Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

618. Whitebeard Returns To Grandmaster's Art Of War

"V oh! V oh! V oh!"

"Report to Marshal Sengoku, it's bad, we...we are surrounded by pirates!!!"

New World At four o'clock in the morning, except for the boy on duty, everyone else was still sleeping. At this time, the alarm bell rang loudly on the sea. The boy on duty hurriedly rushed into Sengoku's office on the giant ship without knocking, and hurriedly reported the report. Still trembling, as if seeing some big monster.

Just now, they discovered a group of pirates on the sea, all around them, and they had entered the circle of pirates!

I thought that my newly married wife would soon become a widow... The eighty-year-old mother in the family with white hair gave birth to the black-haired one, and before she had time to lay an egg for the family, she had to ask the old Wang next door. .....I can't help but feel that he is not afraid.

"Nani?! Whitebeard really has his own tricks..."

Sengoku didn't sleep tonight, or he hadn't rested since he came to New World. His eyes were bloodshot. If he hadn't had a good foundation, a sixty-year-old man who hadn't slept for so long would have stopped eating. Sengoku, who is still strong, jumped up from his seat when he heard his brother's report and quickly walked to the window and looked outside. Through the moonlight that was about to get off work, he could still see the lights in the distance, which looked like darkness in the night sky. The stars are usually so bright and distinct, who else could it be but Whitebeard?

Among the four wealthy families in the New World, Kaido and Charlotte have not read many books and have no time to study. For them, if they have this time, it is better to expand their territories and eat cakes. They cannot handle this kind of formation. Take action: The dragon-riding warrior may have a big head like Beckman on the ship, but the qualifications of the Red Hair Pirates are still slightly lower. They only plan to promote this kind of large-scale event: Only Whitebeard has been fighting with their marine for decades. Only the most highly educated among thieves would have nothing to do to study these tactics...

Taking advantage of the large number of pirates in the New Century, they formed a pocket-shaped encirclement. They waited until their Marines entered and then carried out a comprehensive encirclement. Their Marines were attacked from both sides. Originally, their Marines were fighting away from home without any support, and the headquarters could not support them. If Xiaohe When bringing people over, everything will go haywire in the first half. Whitebeard took advantage of this and adopted the pocket tactic.

"Wow, wow, wow, I can't tell, Whitebeard actually knows the art of war~~!"

Outside on Leonardo's boat, he was woken up by a "Voo! Voo!" alarm bell in the middle of the night, and was kicked out of bed by that stinky bitch from Tien. Leonardo didn't have time to change his equipment.

Wearing the pink cute rabbit pajamas that Tozono bought for him, he came to the deck with sleepy eyes and saw their Marine fleet with lights all around. [Without even thinking about it, he knew that the New World criminal gang headed by Beard had arrived.

But what surprised him was, wasn't this a pocket tactic? He didn't expect Whitebeard to actually know the art of war. No wonder Zephyr said that Whitebeard was capable of both civil and military skills. He thought Zephyr was saying that Whitebeard was a pirate in history. What about being the first to get a postdoctoral degree?

"Admiral Curry, there seem to be a lot of pirates..."

Because they were preparing for war on the giant ship, except for Leonardo and Tozono, everyone else slept in their clothes. Dominic, who had been snatched away from the top spot by J.R. Notan, was demoted to the second spot. He came over and took a surprised look at the pink series on the boss's body. Then he came back to his senses and looked around with a trembling voice.

He is not someone who has never seen the big world. On the contrary, he has seen all kinds of big snakes and diarrhea in the years since he debuted. Starting from the famous Battle of Wall, he has not been involved in any war that affected the world pattern, but he is still there. I was shocked by the number of pirates now.

This number is much greater than the number of the Golden Lion's younger brothers in the Wall Sea battle!

Others also nodded with serious faces. Kent, who had experienced the last "Battle of Good and Evil" in New World, and Bob and others also did the same. They found that the development of the pirate industry in New World was really too fast. The lineup of thieves has not been so large yet, and the number now has obviously doubled compared to last time.

As for Thomas Berry, who was seeing such a big scene for the first time, although he didn't throw himself on the ground and embarrass him, his feet were weak now, and Bobby was supporting him the whole time.

"Isn't this nonsense? Almost all the pirates in New World are here, how can there not be too many..."

"Ready to start, turn the camera around."

Leonard gave Dominic a roll of his eyes and let him understand. He took out his exclusive wireless microphone from his pink pajamas and gave a look to the Marine guy who was carrying the camera bug.

"Fuck! What the hell, Marine is up so late at night?"

"There is a picture, there is a picture, is it going to start?"

"."Wow! What is that? A pirate?"

"Isn't this too much?"


At the same time, the large LCD screens all over the place suddenly lit up, causing the men and women who were setting up tents and pampering themselves in front of the big screens to get excited and crawl out of the tents, bursting into anger, only to see the man in the screen wearing a Admiral, a handsome boy in cute pink rabbit pajamas, appeared on the screen with a microphone. Behind him were countless lights on the sea. He immediately became shocked and stopped spraying.

They have been waiting for many days. They have endured all kinds of boring reports from Marine and are still strong. Isn't it just to wait for this moment?

When they saw the dense lights in the picture, everyone couldn't help but contribute to global warming. This was the first time they saw the lineup of the New World Pirates. There were too many. If there were an average of two or three lights, If it comes from a pirate ship, the number of pirate ships currently appearing on the screen is too many to count even if they add their toes.

There are really too many! (Zhao De)

This time they finally understood why Marine, despite being so powerful as Sihai in the first half, was still unable to enter the New World. The value of this is the passage of locusts!

"Hey Hey hey!"

"Lighting engineer, sound engineer, action! Cold"

"Dear viewers in front of the big screen, it is the morning news time at four o'clock in the morning. I believe you have already seen it from the lights appearing behind me. That's right! The long-awaited battle is finally about to begin, with Whitebeard as the leader. The New World criminal group is currently slowly advancing towards us from the front, rear, left and right of our Marine. Although our Marine is on an away field and is still surrounded by enemies, what awaits us will definitely be a hard battle. However, judging from the faces of our Marine soldiers The perseverance you see on the video is indeed true. In order to maintain world peace, our Marine warriors are not afraid of sacrifice and move forward bravely. Each one of them holds a spear and a sword and is ready for the ultimate one-on-five fight..."

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