. All of this was caused by this little bastard.

If I don't beat the shit out of this little bastard today, he won't believe it!

"Ahahaha, Ka... Mr. Garp, if I say that I didn't do all this on purpose, would you believe it? I didn't know you were Luffy's grandson before, right! Luffy is your grandson..."

Seeing Garp walking towards him with devilish steps, Shanks cleverly put his beloved knife "Griffin" behind his back, and kept gesturing to his friends to ask them to change him to a broken knife.自己挨揍一顿没关系,要是爱刀被崩了,那就惨了.....

"You brat, you dare to go to my hometown. Roger was not so bold back then... Don't move! Give me that broken knife of yours! If I'm not mistaken, this should also be a famous knife. Bar?"

However, before Lucky Lu and others could make any move, Shanks' favorite knife was already targeted. He immediately stopped their actions and stared at the "Griffin" hidden behind his back.

As a famous sword destroyer, ever since Leonardo mentioned his achievements, he has been obsessed with these scraps of metal. With a different kind of persistence, the title of famous sword destroyer sounds much more majestic than the Marine hero!

"Of course... no, how could a poor boy like me afford such a famous sword? Mine is just a small iron plate worth dozens of beliries..."

Feeling the trembling of his beloved knife in his hand, Shanks held it tightly, hoping that his warm and strong hands would give his beloved knife the courage to face the famous sword Destroyer.

But it doesn’t look like the effect is very good. Faced with Garp, whose fist is harder than the Supreme Sharp Knife, I’m a coward with my sword...



Not only Shanks and his favorite knife, but after hearing Garp's words, a group of his friends also hid the weapons in their hands. East Blue even took out a rope and tied one end of it to his pants for the first shot. Then he took advantage of the old boy Garp's attention being on the beloved knife in his boss's hand, and threw the gun directly into the sea with a "pop".

Although your gun may become rusty after being exposed to water, it is better than being targeted by Garp, right?

If it's rusty, give it a wipe and at least it'll still be usable....

After seeing Yasopp's actions, the friends around him reacted and glanced left and right, looking for a rope to hide their beloved weapons. In the end, they really regretted not bringing a rope with them when they went out...

"Hahahaha! Really? Think about it, you are even poorer than that bastard Roger, how can you get the money to buy a famous sword... But I never believe what pirates say, boy Curry, this little bastard has this Is it a famous sword?"

Garp touched his chin and nodded. As a fist player, he didn't know much about these scraps of metal. He also thought what the little bastard said was quite reasonable, but the cleaver in the little bastard's hand seemed quite impressive. Damn, he was sure. He happened to see Leonardo coming over, and then he remembered that Curry also played with swords. He was very familiar with this stuff!

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