Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

611. They Are All Waiting For Him To Blow A Blow


The group of screaming graduates behind Zephyr looked at the big screen in bewilderment. This disciple who always smiles when Teacher Zephyr is mentioned, one of the legends of Marineford makes their ears tingle. Curry Admiral.

It’s hard for them to believe that this handsome guy who talks a lot of nonsense without saying anything important, and always sounds a little bit mean in his tone is actually the thunderous Curry Admiral!

This is completely different from what they imagined. In their imagination, shouldn't such a fierce man be like the Aokiji Admiral next door, wearing a small mask all day long, lying there without saying a word and looking like trousers?

"This is Mr. Zephyr's beloved disciple, Curry Admiral? Hina can't believe it...-_-||

A beautiful pink-haired girl wearing a Marine uniform "590" with black lines in the crowd said that she had grown up in Marineford since she was a child. Although she had never seen her in person, it could be said that she had been listening to Curry Admiral since she was a child. Growing up in a legendary story, he graduated with the highest honors from Marine Academy early and became the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates as soon as he debuted.

The sworn brother of the legendary pirate Whitebeard, the most powerful Wanokuni who drew an A series of legendary stories.

But the man in front of her didn't match the image in her mind at all...

...Perhaps because of this, he is Teacher Zephyr's beloved disciple..."

Next to the beautiful girl, a white-haired boy with a big cigar in his mouth said in a sullen voice.

He is different from the beautiful girls around him. He was born in East Blue Logue town. When he was a child, he once saw this guy on the big screen when Roger, the pirate king of Logue town, was publicly executed. It was a shock to him throughout his life. The biggest one, so his memory is very deep. The Curry Admiral was like this before Roger was executed. He held a microphone and forced himself on the execution platform endlessly, so he was not surprised.

Moreover, he has been recommended to the Marine Academy from the bottom of the Marine Corps all the way to the top student of this class because of his outstanding performance. Therefore, he understands the world better than the beautiful girls around him. As for this guy's eloquent mouth, no teacher can The leader doesn't like it.

Next door to the two of them, Kuzan, who was lying lazily on the sofa wearing a hood and was about to fall asleep, heard the beautiful girl and the white-haired chain-smoking boy talking to each other. His eyes under the hood could not help but roll. , their MarineF4’s quality was more or less reduced a lot by this bastard...

"After three years of not seeing each other, this kid is getting more and more mature..."

"You're already a father, so you should..."

It’s not just Sengoku, Marine’s first brother, who hopes that Leonardo will end this damn opening statement quickly, but also the five-year-old dads who are far away on the highest floor of the Mariejois World Government office building. Now these five-year-old dads are looking at the image on the big screen with a smile. I am very pleased to see my godson who is obviously much more mature than the hairless pretty boy he used to be. .

Although they are all looking forward to how their godson will brag about them in front of the whole world, after all, after holding a high position for so many years, the Grandmaster has remained calm. Their mentality is much more stable than Sengoku, and they all have a look on their faces. The blooming wild chrysanthemums were smiling and commenting on their godson on the big screen, without any trace of anxiety...

Anyway, their way is that after the godson finishes his nonsense opening remarks, they will definitely be the first ones to be praised in a big way, because they are the biggest!

"It took several years to start this live broadcast. The main reason is that in the past few years, the sea has been calm, no major incidents have been reported, and every family lives and works in peace and contentment... When I say this, I represent all Marine soldiers and my fellow countrymen, uncles and brothers from all over the world. Once again, thank you to our great Five Elders who have been silently supporting our Marine cause of upholding justice for many years. Without your silent comeback without asking for anything in return, there would be no peaceful and stable sea today. You are the greatest heroes, let us With the most sincere and grateful heart, I sincerely wish these five old heroes who have silently contributed to world peace to be healthy and long-lived, with a strong heart and a strong mind.

The nonsense in the opening remarks was almost finished, and the important content was just beginning. Leonardo immediately switched to a sincere face and faced the camera and started to brag about all the words in his lexicon over the past twenty or thirty years. The elderly people sent out their blessings, and at the end, they gave the most sincere three bows to the camera...

Seeing that he didn't want to give Bi Lian a blow, everyone around him and Uncle Marine in front of the big screen were holding Lian Wangtian's hands...

This bastard is so explicit....(—_—|||)


"Hey...! It's not unreasonable for this guy to become the youngest Admiral in history..."

The audience in front of the big screen stared at the big screen in shock. They found that this Marine handsome boy was becoming more and more shameless. Although he used to brag about his leadership every live broadcast, he still had a certain temperament, but now he bows three times. Sorry, I don’t want to lose my face anymore. Should I lie down on the ground and start blowing next time?

"Huh... I can't stand it, I can't stand it, hurry up... get my medicine, this kid is so honest!!!"

" extra bottle..."

"I still have mine..."

At the top of the world government, the fifth-level father received the most sincere blessings and three sincere bows from his godson. He covered his little heart with one hand and almost couldn't hold it anymore. He quickly asked the CPO who was also stunned to take the lead to get the medicine.

As they get older, they 2.4 really can't listen to too many truths, but this godson is an honest man, he can't hide his words in his heart, and speaks out everything that's on his mind. It's really... so exciting!

The CPO leader received the call from the five bosses and quickly came to his senses and acted as a supporting role for the five bosses. Then he went out in a daze and asked the younger brother who was guarding outside to buy a few boxes of quick-acting Jiuxin pills.

He has been promoted by the five bosses for decades, and he has met many talents who kneel and lick the five bosses. He has also heard a lot of explicit flattery, but there has never been anyone who can do this like the green fox Admiral. What impressed the "hearts" of the five bosses was not that they were not good enough, but that their acting skills were not as good as the one on the big screen!

Look at her acting skills, every brow reveals sincerity!

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