Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

620. Teacher Kaido: Why Are You Bragging About Me?

Sir Crocodile realized it, and some young people who had just debuted or were preparing to debut also realized it. However, they did not have the determination like Sir Crocodile. Instead, they called their parents or friends one after another to ask if the electronics factory was still recruiting people. ?

Compared to studying, they would rather go to the electronics factory with their talents and avoid more than ten years of detours.


Leonardo's voice was not low, and he also held a microphone. Although the pirates were far away, there were a lot of people in New World Grandmaster Conqueror's Haki, so naturally they all heard this bastard's mouth. At the sound of the sound, a group of great pirates and Whitebeard's sons looked in amazement at Whitebeard, who was standing majestically on the bow of the Moby Dick holding a super machete. Everyone knew that Whitebeard was literate. After all, this was what he could do back then. Play routine chess with The Resourceful General Sengoku - someone who meets his opponent.

But they really don’t know that Whitebeard is so sharp. He actually got a postdoctoral degree. He’s so damn inhuman. He can fight, but he’s so well-educated that he can’t let anyone live!

Especially the rich and beautiful women of Charlotte. Because Charlotte has suffered enough from being uneducated, she provides an elite education to the next generation. Coupled with the need to develop Devil Fruit, these beautiful women are almost All of them are academic masters, and because of this, they know how hard it is to study, especially taking the Ph.D. exam, which is simply not done by humans. After all, they have so many brothers and sisters, and only their second brother Kata Kuli succeeded in getting a doctorate degree, which was already a big deal in their eyes. But the man Whitebeard, who their mother would never get, was even more impressive, and he got admitted to a postdoctoral degree like a motherfucker!

"Si Guoyi! Dad, when did you get admitted as a postdoctoral fellow? Damn it! Would you still be a doctor if I did...(O_O)?"

Xiao Ma next to the majestic Whitebeard also looked at his old father in shock. It was only today that he found out that his old father had obtained a postdoctoral degree quietly. Before, he thought that his old father had a doctorate degree, so in his After working hard for more than ten years and finally getting a doctorate last year, I felt that I was almost on the same level as my old father. Now I know that my old father is even one level above him.

"Gula la la la la, Marco, if you had known there was no end to learning, life is a learning process, you can't slack off!!"

Whitebeard enjoyed the shocked looks around him, especially the adoring looks from his sons. He felt indescribably comfortable. Although he hated that Marine brat, to be honest, this brat was extremely comfortable when it came to blowing people away!


"Bastard Whitebeard...Quinn, when you go back, get all the books from elementary school to postdoc for Laozi! Isn't he just a postdoc? What's so great...(V^VX)"

In the C position of the Beasts Pirates fleet, we boarded a huge pirate ship. Seeing Whitebeard stealing the show, Teacher Kaido was unhappy again. He was still adjusting his state and preparing to avenge his shame and kill that cheap Marine brat. Now, Hearing that bastard brat praise Whitebeard so fiercely, Teacher Kaido almost lost his temper.

How much does Whitebeard give you to brag about him, and double the labor and wages, why don’t you brag about me too!


"Teacher Zephyr, isn't it nice of Curry Admiral to say this? Doesn't this help pirates grow?"

On Sengoku, the epic ship whose tonnage rivaled Teacher Kaido's, Hina frowned and didn't know what she was thinking about, and then asked Teacher Zephyr in front of her.

From what she heard, Admiral's words were tantamount to making future pirates more difficult to deal with. Originally, most pirates were uneducated, but even so, those pirates were already difficult to deal with. Just look at Whitebeard's pocket array to see how scary pirates are. If the cultural quality of pirates improves in the future, it will be even more difficult for them to deal with Marine.


The surrounding students also looked over, and they also thought of this, but because it was Admiral Curry who did this, even Marshal Sengoku didn't speak to their teacher Zephyr, so it was hard for them to ask questions, otherwise they would be dead before they even debuted. If you offend Admiral Curry, you won't have to mess around anymore. Now that Hina is not afraid of offending people and asking them what they think, they naturally prick up their ears and listen to what Teacher Zephyr has to say.

"...Why do you think those young people go to sea to become pirates? Is it really the so-called freedom? In fact, it is just an excuse for their own violations of law and discipline. The real reason for going to sea on the sea is for the so-called freedom. In fact, there are not many pirates. Those young people have not read many books, or they hate reading, and their cognitive scope is small, so in their limited knowledge, the only way out is to become pirates."


"If they could read, distinguish right from wrong, and know that there is more to the world than just being pirates, they wouldn't become pirates anymore, and you know...the so-called doctors, postdocs How difficult is it? There are so many of us in the Marine, and we have been admitted to the Ph.D., but there are only three postdoctoral fellows, Xiaohe, Sengoku and Kizaru."

"Leonardo is raising the threshold for pirates, making those young people subconsciously think that to be a pirate, you must be educated. Uncultured pirates will not be able to go far after all. When the time comes, there will be a living example like Whitebeard. In the past, those who could not read books naturally did not dare to become pirates. In the future, the number of pirates in the sea may be reduced."


Zephyr didn't know that this lover was just acting carelessly because the pirate's wooden boat was too slow, so he was very pleased to see the man in front of him who was wearing pink cute rabbit pajamas and holding a microphone and talking. My beloved disciple, I thought that my beloved disciple’s structure was so big, and every word I spoke was planning for the future.


After Zephyr's powerful explanation, not only Hina and the other students, but also the Marine uncles who knew Leonardo, including Sengoku, were shocked.

Although Zephyr’s explanation doesn’t sound wrong, after all, who the hell would become a pirate if they were educated?

If Whitebeard hadn't been too poor to study, he wouldn't have become a pirate.

But why do Sengoku and others who know Leonardo so much not believe it, especially Sengoku and Kuzan, who know Leonardo very well? Although there is nothing wrong with Zephyr's explanation, maybe Leonardo's words just now will. Even though Zephyr had guessed the effect, they were even more convinced that this guy was just making a few false claims.

How can a guy who has never learned anything since he was a child and can fall asleep instantly after reading a book have such a pattern?

If those guys had such a pattern, they wouldn't have guarded a golden mountain before they got married and wouldn't have gone to New World to cause trouble for a little money!

(PS: Thank you dad for your monthly ticket!!! Nine).

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