Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

593. The Sand Crocodile’S Hanging Hair Has Made Headlines Again

"Hey! Why are there pirates of this caliber, aren't there any with higher quality?"

It was another boring day in New World. Leonardo was lying on the beach chair on the deck, drinking juice and basking in the sun. He was completely uninterested in the "big" pirate fight in New World in the distance. There were all these little monsters along the way, including a pirate worth over 300 million. Although this Tossberry's luck was heaven-defying, it was to some extent. He was not the kind of person with great luck. Although there were a lot of pirates fighting on the road, and I don’t know if it was affected by the aura of Toss Berry, the level of fighting among the pirates was so intense that even Uncle Marine squatted next to them for half an hour. Found, or maybe discovered, but before going to Impel down, it was more like hacking to death the enemy on the opposite side.

However, pirates of this level were quite fresh at first, but once you encounter them too many, you will get bored. They are all low-quality little garami. It may also be the influence of Toss Berry's halo. He hasn't encountered a high-quality big pirate. When he came to New World to make money in the past, he would meet a high-quality big pirate in almost three or four days on average, but now he hasn't met any special ones.

It has been more than two months since I came to New World. The dragon-riding warrior and Garp old boy were there. Garp old boy finally caught up with the dragon-riding warrior. The two sides fought on an isolated island for several days. Then the dragon-riding warrior took his The broken knife ran away with tears in its eyes. It was said that it was going to Whitebeard for a loan, but no news has been heard yet.

Leonardo knew that the dragon-riding warrior went to Whitebeard for a loan, and regretted it so much that he slapped his thigh!

Why didn’t you leave Red Hair Pirates’ phone number in the first place? You can call him for a loan!

In the past, when he used the little black card, he was always cautious when spending money. He was afraid that he would have no money at the end of the month, so he went to Gion with Bilian. Now that the little black card has become a small gold card, he found that he was so rich. No place to spend...

This feeling is really not ordinary and uncomfortable.

After the old boy Garp successfully added to his record, he really stopped chasing the Dragon Riding Warrior and went back to provide psychological counseling to his precious grandson. However, he felt that this was only temporary. In the future, his The man who has never said that his precious grandson wants to be the Pirate King will increase the old boy's anger value by one point. When the next time he meets the Dragon Riding Warrior or when his precious grandson comes out, this long-simmering anger will burst out again, then It's scary.

The anger of Monkey.D. is not something ordinary people can bear...

"Admiral Curry, big news, that sand crocodile who was rescued, Sir Crocodile, is so brave, he actually went to fight with Beard!!

It is recorded that when Leonando complained that the world was so wonderful but I was so boring, Bob came over happily holding a newspaper and almost laughed out loud while reading the headlines in the newspaper.

"Huh? Let's see, the Sand Crocodile actually went to find Whitebeard for a duel?"

Leonardo sat up instantly. When he mentioned this, he immediately stopped feeling sleepy and grabbed the newspaper from Bob's hand.


"A sand crocodile appears in the New World! The great pirate Sir Crocodile, who has been away for a long time, comes back again after a few years of silence, riding the wind and waves to attack the back of the New World. Is he going to challenge Whitebeard?

A series of eye-catching large characters appeared on the headline, and below it was a picture of a sand crocodile standing on the bow of a ship with a big cigar in his mouth and looking into the distance. The temperament of the black boss was clearly revealed.

I should not say that this sand crocodile is too enterprising, and this photo is not bad. If you don’t know the truth, or are not familiar with sand crocodiles, if you see this photo, you will think that this guy is a super fierce guy. .

This daubing expression coupled with the daubing pose, holding a big cigar that is lit but not smoked, is indeed quite noble.

However, the newspaper just said that this guy is planning to go to Whitebeard for a fight. The fight has not started yet, but he wants to challenge Whitebeard, a newcomer to the sea like Sand Crocodile. The incident with Mr. Kaido basically happens every day in the New World. After all, everyone is out here. You guys don't want to step on them and get the upper hand. As the saying goes, a country has talents, and a new generation replaces the old ones. Maybe this new person is himself?

And Whitebeard, a super pirate who has gone through two eras, has a qualification that can be called New World NO. 1. The number of times he has been challenged has almost become an indispensable part of daily life. There are even rumors now that Whitebeard is the most distant pirate king on the sea today. The latest super pirate, there is nothing wrong with that. Anyone who knows the inside knows that the first thing Roger did after winning the One Piece trophy was to go find Whitebeard, and then the two of them locked themselves in a small dark room and talked. I didn't know what to do for two whole days and two nights, and then the Roger Pirates were officially disbanded on an island full of Sakura flowers and trees on Whitebeard's territory. If Whitebeard thought about it, "The One Piece Championship Trophy is just easy for him." have to.

The key is that Whitebeard doesn't want Teacher Kaido, and Charlotte is so cruel. Compared with them, Whitebeard is quite willing to promote new people. Ten people every day. As long as he comes to challenge him, he only agrees to challenge the top ten people every day, and the top ten people sign up. It’s not uncommon for them to be ruthless. This is much better than Kaido-sensei getting his waist if he loses, fat lady Charlotte getting the pretty ones included in the harem if she loses, and the ugly ones being turned into cakes, and the treatment is much better, and if you think you have a future If so, he might even stretch out his big toes and recognize his son.

However, there have been countless people who have challenged Whitebeard, Teacher Kaido, and Fat Lady Charlotte over the years, but none of them have ever been able to make headlines. No matter how big the commotion in the Grand Line was in the early stage, or how popular they were, no matter how popular they were, Most of it is just a space in the entertainment section.

However, this time the Sand Crocodile made headlines even before Whitebeard started fishing for fish. I have to say that sometimes temperament is very important. If the Sand Crocodile didn't do anything, he would just stand there with his mouth in his mouth. You never know what kind of person he is, and how well he knows his temperament. If tomorrow Naval Headquarters releases official news that a sand crocodile was KOed by the commander of the Water City Base a few years ago, as long as he has read this People who read the headlines of this newspaper but have never seen the one-on-one match would not believe it, and would even think that Marine was bragging to suppress the newcomers.

The temperament of Sand Crocodile is so cool.

Moreover, Sand Crocodile is one of the currently known Logia Fruit users. Logia also gives him a lot of points. After all, there are too few Logias in the sea. The most famous three Logias of Marine are red dog, yellow monkey and green chicken... .Bah! Blue Bird is both a Marine Admiral, so many people subconsciously equate it with the word Logia when they see the word Logia. Even Sengoku, the first brother of Marine, is no exception. When Sand Crocodile first debuted, Sengoku doesn’t care if the Sand Crocodile is strong or not. “Just by seeing Logia’s name, I gave him a super rookie contract worth more than 80 million yuan.”


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