Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

603. Crane Vice Admiral Is Worried That Akainu Will Be Beaten Up Again


Naval Headquarters, the first brother’s office,

"Sengoku, the Beasts Pirates have already taken action. Most likely, they are going to Kokuri. The other pirates are still waiting and watching..."

Crane Vice Admiral walked in with a baby in his arms and said to Sengoku.

It was within their expectations that the Beasts Pirates would be dispatched so quickly. After all, Curry and Kaido are like cat and mouse. They will fight each other when they meet. Not to mention, the two sides have formed a strong bond since the battle on Sky Island. "Friendship", so Curry went to the New Century with such a big fanfare. Kaido found it strange not to copy the guy and join them.

But the problem now is that the purpose of their Marine is to restore the power in the New World before the big era started, which means to restore the power of the two branches. This may be intolerable for the New World pirates, and the Marine force is stationed there. How difficult is New World?

The last time their Marines were able to station themselves in New World was thirty years ago in the Battle of the Valley of the Gods. After defeating the Rocks Pirate, the New World's pirate power was weak and took the opportunity to intervene. Now the New World's pirate power is not weak.

"Da da da...."

...That's fine. Since everyone thinks that our target is Beasts Pirates, let's let Curry drag Kaido to divert everyone's attention and let Akainu do business. "

After Sengoku tapped his fingers on the table for a long time, his glasses reflected a light of wisdom and said.

If it were just the Beasts Pirates, it would be much simpler. Just let the eldest nephew hold Kaido to divert everyone's attention, and Akainu keep a low profile. Maybe by the time those pirates react, their Marine has already established a foothold in the new century.

"Hahahaha! No wonder those guys in the newspaper call you Lao Yinbi, it's not wrong at all, hahahaha!"

The next moment, the old boy Garp who had been counting donuts next door burst out laughing without showing any dignity to his good friend, and did not care at all about the serious atmosphere at the scene.

...Garp! If you have nothing to do, go to New World and hold off the Beasts Pirates with Curry. ▼▼X)"

Seeing his slutty good friend, Sengoku had a super hash mark pop up on his forehead, and he sprayed him in the face angrily.

Especially those bastards in the newspaper who called him Lao Yinbi. After this incident was over, he was going to settle accounts with those bastards one by one. Is this called Lao Yinbi?

This is called a strategy! (▼△▼#)

"Let Kizaru take the people to fight Akainu, and try to fight as quickly as possible..."

Originally, Crane Vice Admiral wanted to suggest that Aokiji lead people to team up with Little Curry to play house with Kaido. After all, it is now difficult for the people brought by Little Curry to play house with Kaido. In terms of high-end combat power, Little Curry and Kaido They are old rivals. There is no problem here, but the Beasts Pirates and Kaido have been responsible for three disasters, and the six pillars that have emerged in the past two years. The person brought by Little Curry turned out to be JR No., who they suspected was their big brother's biological son. Apart from Tan, the others are all a group of crooks who are not good enough or who are not at their peak. Moreover, the younger brother of Beasts Pirates is very famous. It is really embarrassing for them not to withstand the impact of a Beasts Pirates.

Asking Aokiji to bring a few elite Vice Admirals to help Xiao Curry can also greatly reduce their casualties. But now that Sengoku has sent Garp, she does not need to suggest that Aokiji go there, but Akainu's side... Thinking of Akainu's side With such an extreme style, she was always a little worried, worried that Akainu would make people angry again by killing all the way, otherwise he would be teamed up by the New World pirates before he got down to business.

There is nothing wrong with Akainu's iron-blooded style and reasoning from the perspective of their Marine's justice. It is only natural for Marines to be pirates, not to mention that those pirates are not good people. Which one does not have the lives of several villages per capita in hand, but Akainu's style will often affect their Marine's battle plan, so to be on the safe side, let Kizaru go too. This will at least make Akainu restrain himself and not overdo it.

Originally, he had planned to let Kizaru and Curry play forward. Although Kizaru was loose, he did things steadily. However, because Akainu was too active, they really couldn't dampen his enthusiasm. After all, the dignified Marine Admiral was fishing and enforcing the law in the world. Years ago, no one knew whether Akainu was suffering from illness.

"That's it. The remaining personnel will continue to prepare for war at the headquarters. If the New World pirates respond, Zephyr and I will also go there. The headquarters will be left to you, Xiaohe, to guard it."

Sengoku nodded in agreement with the simplicity of this kind of general. He was not too worried about his eldest nephew. Although this kid was a bit messy and had no culture or military ability, in the past, he said that the assigned tasks were basically done properly. Don't worry, on the contrary, he has been uneasy these days since Akainu set off. The pirates in the new century are much more ferocious than the pirates in the four seas in the first half, and Akainu's reputation in the New World is too bad. He is also worried that Akainu will be in the New World again. When a group of pirates formed a group and forced a group to start a group, it would be good to have Kizaru take care of him. At least there would be no news that a "big pirate group used to fuck Marine's red dog Admiral" would break out.

The impact of the last time is still there. Akainu's reputation has hit rock bottom. If it happens again, Marine Admiral Four will probably become Marine Admiral Three. Every Marine Admiral is an important card for their Marine and cannot be changed easily. .


"Admiral Curry, there is news from the headquarters. Kaido and the Beasts Pirates have been dispatched. In all likelihood, they are coming for us. The purpose of the headquarters is to attack the east and west. Let us hold the Beasts Pirates and divert everyone's attention for the convenience of Akainu. Admiral is operating over there, Vice Admiral Garp has brought people to support us."

In the first half of New World, they revisited their old place after two months. However, because of their high-profile action this time, even with the aura of Toss Berry, they didn't encounter any pirates (Zhao Qian's) to fight against them and pick up what they missed. What happened was that the whole journey was smooth. The pirates had already drifted around the corner when they spotted their group of Marines after driving eight hundred miles.

It was still some time before their original New World branch location. Leonardo was bored lying on the deck drinking this fruit and sunbathing. Because there was someone above him, JR. Notan succeeded in taking Dominic's seat this time. Leonardo's deputy, Dominic, dared to be angry but dared not speak out, even though there was someone above him, and that person was Commander Kong who even he had to kneel down to lick.

"As expected, Kaido has never been a big-hearted person. Last time he was thrown like a dead dog from Sky Island by Bob and the others. He knew that I came to New World again, so it would be weird if he didn't come to fuck me... .…”

Hearing that the old boy Garp came to support him, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and spread out his handkerchief as if he had known it would be like this.

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