Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

621. Mr. Kaido: It’S That Bastard Again

In the sea area of ​​New World Velverid, Marine, the pirates are holding the guy tightly in their hands, only a few hundred meters apart, and are waiting. Uncle Marine wants to march into New World and restore the original two Marine branches of New World, and the Marines of New World The thieves naturally don't want to give Uncle Marine this chance. For many years, the pirates in the New World have been the boss, and Marine's power should not exist.

Back then, Uncle Marine was able to station two branches of Marine in New World entirely because the New World pirates were in a period of decline after the Rocks Pirate group was destroyed, and there was no respected leader to wave the flag, so he could only watch Marine. Power enters the New World.

Pirates who came from that era all know what it was like to have two Marine branches stationed in front of their homes. Maybe it's nothing to those super big pirates.

But for those "137" second and third line little Karami, it is simply a disaster. The survival rule of the New World itself is that the big fish eats the small fish, the small fish eats the shrimp, and the shrimp fights in the wild. But with two Marines After the branch, it became very difficult for the little fish to eat shrimps and the shrimp jungle. You have to be careful every day. Once you meet Uncle Marine, you will not be sent to Impel Down if you are unlucky.

Those days were really unbearable, and now they have stood up again. Not only Whitebeard, the legendary pirate who spanned two eras, but also Kaido, Charlotte, and the red-haired three kings took the lead, and they There are obviously more people than Uncle Marine. If Uncle Marine is allowed to re-enter the New World, they will stop being pirates and just disband and go home to herd the cattle.

The momentum of both sides reached its peak. As long as the leader said a word, the fight would begin at any time. Audiences in front of the big screens around the world were also infected by this atmosphere. They all looked nervously at the big screen without making a single sound. For fear of affecting the surrounding audience, if they miss even a minute, they will be beaten by a group. In such an atmosphere, even if One Piece Roger is resurrected, he will not be given face...

"Gula la la la la la! Sengoku, go back, New World is not the place you Marines should come to!!!"

When Whitebeard, who is definitely in the C position in One Piece, approached the Moby Dick, Whitebeard grabbed the machete in his hand and did some tricks while nailing it to the deck, deliberately ignoring the man over there who was staring maliciously at his beloved knife in his hand. The old bastard Garp said to Sengoku.

Now only Sengoku can talk on the opposite side, Garp... is just a small Vice Admiral, ignore him!

Ever since they were less than a kilometer away from the Marine fleet, the beloved knife in his hand had been shaking, as if recalling those not-so-beautiful memories. This gave Whitebeard a headache. That bastard Garp is now He is so addicted to fighting against famous swords. The price of repairing famous swords is not cheap, especially the ultra-magical sword like the Supreme Knife. Even his first brother in New World for so many years can't hold it even after coming here twice, so he As soon as he came up, he directly talked to Sengoku and pretended not to see that bastard Garp. Compared to that bastard Garp, PK with Sengoku was obviously much more elegant...

"Calm down, Griffin, calm down, we won't fight him..."

Not only is the super machete in Whitebeard's hand trembling, as he is trying hard to reduce his presence next door to the Whitebeard pirates, the rather low-key dragon-riding warrior Shanks is also comforting his beloved sword that has been hammered. Since they approached the Marine fleet After that, the beloved knife in his hand was restless, trying to break away from his hand and fly away never to return, which made Shanks heartbroken.

"Whitebeard! Why don't you just stay here quietly?"

The leader of the other party had already spoken. As the boss of his own side, Sengoku of course couldn't give it away. He straightened his long braided beard that was slightly messy by the sea breeze, took two steps to the bow of the ship, his voice was firm and powerful, and the big cloak of justice behind him was covered by The sea breeze blows, and the temperament of the Marine boss is also very good.


"You bastard, then there's nothing to talk about? New World is our pirate territory, when will we let you Marine come in! (▼△▼X)"

Before Whitebeard could reply, the teacher next door, Kaido, had already snatched his line. Teacher Kaido's tone was very unpleasant. He had prepared the opening statement early in the morning, but as soon as he took it out, Whitebeard stole the limelight before he even spoke. It made him very unhappy. He had to stay up all night memorizing all these messy things and it turned out to be of no use. So after Sengoku finished speaking, he no longer gave Whitebeard a chance and slammed the super-large black stick in his hand onto the deck. After smashing a big hole and making a loud noise, which attracted a lot of attention, Tiger Eyes glared at Sengoku and opened his mouth to reply...

" scary. Is this Kaido of the Beasts? It looks scarier than Whitebeard..."

Some new members of the Marine Corps were really frightened when they saw Mr. Kaido, whose muscles were as strong as steel and his body exuded a fierce aura like a demon of the night.

It's not bad. From an image point of view, Teacher Kaido's temperament is much more terrifying than Whitebeard's, especially the sturdy tendons and the height of nine meters above sea level. The fat lady Charlotte on the other side of Whitebeard has the same tonnage. In a group, it is simply a super twin tower.

This frightens those newcomers to the Marine Corps who think that because they are tall, they are tanks.

With such a large volume, how do you deal with this?

"If you don't have to talk, then don't talk about it. Kaido, you are such a loser. When will it be your turn to speak? When will you be the boss first? Now your boss is that old boy Whitebeard. Come out and fool around. No matter how high or low you are, you don’t understand “I don’t know what it means... CH)|

Originally it was the boss of both sides' turn to start the quarrel, and Leonardo, who had nothing to do with him, had already put down the microphone to appreciate Whitebeard2.5 and Sengoku's quarrel. But now that Mr. Kaido stepped forward and deliberately destroyed the balance of the game, Leonardo couldn't sit still. Now, the microphone has been handed over to the mast again, holding the microphone in one hand and pointing at Teacher Kaido with a burst of undisguised contempt.

From the look in my eyes, I'll tell you when you kill Whitebeard and become the boss.

"You bastard kid, you're looking for death! (*▼Van▼)"

Teacher Kaido is furious, that look again. Ever since the battle on Sky Island, what Teacher Kaido can't stand the most is this little bastard kid's unconcealed look. Every time he thinks of this kid despising him to death on Sky Island, Rayleigh The old guy's appearance made Teacher Kaido furious and rushed to Tianling Gai.

Now he despises him for not being the boss. How can Teacher Duo endure this? .

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