Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

598. Lucy Jiu, Please Call Her Godfather

"Jie Jie Jie, I haven't seen you for a long time, Senior Akainu. How about coming in? You've been on the rise recently. You've been making headlines every day on the four posters..." Lucy called Uncle Akainu... "

"Brother Kizaru, I passed by Fat Lady Charlotte's territory and bought you an adult wolfberry from the land of tea..." Lucy called Uncle Kizaru..."

"Ouch! Vice Admiral, these eight famous swords of yours are colder than a human being. Do you think that the eight swords flying together are considered serious? Lucy Jiu, please call someone..."

"Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel, is getting more and more energetic. Look at your rosy face and purple forehead, and you look like you are going to have great luck. How about we go together to buy a lottery ticket after the meeting? Lucy doesn't call anyone... ..."

"Kuzan will have a meeting soon, don't sleep, Jiuluxi call your godfather..."

In the large conference room of Naval Headquarters, Leonardo came to the meeting room early in the morning with his baby daughter in his arms. He would go up and give someone a blow when he saw someone. He was like a Marine social butterfly. Afterwards, he did not forget to ask his baby girl to call people. His daughter didn't know how to do it. It doesn’t matter if you talk, as long as you receive the red envelope.

The attendees at this meeting were almost all high-level executives from Marine Vice Admiral and above, well-established social elites and high-income groups, and the red envelopes given were definitely not low. Even Akainu, who has been fishing and law enforcement in the Four Seas for several years, was not satisfied with the quality of the pirates in the Four Seas. I have saved my salary for several years, and it’s just a few centimeters with my hand.

Gion covered his face on the side. If he had known that this stinky guy would be so embarrassed, he should have made this stinky guy unable to get out of bed. Even if he was embarrassed, he would have brought her precious daughter in.

....Don’t you already have a small gold card? Are you not short of money?-_-||”

Kuzan had a black head and took out a big red envelope from his arms that was seven or eight centimeters thick. The red envelope was almost bursting. He gave it to him. He called him godfather. How could this red envelope be smaller? Then he took it and reached out to take it. He passed Jiuluxi, who pulled the little hood on his head, and let his daughter ride on his neck.

“This is not a matter of money or don’t understand even if you tell me~.

Leonardo came to Kuzan's side and said while licking his fingers and counting on the green Bailey, "They are all a group of high-income people. In just half an hour of greeting time, the money for the baby girl's milk powder for the next three years has been paid, so The big Marine family is full of warmth!

If you become a pirate, you will all be a bunch of poor people. Haha, I have a red envelope for you. Do you want two knives for you...

"Marshal Sengoku has arrived!!!!"

Just after everyone attending the meeting had expired, Mickey's duck male voice sounded, and important people usually entered the room at the most critical moment. Sengoku walked in slowly with a serious look on his face and followed the melody of his own BGM.

The originally lively venue fell silent for an instant. Only Lucy, who was riding on Kuzan's neck, was confused as to whether she made a "beep" sound. For such an important meeting, members under the age of 18 and below were not allowed to enter the Vice Admiral. Being able to ride on Marine Admiral's neck to participate in such a high-end meeting when she was just one year old, Lucy Jiu is definitely the first person in Marine history. Who wants someone to cover her up? He Vice Admiral glared at him, and even Brother Marine had to give face. ....…

But now everyone's attention is not on this child. After all, this is a high-level collective meeting held in more than ten years. Everyone knows that something big will happen this time. The last time was when Roger went on a rampage when he reached the top. This time It's definitely not that small, even Akainu Admiral, who was abandoned to guard fish ponds, was recalled...

"Ahem... I'm calling everyone together this time. I have something to announce, Xiaohe..."

After Sengoku sat down, he stopped talking. After saying a few opening remarks, he gestured to Vice Admiral, the crane on his left, to get straight to the topic. Since the matter was quite important, he and his friends worked overtime until two or three o'clock every day during this period. I really didn't have the time to do it. Think of a nice opening line.

In the current situation, it is certainly a good time for Marine to restore the power of New World, but the same difficulty is not small. At the beginning, the pirates of New World organized a large-scale alliance under Kaido's stupid organization. They, Marine, Four Admirals and others Good friend Garp also suffered heavy losses when he came back. The high-end combat power is not bad. Compared with the number of pirates in New World, their Marine backbone is too small. The sixteen elite Vice Admirals averaged more than 10 per person. They came back. At that time, almost everyone lost their luck, and they were lucky enough not to die.

Not long ago, the eldest nephew had another fight with Kaido at Sky Island last time. He was really worried that when Marine organized their entrance, that bastard Kaido would stand up and wave the flag again, which would be bad. Done, once there is a big collision between their Marine and the pirates in the New World, and they suffer heavy losses, the pirates who were just suppressed in the first half will start to get angry again.

He wanted to go to pieces for this matter, but he couldn't think of any way to solve it. After all, pirates are unruly people. If they don't beat them to death, they will rebound as long as they still have breath. However, he did not accept the orders of the Five Elders. We can’t give up. That is a 50% increase in funding every year. Although it is not as exaggerated as usual, doubling it at every turn, but after doubling it several times, the 50% increase in funding is indeed a lot. If it is doubled, it will be doubled today. Today's commodity prices and house prices, the world government is probably going to be a big aunt...

"." More than ten years have passed since Roger started the big era. Due to the sudden incident, we at Marine were unprepared, so we had to give up the power of the New World and focus on maintaining the security of the first half and the world. Now the big era The storm has gradually calmed down, and both the four seas and the first half have been maintained well. Therefore, the Five Elders ordered that it is time for Marine to restore our power in the New World. Since the last time the New World sea (good) thieves had A large-scale alliance, so-called in order to ensure nothing goes wrong, this time all Marine elites entered a state of combat readiness, and first sent two troops led by Akainu and Green Fox into the New World to test the reaction of the New World pirates. "

Crane Vice Admiral stood up, and his sonorous and powerful voice spread throughout the venue.


"Wow! Is it finally going to start?"

"It's finally here. Labor and management can't wait to defeat those bastards from New World..."

"It's really a big operation..."

When Crane Vice Admiral finished speaking, even the Marine uncles who had been mentally prepared were wide-eyed. The Iron-Blooded Faction represented by Akainu was so excited that they wanted to tremble. Last time they were attacked by a group of big pirates in the New World. It can be said that the team was thrown into the face when starting a group, but this time it can finally regain its place!.

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