Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

619. Sir Crocodile Enlightened


The little brother carrying the camera bug was also smart enough. When he heard Leonardo say this, he immediately turned the camera to a group of Marine uncles. Those Marine uncles were a little panicked at first, but when they heard Leonardo say this, After a few more words, and when they saw the camera pointed at them, they took a deep breath, raised their heads, straightened their chests, retracted their abdomen and raised their buttocks, raised their heads forty-five degrees and looked up at the night sky, regardless of life and death. At this time, they were no longer afraid in their hearts, and the rest There is only one word for courage.

As long as the boss speaks, they will dare to attack even if the other party is Whitebeard!

Uncle Marine's appearance of not caring about life and death moved the audience in front of the big screen to tears, because they did not care about their own lives in exchange for the happy life they have now. It is really so great!

Some new pirates who had just debuted were shocked by this scene, and many people were even discouraged.

"I wonder if I can quit now and become a Marine..."

"Speaking of which, I really didn't expect that Whitebeard actually has the Grandmaster Art of War. As you can see, there are about 200 pirates in front and behind our Marine, and we are completely surrounded by pirates. This is the pocket formation in the Art of War. Aging is a good saying, you are not afraid of how powerful the pirates are, but you are afraid of the culture of the pirates. Whitebeard has been in the new century for decades and has experienced two major eras. He is really not a braggart, so here, I also I would like to advise all Mr pirates who are about to go to sea or have just gone to sea, that when you want to go out to hang out, you must not only have big enough fists, but also be educated. Although the threshold for pirates to enter the industry is low, those who are uneducated have either fed Sea Kings or entered Impel Down. , only those with high education can survive in the meat grinder of the times. The Whitebeard you see is one of the representatives. So Mr. pirates, while you don’t have a criminal record yet, go home and study hard and try to get a After getting a doctorate, you can start your career again. There is no shortage of pirates in the sea. What the sea lacks is educated pirates. None of the uneducated pirates will have a good end..."

Those pirates' wooden boats don't burn oil like Uncle Marine's iron boats, so they are slower. Leonardo has been waiting for so long, but the pirates haven't arrived yet, and the live broadcast has started again. I can't really watch the morning news for ten minutes. I have no choice but to continue spitting at the camera. I am worried about those pirates. I have finished all the idioms that I have saved for the past two or three decades in the past few days. He didn't even know how to brag.

"Yeah... It makes sense... The boy next door to me didn't study hard when he was a child. He wanted to be the pirate king all day long. As a result, he went to sea to become a pirate when he turned 18 last year, but the result was the same. Tian came back with two broken legs. I heard that HNA went to an area with many sharks and was attacked by two sharks..."

"What are you talking about? My son from Lao Wang's family next door... No, it's Lao Wang's son from next door to me. He can't even understand numbers. He went out to sea for two days and met a big pirate with a bounty of tens of millions. Because he didn't I know numbers, and I thought it was a little Karami who was going to fuck someone with a kitchen knife, but was beaten into a hornet's nest. If I hadn't recognized the birthmark on my butt, they wouldn't even be able to find their son's body...see Becoming a pirate is not that simple!"

As the saying goes, listening to you is worth ten years of reading. Audiences who have suffered from illiteracy in front of the big screen, or have seen people suffering from illiteracy, also nodded in agreement with the words of Admiral, a cute pink rabbit in pajamas. In fact, for For many people who have never experienced pirates, Marine and pirates are just a profession to them. Whether it is a marine or a pirate, as long as their children can make it, they will be both marine and pirates. It doesn’t matter, because the threshold of Marine is relatively high, and many children don’t like to study, so after most children with dreams resisted their parents’ arrangements for them to go to the electronics factory to realize their talents, most children chose the field with the lowest threshold and the easiest way to get promoted. of pirates.

However, this cute pink rabbit pajamas Admiral uses the famous super pirate Whitebeard as an example, which is also very convincing. There are still more awesome super pirates in the world than Whitebeard. He has been the top king in two major eras and is even more awesome. Of?

No, right? One Piece Roger has been dead for almost ten years. The original Golden Lion was hit by Mr. Kaido with a home run. Now I don’t know where to make a short movie. In the last era, there was a top four. What are they called? They have forgotten it a long time ago, and they probably won't end well. All other super pirates of the same generation as Whitebeard have been eliminated, and only Whitebeard is still strong. Isn't this proof?

Unexpectedly, it turned out that there are so many ways to be a pirate. They finally understood it today.

"So that's what it is..."

In the first half of the story, in an unknown town, the crowd in front of the big screen thought that he had a big cigar in his mouth, a scar from left to right on his face, and a golden hook in his left hand. He had a very good temperament. Yes, it was the sand crocodile who made the headlines some time ago and was preparing to challenge Whitebeard. In the end, Whitebeard chopped off one of his girlfriends and disfigured his face with a knife. Sir Crocodile's eyes flashed with a strange light as he listened to the discussions around him. After being killed by Whitebeard, he was not like other pirates who were helpless after being killed by Whitebeard and were waiting to die.

He is a man with brains. After seeing how deep the water in the sea is, he resolutely returned to the first half, learned from the pain, and thought about the gap between himself and Whitebeard. Originally, he thought that he was only inferior to Whitebeard in terms of strength. How many years has it been since Whitebeard debuted? Whitebeard is older now. He believes that as long as he is given time, he can close the gap between him and Whitebeard.

But after hearing the words of Admiral, the bastard who had masturbated him, and the various discussions around him, he found that he still thought too simply. The four legendary pirates of the year, Roger, had burped, the Golden Lion had fallen, and the Red Earl They must have been masturbated a long time ago. Only Whitebeard is still standing on the highest peak in the world. This is not just a matter of strength. Speaking of strength, which one of Roger, Golden Lion, and Red Earl was not the top king back then?

But now only Whitebeard is still on the top line, which explains the problem. Whitebeard is not only good at fighting, but also has a high level of education. It is a wise saying that he will be a plane for the rest of his life without thinking.

Considering that he only had an elementary school degree, he finally understood that the gap between him and Whitebeard was not just in terms of strength...

At this moment, Sir Crocodile realized!

He had no intention of continuing to watch the live broadcast, and silently withdrew from the crowd. From today on, he will study hard. If he doesn't get a doctorate, he won't come back!

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