Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

610. Forever Marine Handsome Boy

The actions of Marine and New World pirates have completely ignited the atmosphere of the entire ocean. Residents and news media all over the world are eagerly looking forward to it.

As if this was going to be a huge event.

How many years have there been such an epic battle between Marine and New World pirates? It only happened once or twice in decades. The last time was the Battle of Etwall more than ten years ago, when Marine encircled and suppressed the pirates. Golden Lion and Roger the Pirate King, two of the three legendary pirates.

Those who were lucky enough to watch that battle, the young man who was a young man, have become fathers. The parents who were then have almost turned white now, and the grass on the graves of many old guys is more than two meters tall.

The last time was the Battle of the Valley of the Gods thirty years ago. Nowadays, very few people in the world know about the Battle of the Valley of the Gods. Those who are still alive are grandparents with declining memory.

Therefore, everyone in the world is paying special attention to this epic battle. The battle has not even started yet, and the big screens all over the world are already overcrowded. Some even brought them with them when they knew that the legendary pirate Whitebeard came out to wave the flag. He brought his tent to the big live broadcast screen and took advantage of it. Even playoff games like the Battle of Marineford and the battle above The Fish Men Island were broadcast live. For such epic battles that affected the pattern of the sea, Uncle Marine had no reason not to Aren’t you afraid of being complained when you start a live broadcast?

They've been filling up their memberships a lot over the years...

"It's bright, it's bright..."

"Huh? It's started, it's started..."

Just when people in front of the big screens around the world were fighting against the landlords in small groups, playing mahjong and waiting for the live broadcast to start, the big screen suddenly lit up. People stopped what they were doing, stood up in excitement, and quickly clicked. position, staring intently at the big screen above, unwilling to miss a minute.

There are only two or three epic battles in decades. If you watch it for even a second, you will be slapped in the thigh.

"Hey Hey hey……"

"Moses Moses......?"


Before the picture came out, those three exaggerated and seven-point mean voices came from the big screen, causing the people in front of the big screen who were fighting for position to have a black line. The old viewers who had watched Uncle Marine's live broadcast for more than two times, listened to this With a giggling and mean voice, you could already guess who it was.

Isn't this their eternal handsome Marine "Immortal Admiral" green fox?

Audiences who are already parents are already immersed in the memories of time just by hearing this familiar voice without looking at the picture. This handsome boy from Marine, Admiral, was the youth of their generation. I recall that back then, this handsome boy from Marine had just debuted at No. 1. When they were first photographed, they were still the handsome boys and girls who were graceful, beautiful and pure. Now, the young Marine boys and girls have become Marine big shots, and they have also changed from the handsome boys and girls to the parents of their children.

Time can change many things, but it cannot change the memories of their youth...

"Naval Headquarters TV station, Naval Headquarters TV station, dear viewers, I miss you to death..."

When the picture appeared, a person wearing a Marine Admiral justice cloak, with brown hair on his head slightly messy by the sea breeze, and a sad beard, was familiar to everyone and was more mature and masculine than the last time. The Marine handsome boy appeared in front of the big screen holding a microphone.

Behind is the endless sea, and from time to time there are a few newsbirds or seagulls flying over in the blue sky.

"Today's weather is sunny and cloudless. It looks like a good day to travel at home and go out to kill people. I am your old friend, the director of the Marine News Department, the commander of the Marine Sabaody local branch, and the host of this news program. Curry.Leonardo Admiral…………”

Looking at the Marine handsome guy on the screen from the moment he appeared on the screen to now, he kept talking nonstop without saying a word to the key point. I don’t know why, but everyone loves to hear it. If it were anyone else, he would still be a rotten egg. .

Maybe this is their youth!

"This kid... is getting better and better..."

On the big ship of Marine's first brother who had just entered the New World through the G1 branch fortress, Zephyr led a group of this year's graduates and Marine's first brother Sengoku was also staring at the big screen. Zephyr looked at the man on the big screen who was closer than his biological son. The "favorite student" was talking casually, and it took a long time to hold back a sentence.

Some people really have big hearts and are born for big scenes. Don't you agree? According to their plan, after they meet up and prepare to fight the New World pirates, they will start the live broadcast and let Leonardo spray him a little bit. For an hour or two, they showed off their Marine style and aroused the audience's emotions. Even if they failed to restore the two branches, their Marine was still defeated.

…………Please give me flowers 0

But I don’t know whether Xiaohe’s notification was not in place or this kid couldn’t hear clearly. Now they have just entered the New World. Even if they accelerate at full speed, if nothing happens, it will take at least more than a week to meet them. As a result, this kid The live broadcast started so early, and judging from his appearance, he seemed to be quite well prepared. He could win over those 47 people with just one opening statement...


On the other hand, Sengoku looked at the big screen with great anticipation. Although the eldest nephew was his friend's student, he spent more time with him and knew him better than his friends. Generally, in this case, according to the eldest nephew's After saying a lot of useless opening remarks, it’s time to start the formal process. This is the eternal habit of the eldest nephew since he has hosted it for many years.

And he, the first brother of Marine, must be one of the key targets of his eldest nephew's praise, which makes him look forward to it. He is looking forward to his eldest nephew bragging him severely in front of the whole world. There is still a long time, so the eldest nephew can brag. Definitely work harder and be more careful...

Thinking about the feeling of being praised in front of the whole world, Sengoku felt so refreshed now that he wished his eldest nephew could quickly finish his damn opening remarks.

And a group of Marines behind Sengoku who also know this guy, Vice Admiral, have become accustomed to it and are calm. They are also a little envious of Curry Admiral for being able to kneel down and lick Five Elders and Brother 1 in front of the world's audience. Look at all these years because of Curry. In the Admiral Grandmaster's way, it can be said that he has been on the rise all the way. The Five Elders broke Marine's rules for many years and added a Marine Admiral. They even set up a Sabaody branch for him and divided the three major international cities with plenty of money for him. This kind of treatment can definitely be described as unprecedented [it will be difficult for anyone to be treated better than Curry in the next few decades!

Of course, they are just envious. Not everyone has the ability to kneel and lick in front of the whole world.

At least if it were them, they definitely wouldn't be able to do it, they wouldn't have the face to do it!

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