Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

594. Garp’S Son Is Absolutely Genetically Upgraded

"Admiral Curry, Crocodile is too arrogant, isn't he? He actually went to find Whitebeard for a duel."

Bob suddenly said that he knew how good Whitebeard was. To be honest, Sir Crocodile could be mastered in just a few rounds at his peak. I have never seen such a thing dare to go to Whitebeard for a duel. When he was at his peak, he was seriously injured by Whitebeard's fist and had to recover for several years.

"...Young people, how can I be called a young man without being arrogant?"

Leonardo waved his hands and said indifferently. He was not curious about the sand crocodile and went to find Whitebeard to challenge him. Anyway, in the original book, Whitebeard did show this fish to a girlfriend. He was more curious about this. How did this guy escape from Garp's son?

Although he has never met Garp's son, he is the most mysterious one among the One Piece events. It has been more than a thousand episodes, and Miss Kaguya from the Hokage world next door has been killed. This guy has not really appeared yet, and with the compound surname Monkey.D, this guy The guy must be extremely strong. It would be as difficult for a crocodile like Sand Crocodile to slip out of his hands as it would be for Brother 543 to open a gourd on the head of the old Garp boy.

He had been kidnapped for several years. How he escaped from Garp's son was what he was most curious about.

Sand Crocodile is one of the more outstanding pirates among the newcomers who have debuted in recent years. With Logia's elemental characteristics and powerful destructive power, he has been around for a long time in the first half of the game and has done a lot of big things, and even For a small country, such a record is rare among the new pirates who have debuted in recent years. Even the "Celestial Dragons Star" Doflamingo, who has been very prosperous in the first half of the game, does not have such a record.

Relatively speaking, this guy has good potential. Although Sand-Sand Fruit has some weaknesses, its destructive power is still quite strong. Garp's son probably wanted to recruit this guy when he rescued him, but now this guy shows up. , either he has been deceived by Garp's son into becoming one of his own, or he has really been allowed to sneak out.

Both are possible. He remembered that this guy was quite sharp when he challenged Whitebeard to a duel in the original novel. Because he was late, the quota for Whitebeard's duel (biaj) was already full. As a result, this guy insisted on making a fuss with Whitebeard. He also beat up several of Whitebeard's godsons, which made Whitebeard impatient and chopped off his hand with a knife.

After being chopped off by Whitebeard, this guy went after "Rayleigh" Pluton again, but the Ancient Weapon in Sabaody was still very interested in him even though he was retired. He didn't dare to move, so he went to some kingdom to investigate another "Rayleigh" It's hard to say whether there is any trace of Garp's son in Pluton's idea. It's very possible that this guy is the one who brought it to the forefront.

Of course, there is another possibility. This guy was not deceived by Garp's son. He wanted to become the Pirate King. Garp's son did not do anything to him, but "inadvertently" spread the news about Ancient Weapon "Rayleigh" Pluton. Revealed to him, taking advantage of this guy's unwillingness to admit defeat, after realizing that there is more than just a girlfriend gap between himself and Whitebeard, he will definitely look for the information about Ancient Weapon that he "accidentally" heard. Then all you have to do is keep an eye on this sand crocodile.

These two may be half and half. No matter which one it is, we have to admit that Garp's son is definitely genetically Upgraded. No wonder when this guy disappeared, Sengoku was sad for a long time, and he looked like an heir. This If this guy had stayed in Marine, there would really be nothing left for Akainu after Sengoku's term ended. With all these tricks, Akainu really couldn't beat Garp's genetically upgraded son...

"Puff, puff, puff..."

"Moses Moses, Marshal Sengoku, what's the matter? Give me some time, I'll find the trace of the bear right away..."

At this time, the phone bug in his arms rang. Looking at the serious look on the phone bug's face, he knew who it was with his buttocks, so Leonardo spoke preemptively.

*-_-......Don't worry about Bartholemew Kuma for now. Come back first and kill this bastard Doflamingo, and find out the whereabouts of Op-Op Fruit.

Naval Headquarters, Sengoku said with a dark old face.

Sengoku is in a very unhappy mood now. He just received a gift from Dominic, the commander of the Sabaody base some time ago. He is very satisfied with this gift. It looks like the one he lost. It is tightly packed and there is no sign of it being opened. The recovery of the lost things made him feel better, but before he could conduct an in-depth study of the handicraft, Yu's son called him for help. For the safety of his godson's life, he immediately asked his friends to rush over, but he was still late. When my friend arrived, his godson had already been killed by Doflamingo. As an old father, his heart was almost broken when he received the death penalty from his godson.

I originally planned to let my friend keep chasing Doflamingo, that bastard, but because I haven’t seen her precious niece for a long time, my friend called him many times to urge him to send someone to replace her quickly. His godson is gone, and Sengoku is also a little worried. I miss my friends, one day is like three autumns after not seeing each other. Kizaru has just returned from New World. He is old and his arms and legs are too old to let him rest for a while. His good friend asked for leave to go back to East Blue to do ideological work for his grandson.

Akainu is still fishing and enforcing the law in South Blue, and Kuzan also has to guard the entrance of New World. The eldest nephew of the free men in the audience is more unrestrained. Anyway, his goods have been recovered, and his anger has disappeared a lot. Bartholemew Kuma is on the other side. Xiong is too silky. My eldest nephew has been wandering in the New World for so long. The pirates have fucked a lot of people without even seeing them. If I let my eldest nephew wander in the New World again, there may be some big news for him, so Let's bring back the eldest nephew and let him take over from the younger friends to fight against Doflamingo.

That bastard Doflamingo is too cunning. He has escaped from his companions many times. He should be familiar with his companion's routines. Even if his companions continued to chase him, the effect would be minimal. So he simply replaced his companion and let his eldest nephew take over. Although the eldest nephew He has little education, and his ideas are so wild that it is difficult for normal people to understand what is going on in his mind.

Letting him go on the field to confront Doflamingo might have unexpected results.

Every time his godson's words and smiles appear in his mind, Sengoku's anger becomes even greater, and it is difficult for European and American-style handicrafts to extinguish his fire. .

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