Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

623. Shanks: I’M Here With Red Hair!



"Hahaha! Bring me my cannonballs!"

"Fist bone·Meteor shower!!"

"Boom boom boom......"

With the appearance of Charlotte Fatty and Kuzan, both sides began to move. Since Kuzan did not freeze the sea surface, both sides were covered by a wave of artillery fire. However, since Marine was surrounded and was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, they only exchanged gun barrels for bombardment. Naturally, they fought against each other. But those are still there, and now the old boy Garp comes on stage.

Throwing cannonballs, he is a professional!

The boy on the dog-headed warship kept carrying rows of cannonballs, and the old boy Garp picked up the cannonballs with both hands and threw them in one direction.

"Here we go...the eight-foot magatama..."

Naturally, Kizaru would not miss this opportunity to defeat enemies. He slowly put down the thermos cup in his hand. A golden light flashed in the air and his hands were intertwined. A blinding golden light appeared between his hands, and countless light bombs were directed towards the sea. Shoot in the direction where thieves gather.


"Boom boom boom......"

Just as the data exceeded 100 in an instant, an incredibly gorgeous bird-man with blue flames emanating from his body flew into the air and let the countless light bombs hit him, instantly dyeing the sky half golden and half blue, beautiful. It's outrageous.

There are people in the world whose special effects are as gorgeous as Kizaru's, only Ponyboy Phoenix's restored blue flames.

"Ouch, where's the real monster..."

Kizaru was not surprised when he saw that his brush move was taken down, even though he said so. The Phoenix's recovery flame is really outstanding. If it is developed to Ultimate, the vitality and recovery power may be even better than Kaido-sensei. Even if it has not been developed to Ultimate, it is normal to withstand his rain of light bullets.

"Meteor Volcano!"

Seeing that all three players in MarineF4 were on board, Akainu naturally couldn't lag behind. There was no big melee yet, so it was a good time to officially activate his ultimate move. Akainu's hands kept pumping smoke into the sky, and each one was hit with lava fists. Going up to the sky, in the eyes of those who don't know Akainu's ultimate move, he looks like a fool.

However, Akainu is different from Kizaru. Kizaru's brush moves are all aimed at a group of small Karami, while Akainu is more ambitious, and all his ultimate moves are directed towards Whitebeard.

"Gula la la la... sons, let's go too~"!




Seeing Akainu punching him, Whitebeard glanced at him disdainfully, laughed loudly, and then punched Akainu in the direction of Akainu with a white light on his fist, as if the space was exploded by a punch. If a mirror appeared, There was a crack, and the terrifying power of the shock instantly caused the sea to surge, setting off a huge, shocking wave that hit Uncle Marine.

"Hiss!! This...this is Whitebeard's power, scary...(??)"

Seeing such a huge wave crashing towards them, the Marine uncles were all speechless. They were so disappointed that they collapsed on the ground with their feet weak and prayed silently.

This is so cheating. They can only fire cannons at most. Their Vice Admiral Garp can only play with cannonballs. Whitebeard is actually playing with huge waves. It’s really terrible!


Sengoku also had a headache when he saw this huge wave, which is why he didn't want to meet Whitebeard. Shock Fruit meeting Whitebeard was a perfect match, because Shock Fruit's recoil was so strong that even other people could be blasted with one punch. It produces huge waves, but it is impossible to produce such a shocking effect, otherwise the body would have collapsed due to Shock Fruit's recoil.

But Whitebeard's ability to achieve this effect is as simple as eating and sleeping. Shock Fruit is very lethal and destructive, but the key is that the range is too wide, and it can't be resisted at all. Just take this shocking wave, and the Marine he brought The younger brother has to fight at least half of it.

His shock wave was unable to disperse this unfortunate giant wave [Zhongneng Chao was playing house with the fat lady Zhonglote, Kuzan yelled.

"Ice Age!"

While dodging Charlotte's lightning attack, a burst of cold air came out of one hand and sprayed towards the big waves. In an instant, the waves were so shocking that the entire sea surface was frozen.

"Zephyr leads his men in one direction to break out first, we can't continue to be surrounded by pirates!"

"Shock wave!"

After the sea surface was frozen, Sengoku also transformed instantly and turned into a golden Buddha. Minli sent a shock wave at Doctor Whitebeard.

"It's time for the test, come with me!"

Zephyr nodded, and then with a serious face, he spoke to a group of Marine students behind him and rushed forward in one direction.

"Admiral Zephyr before Marine? What a great opportunity... Let's go! (②7)"

Shanks, who was a pirate himself and was afraid that he would be targeted by the old boy Garp if he made a move, suddenly saw Zephyr leading a group of Marine uncles to kill in the other direction, probably intending to open a gap, but Shanks didn't care what their purpose was. At this time, in his eyes, the former Marine Admiral Zephyr seemed to be emitting rays of holy light and had a small halo on his forehead. He was simply his savior!!

Without saying a word, he and his friends quietly rushed towards Zephyr.

He was worried to death before. That stupid big guy Kaido immediately attacked that big mouth Marine. He was really grateful to Kaido's stupid big guy and his whole family. Charlotte, the fat lady, and Marine Admiral Aokiji caught up, and Xiao Ma followed. Fire Jin is barely even on par with Kizaru in terms of skills. Marine still has three high-end combat powers: Akainu, Sengoku, and Garp. In order not to be stared at by the old gangster Garp, he planned to preemptively go to Akainu for PVP, but Akainu's The position is too close to the old gangster Garp.

If he rushes forward like this, with his current status, Juebi will become the most handsome boy. It will be bad if he is noticed by that old gangster Garp. He wants to wait for Whitebeard to find the old gangster Garp. , when the time comes, Akainu, (Qian Zhao) Marine's first brother Sengoku, no matter who they are, it will be fine as long as they don't go against the old gangster Garp.

His plan was ideal, but it turned out that the old gangster Garp was addicted to throwing cannonballs at the gang, and Whitebeard refused to show up and let the bow of the boat show off. As a result, Brother Marine attacked him first, which made his hair turn gray with worry. Now the opponent has two high-end combat forces left, Akainu and Garp. He prefers Akainu, but Akainu and Garp are so close, what should he do now?

When he saw Sengoku coming up, a group of people ran out of Sengoku's giant ship. When he saw that the person leading the charge was actually the former Marine Admiral Zephyr, whom he had not noticed before, he almost burst into tears. His beloved sword was finally saved. Got it!! Phi!

Shanks, who was rushing ahead, saw Marine Admiral standing close by, fearing that he would not fight with him, so he let out a powerful shout that spread throughout the battlefield.

"." Zephyr, where are you going? I'm here with red hair!!º(≧?≦*)x".

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