Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

597. Marine Is About To Take Action

"Puff, puff, puff..."

"Moses Moses, I am Sengoku..."

Just when Sengoku was about to study in depth, the phone on his side rang.

"Sengoku, forget about Doflamingo, let Vice Admiral Crane come back, and don't mess with him anymore.

The voice of the old man with the knife came through the phone. The voice was serious and low. Once you heard it, you knew that the other person was not joking.

"This... Sir Five Elders, what happened??

“Don’t worry, I have asked Leonardo to come back and promise to take down Doflamingo within three months.

When Sengoku heard this, he knew that Doflamingo had been chased by Xiao He into a desperate situation and couldn't hold on any longer. He ran to find the Five Elders, but something seemed wrong from the tone. He also had a question mark on his face. Nima Laozi's godson was scratched. If we don’t do something, who will dare to be the godson of labor and management in the future?

Whitebeard is trying to steal Marineford's brains for a stupid son, Marineford is a top brother in labor and management, he can't make more money than Whitebeard, can he?'s not a question of whether he can be captured. In short, let's forget about it. Marine shouldn't touch him for the time being. 18. The red-haired man returned to New World, and New World was in turmoil again. The situation in the first half has been basically stable, and it is time for Marine to turn its target to the pirates of the New World. "

"Next year, the funding for Kaidu Marine will be increased by another 50%. Next, we will make every effort to restore the Marine strength area of ​​​​New World."

The five godfathers on the phone worm were also a little moved when they heard Sengoku's words. Their godson had never let them down. It would be good if Doflamingo was caught, but...when they thought of what Doflamingo said to them in the phone worm before , and they didn’t dare to bet. If that bastard really mastered the secret and the secret was spread, then the problem would be very serious. It would be strange if Lord Im didn’t take their skin. They really didn’t dare to bet.

Sengoku has been in charge for almost ten years, so it’s not a problem to always focus on the first half. Ten years have passed since Roger started the big era. Now that the situation in the first half has basically stabilized, it’s time for Sengoku to turn his sights to the big seas of New World. If a thief is involved, you can also find something for him to do. Always keep an eye on the pirates in the first half. As time goes by, the pattern will inevitably shrink.

"This... okay, Your Excellency Five Elders, I know how to do it."

Sengoku disagrees with Five Elders' statement. Although the situation in the first half of the period is basically stable, it is just basic. It is far from reaching his ideal effect. If he is given another five years, it will probably be almost there. But there was no way, the other party offered too much, and he couldn't refuse it. Besides, there was no problem in restoring their Marine's power in the New World now.

It has been more than ten years since Roger became the king of the sea and the Marines withdrew from the New World. In addition to the G1 branch at the entrance of the New World, their Marine originally had two Marine branches in the New World. It was only because of the sea that the Marines were under manpower. It was not enough to take care of both sides, so the two branches of New World were withdrawn.

Now that the wave of the great era has passed and things are gradually returning to calm, New World is in trouble again because Red Hair broke one of his hands, setting off a new wave of fights. It is indeed a good time for Marine to regain the two branches of New World.

After hanging up the phone with Five Elders, Sengoku made up his mind and immediately held a high-level meeting of the Marine collective. All members of Naval Headquarters wearing Vice Admiral cloaks or above stopped all tasks and returned to headquarters to participate!

Brother Marine shoots an arrow through the clouds, and Secretary-General Mickey has to work overtime with a phone bug until three o'clock in the middle of the night.

"Moses Moses..."

"Akainu Admiral, Yuan Gua ordered to put down the tasks at hand and return to the headquarters for a meeting.

"Moses Moses..."

"Aokiji Admiral, Marshal orders..."

"Moses Moses..."

"Vice Admiral Garp………………"

"Ku Li Admiral, what are Marshal Sengoku planning to do? One second he asked us to go do Doflamingo, and now he asks us to stop the action and go back to the headquarters for a meeting? (O_O)?"

On the Admiral ship rushing back from New World, Kent and others received the notice one after another, and then asked their boss with a blank look on their faces. The last time their Marine held a general meeting of senior leaders was when Marshal Kong had just gone berserk during the great era. Time, ten years now, this time Marshal Sengoku came again and made them panic.

"How do I know, but according to Brother Mickey, all the Vice Admiral and above members of the headquarters are present this time, and it looks like they are preparing for a big move...

Leonardo also shook his head and didn't know what Sengoku was planning to do, but now that he had put down his revenge for killing his son and recalled all Marine senior executives back to the headquarters, he knew with his ass that there must be a big move.

But he didn't know what the big move was. When Mickey informed him, he had to contact other people, so he didn't go into details.

After hearing what the boss said, some were happy and some were worried. Kent and the others touched their chins and nodded, feeling a little uneasy in their hearts.

For people like Kent and Bob who have been seriously injured and hang around in the Marine until retirement, what they fear most is this kind of big action. They are no longer at their peak. Marine Vice Admiral is already their limit. 203 No matter how much performance they have, it will be of no use to them, and they will not receive an extra pension than others. What they want most now is to follow Admiral Curry and earn more before he retires, and wait for retirement safely. Just a notification.

For a collective operation like this, you know with your buttocks that the enemies you will face must be Whitebeard, Kaido, Charlotte, Redhead, and other super pirate-level monsters. When Marineford fought, they were defeated by Whitebeard's fist. It collapsed. If this happens again, I will be very unlucky and die.

But they haven’t heard from the retired cadres yet. If they don’t go, they won’t...

And some young people will be very excited. A big operation like this is naturally the easiest time to get to the top. As long as you are lucky and pick up a few heads, it is appropriate to get to the top when rewards are based on merit.

Young people are motivated and don't care about their lives. If they don't fight while they are young, they won't be able to fight when they are old!

"Don't worry too much. Even if the sky falls, there will be tall people holding it up. When will it be your turn? Don't we Marine have a bunch of giant troops..."

Seeing the Kent people rubbing their chins and frowning, looking like they were greedy for life and afraid of death, Leonardo comforted them. .

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