Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

604. Akainu That’S Marine’S Backbone

It really made him feel guilty to bring this bunch of jagged crooks to confront Mr. Kaido and the entire Beasts Pirates. Look at the bunch of people he brought, even though many of them were Marine Vice Admirals, he was a Marine Admiral. The cards are set off, but the actual level is completely unable to match the lineup strength of a qualified Marine Admiral Army!

Needless to say, Dominic was promoted to Vice Admiral through his back door. He was promoted by his five godfathers. Although he has worked hard over the years, his talent is limited and his strength is at the bottom of the Marine Vice Admiral. Sengoku knew that this guy had eaten A pretty good soft fruit screams waste of resources...

Toss Berry, a high-paid but incompetent guy, was able to get to Vice Admiral due to his heaven-defying luck. He "picked up" Fisher Tiger, the murderer who was seriously injured by Kizaru and caused trouble in Mariejois, and then let his younger brother blast him. He was so inexplicably put on the Vice Admiral's cloak of justice in one shot. He was really invincible if he was below the Rear Admiral. If he was above the Rear Admiral, he would be beaten for one.

As for Kent, Bob and others may have been fine when they were at their peak. Now they are past their peak. Even when Kent was at his peak, he was one of the 16 elite Vice Admirals in Marine. Unfortunately, he was hit in the hospital bed by Whitebeard's fist. I have been lying down for several years, and now I am just dawdling around waiting to retire and receive a pension.

The only ones who can really compete are Gion, JR. Notan and Poppy. Poppy's level is average at 830, a little better than Dominic, but not much. Compared with Sha, who just debuted for a few years and doesn't know anything. The Crocodile will probably have to fight for 300 rounds to win miserably. It is really difficult for such a talent to be able to show off in the first half and compete with the Beasts Pirates.

Only Gion and JR Notan plus him are the real combat power.

Teacher Kaido's Beasts Pirates is not just a boast, although there are some who are louder than their abilities, such as Kaido's third disaster, the fire-haired elephant. Although this guy's words are louder than his abilities, the real price is It's too high, but they are not good at it. The ancient ability to grow mammoth fruits is there. It is estimated that only the barbarians and the Kent gang will form a joint defense to be able to barely hold on.

The lineups of both sides - comparison, he has no problem VS Kaido-sensei, Gion VS Fire Jin is also okay, JR. Notan should be able to hold his own against the Waiba Epidemic Fatty in the lane, but Beasts Pirates is so worth a few coins The pillars that cost a lot of money are not that easy to deal with. The pillars of Beasts Pirates are not the same as those in the original work, but they are really strong enough to fight with each other. In such a small (biag) situation, they can be replaced by one. The difficulty of rising to the top of the Beasts Pirates wave after wave is no less difficult than Marine Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral, or even more difficult.

After all, the Beasts Pirates have fought too many times in New World over the years!

Not to mention that the number of boys he brought this time was not very large. The Beasts Pirates are famous for having a lot of boys, even longer than the boys of the Whitebeard Pirates who went around collecting their sons.

Teacher Kaido's character of caring about love and justice has been maintained very well over the years. With a large territory and a lot of money, he doesn't have to worry about having a younger brother at all.

Let him take these people alone to challenge the Beasts Pirates, and the battle will probably end in six games. It's not that he can't do it, it's that the younger brother below can't stand it.

These are all the assets of his Sabaody branch. After working with him for so many years, he feels bad for anyone who dies.

It was different when the old boy Garp brought people to support him. It was not just a matter of trying to hold back Mr. Kaido. He had been fighting for so many years, and he could shout out Mr. Kaido's skills with his eyes closed.

Don't panic!

" there really no problem with Akainu Admiral?"

At this time, Gion spoke with some worry. A few years ago, the battle between soldiers and thieves in New World was caused by Akainu Admiral who did too much in New World and made people angry. Akainu Admiral had been away from the world for three years, and now he is making a comeback. , who knows if I will go crazy and do it again.

If there is a problem with Akainu Admiral, it is very likely that their side will be White Hits.

Everyone around looked at me and I looked at you, not knowing how to respond. Sengoku arranged for Kizaru to "supervise the battle." Akainu and the others didn't know either. Based on their knowledge of Akainu Admiral, the leader of the Iron-Blooded Faction in Marine, Momousagi Vice Admiral was worried The problem is really possible.

It wouldn’t be Akainu Admiral if he didn’t implement a burial system when he encountered pirates...

"Probably... maybe... no. Although that guy Akainu has a bit of a bad temper, he is also a person who understands the general situation. He should not come here blindly regardless of the whole book. My father said that Akainu Admiral is the backbone of our Marine... ..

Thomas Berry touched his chin and said, but the more he spoke, the less confident he became. After all, he was not familiar with Akainu Admiral, but his father admired Akainu Admiral very much and had mentioned it to him from time to time. , the tone and demeanor were even more appreciative than when he talked about Admiral Curry...

Everyone looked at Thomas Berry with blank eyes, wondering if this guy had some misunderstanding of Duncan's Vice Admiral's words.

There is nothing wrong with saying that Akainu Admiral is the backbone of their Marine, and they agree with it, but there is a question as to whether Akainu Admiral will be teamed up by pirates for doing too much.

Even because Akainu Admiral has such a strong backbone, they are even more worried...

"Forget it, why worry so much? Let's just do our own thing. Akainu Admiral is a veteran cadre after all. It's okay to control his temper. Let's slow down and wait until Vice Admiral Garp arrives. "

Leonardo waved his hand and said.

Although Akainu is sometimes very top-notch, he will still be able to be the first brother of Marine in ten years, and he will sit firmly in the third evil position. He is not without brains, and in his opinion, Akainu has been fishing and enforcing the law for three years, and it is not ineffective. Yes, at least his character has become calmer. In the face of this big plan, Akainu can still control his temper and not engage in multiple burial systems. Wasn’t the lesson learned last time enough?

Moreover, Sengoku and Crane Vice Admiral are all brain-eating experts. Since they can send Akainu out to play forward, they will definitely think of this and probably also think of a solution. They are just eating carrots and worrying here.

Leonardo was right. Akainu and Crane Vice Admiral had indeed come up with the solution and sent Kizaru out. Moreover, Akainu had been fishing all over the world for several years and was indeed more stable. Returning to the New World was not what everyone imagined. That made everyone angry.

But... Something happened to Akainu before Kizaru arrived. .

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