Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

624. Garp Comes To Visit Again


Shanks' high-spirited voice instantly silenced the people on the battlefield. They all turned their heads and looked at the Red Hair Pirates strangely. It wasn't because the red hair was loud just now, but because of... the good and evil events a few years ago. During the war, the Red Hair Pirates group was just looking at the identity of the Big Four and came here to make soy sauce. However, even though they knew that the Red Hair Pirates group was just soy sauce, they dared not speak out because of the strength of the Red Hair Pirates. There's nothing they can do.

So although the Red Hair Pirates were also present this time, they didn't have high expectations for the Red Hair Pirates because they had criminal records. They just wanted them not to cause trouble and fuck with Kaido like last time.

But now the red-haired man is so passionate and full of fighting spirit that he ran to confront Marine's former Admiral and current Marine Academy Chief Instructor Zephyr. It's hard not to surprise them. No wonder there are some unknown stories between Zephyr and the red-haired man. ?(O_O)?

"Oops! The captain is too high-profile...-_-||

Seeing everyone's reaction, Beckman had a black line on his face. You jumped on it and insisted on yelling and making a fool of yourself. Now that you're good, you've become the focus of the audience. It's hard not to be targeted by the old gangster Garp.

If the "Griffin" is destroyed this time, they will really have to go to 623 Whitebeard for a loan. Sarcino Island is not a big economic city, and one year's tax revenue cannot afford to repair the "Griffin" again. "of.

"Hahaha! Red-haired kid, you are here, watch the boxing!! (^0^*)/

Sure enough, a loud laugh came from not far away, instantly making Shanks' scalp numb, and he wanted to give himself a slap. It's this time, why are you pretending!

“Oh my god, flash mob!

Shanks saw a familiar figure rushing over, the big dark and bright fist, and the "Griffin" in his hand trembled more and more. Tears burst into his face instantly, and he didn't care about Admiral Zephyr in front of Marine, and ran away quickly. , after letting "Griffin" collapse once, I don't know if it will be passively demoted to the 21st job of the sharp knife...

"Hey! What a crime. Why are you messing with that guy Garp when you're so good..."

Rayleigh, who was far away in Sabaody Land, saw this scene and shook his head speechlessly. The Roger Pirates had been chased by Garp for decades and had been in poverty for decades. Now he has retired, and his coating business is not doing well. I thought (bifh) that Shanks, the younger brother, would be able to help him out after his debut, at least help him pay back his drinking money, but it turned out that this younger brother was just fine, and he just went to fool Garp's grandson. He was just looking for trouble.

He could already deduce from the details of the younger brother's encounter with Garp that the Twelve Skills of the Supreme Sharp Sword in the younger brother's hand must have been destroyed once by Garp. Otherwise, with the younger brother's ability, it would be impossible for him to panic when he saw Garp rushing towards him. This is awesome.

You’ll never understand how hard Garp’s fist is unless you’ve ever faced it!

"Let's go to the red-haired brat!"


New World.

The old boy Garp is not discouraged even if he misses a punch. He smiles cheerfully and then raises his fist and strikes again. The target is always the big sword in Shanks' hand. The look in his eyes when he looks at the big sword in Shanks' hand is like the obsession of finding nectar after the rain. This makes him Shanks' scalp was numb as he moved around wildly in the crowd to avoid the big punch.


What Shanks didn't know was that when he was being targeted by the old boy Garp, Whitebeard, who was confronting Sengoku, breathed a long sigh of relief.

Why would he let Marco personally call Red Hair Pirates to invite Red Hair Pirates to attend?

Isn’t it just for now?

When he first heard the news that the red-haired kid was being chased by that old guy Garp, he even called Rayleigh and his son Shakky to find out the situation personally. After all, based on his relationship with Roger, Shanks was the Straw Hat Second Generation selected by Roger. , he didn’t want Roger’s heir to be thrown into the street like this, and when he learned from Shakky’s mouth that the red-haired brat actually went to trick Garp’s grandson into becoming a pirate, and even gave the straw hat to Garp’s grandson [Whitebeard for a moment Silence...

This special girl simply felt that the difficulty of the dungeon was not difficult enough to increase the difficulty for herself, so he ignored it. However, when he stood up and waved the flag, he suddenly thought that if they had sex with Marine, that old guy Garp would be a cliffhanger. When the time comes, it goes without saying that the old guy Garp will target his Cong Yunqie due to his persistence in famous swords. Cong Yunqie has been following him for decades, just like his son. Naturally, he does not want to be raped by Garp again. The old guy collapsed, but the old guy Garp kept staring at his Cong Yunqie hammer, and he had no choice. So after thinking about it, if he wanted Cong Yunqie not to be stared at by the old guy Garp, then the only option was to move The target made the old guy Garp divert his eyes from his bush, which reminded him of the red-haired kid.

Firstly, the red-haired kid tricked the old guy Garp's grandson into becoming a pirate and became a member of the Straw Hat Third Generation. Secondly, the red-haired kid's weapon is also the supreme sharp sword. If he and the red-haired kid were present at the same time, , the old guy Garp must have gone to find the red-haired kid instead of him, but he was not sure whether the red-haired kid would come in. After all, Roger had never paid attention to the mess in New World, so he I will ask my eldest son Marco to personally call the Red Hair Pirates to invite them to the event.

Now seeing the old guy Garp raising his fist and running towards the red-haired kid, his plan finally succeeded and he no longer had a headache for the beloved knife in his hand.

Whitebeard, who had no worries, completely let go and fought with the transformed Sengoku. Shock Fruit fought against the shock wave. The powerful aftermath of the bombardment changed the color of the world. No one within a hundred meters of the two could get close. Whitebeard's Shock Fruit added Although the destructive power of the big fist with its own critical hit is powerful, Sengoku's transformation into a golden Buddha is not just for boasting. In the form of the animal type fantasy beast human fruit Buddha, it is extremely powerful in terms of strength, defense, vitality and recovery. The battle between the two was much more exciting than the one-on-one battle between Garp and Whitebeard who had no fruit abilities.

The powerful concussion force and shock wave were like blasting the space to pieces, which made the eyes of the audience in front of the big screens all over the world hooked. It was not in vain that they had been squatting here for so many days. The battle between Brother Marine and New World NO.1 was simply The ceiling of violent aesthetics does not require much personal skill. This is purely a competition of strength. It also completely refreshes everyone's understanding of the ceiling of combat power in the world. It makes everyone feel frightened across the big screen. .

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