Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

622. If You Are Still Young, You Will Call Me Daddy.

"I'm just looking for death, come on, come on, you have the guts to tease me to death. If you don't die, I'm your daddy! (^∇X)*

"When you come out to hang out, you have to do what you say. Come, dad is waiting for you here. Come here and kill dad..."

Saying hello, Leonardo rolled up his sleeves and pointed at Teacher Kaido and continued to fire.

.....What a bastard you are! (#A)?"

Looking at the slutty face of the damn brat opposite, Teacher Kaido gritted his teeth in anger, but still didn't do anything, because... He was so tender that he couldn't kill this damn bastard. Although this bastard was not as tough as him, but His vitality and resilience are worse than him. If he can't kill him if he gets hit, he will call him daddy.

"Who are you talking about, bastard?"

"Asshole said you!(#A)?"

"Oh! So you are a bastard.

"Made, are you looking for death! (A)?"

"Come on, come on, I will be your father until you die..."


Whether it was the Marines, pirates or people watching the live broadcast in front of the big screen, they saw one big and one small pointing at each other without any nutrition, and countless black lines were squeezed out on their foreheads.

We are here to see the fight, not the spitting. You sprayed so much, but you are here to fight!

"....․Sou Ga!"

In a small town in the first half of the Grand Line, Gekko Moria and a group of friends saw this scene in the crowd. Gekko Moria suddenly realized something, as if he had seen something.

After seeing the power displayed by Uncle Marine after Roger's public execution in Roger Town, he, who had determined to become a great pirate since he was a child, did not lose heart. Instead, he returned to his hometown to look for his friends while tempering himself. In 2017, when he felt that he was strong enough to go out to sea and do something big, he stopped pushing and immediately set sail with his friends to go out to sea. It should be said that he had been preparing for almost ten years, and it can be said that it has been smooth sailing since his debut. He even got the title of "Hero", and there was really no gameplay in the first half, and he easily passed the level in less than a year.

Originally, he had planned to enter the New World next, challenge the big pirates in the New World, and then lead his friends to become a wealthy family. However, when he had not chosen an opponent and did not know who to challenge, what happened to Marine this time? He is not in a hurry to enter the big event of New World. He plans to wait until this event is over and then slowly study who is more suitable to challenge.

Although the first-line celebrities in New World are pretty good and have a good reputation, he doesn't like them. He plans to lead his friends to challenge super celebrities like Whitebeard and Kaido, and then get there in one step, but such super celebrities New World has a total of There are four, Whitebeard, Kaido, Charlotte and the redhead.

First of all, the fat lady Charlotte and the red hair were directly passed by him. First, the fat lady Charlotte is a woman, and he is "heroic" Moonlight. Moria never beats women. If a grown man challenges a woman, it will be embarrassing to win and even more embarrassing to lose. No matter how you look at it, it doesn’t make sense.

Secondly, the red-haired person was originally the ideal challenger, but recently he had just lost his arm, so he would be criticized even if he won in the end.

He is the "heroic" Moonlight. Moria is an upright person. If you win, you must win with dignity. What does it mean to bully a woman or a disabled person?

Then he turned his target to Whitebeard and Kaido, who were the only ones left. Just when he was hesitating between the two, he saw Kaido's look of not daring to squirt, and he had an idea in his mind.

This Marine Admiral green fox is the famous "Immortal Admiral". He knows it, but you, Kaido, are so damn big that you don't dare to go up and fuck such a tiny Marine Admiral. You have grown so big in vain. My heart suddenly put Duo in the category of cowards.

Now that we know that Kaido is a coward and Whitebeard is famous, the idiot knows how to choose between these two options.

Moonlight. Moria drove Kaido with an angry look. He looked like a big fool at first glance. There was no need to choose, he was the target of the challenge.

Damn Kaido!

"Master drafter, are you going to fight or not? If not, go back to the ironwork. The labor and wages are tens of millions per minute. Don't waste the labor and capital's time here!

After spraying half a ton of saliva, Leonardo's mouth was dry, and he revealed that the diamond-encrusted diamond watch given by Toien on his hand was blinding in the sun, and he gave it to Teacher Kaido so that he could understand it. said with his eyes.

"I'll give it all to labor! Kill these bastards to death!"

"Hot breath!(A4)"

His eyes were suddenly flashed by the diamond watch on Leonardo's hand. Teacher Kaido finally broke out. With a big hand, he let the three disasters take the lead, and then jumped high into the air and changed his voice into a green dragon hovering in the air. Opening his mouth wide, a piece of hot thick phlegm that had been stuck in his throat for who knows how many years was gathering momentum in front of his mouth.

"That's right. After spraying for so long, it's only at this level. It's better to do it coolly."

"One sword flow‧Return to the hiding place!"

When Teacher Kaido spit out a mouthful of hot phlegm, Leonardo pulled out his family's sword of kindness and struck it with a slash, slashing away Teacher Kaido's mouthful of scalding phlegm.

Just kidding, if Kaido-sensei's mouthful of thick phlegm 960 is sprayed down, all the boys on his boat will rush to the street. After all, Kaido-sensei's lethality is not strong, so it depends on who he compares with, with Whitebeard. The kind of fist that has the dual effects of critical hit and shock is naturally much weaker than others, but compared to others, it can only be held in one's mouth. I'm worried that Mr. Kaido has bad breath, but he won't stupidly use his immortal body to harden it. Resistance is not.


The huge slash collided with Teacher Kaido's hot spit in the air, and the light brighter than the sun illuminated the entire sky. A strong heat wave spread across the entire sea area. "The powerful clutter generated by the collision was even more intense." Sweeping across the entire battlefield, those little Karami were blown around.

"Fuck me! Fire from heaven!"

The battle broke out instantly, and everyone was still a little confused when the two men started fighting while spraying each other, and they couldn't react.

The tacit understanding between Charlotte and Teacher Kaido for many years was clearly displayed. Teacher Kaido had just faced off against Leonardo. Charlotte immediately started fighting for a while, and a cloud of fire came down from the sky towards Sengoku. A huge pillar of fire erupted from the direction of the giant wheel.

"Huh... violent pheasant mouth!"

Seeing a powerful pillar of fire coming from the sky, Sengoku and Zephyr on the giant wheel were very calm, as if they didn't even think of this attack. Then Kuzan, who had been pretending to sleep with a small evil device next door, appeared on the stage. .

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