Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

629. Marine Vice Admiral Is The Worst

"...The kid who took the risk doesn't seem to have a good relationship with that old guy Zephyr.

Teacher Kaido, who was temporarily forgotten about his hatred by the long-nosed shooter's father's "East Blue's first shot", pointed at Kizaru not far away and said to Leonardo next door.

After decades of fighting with Marine, he still knows Marine very well. Although there are a lot of rat shit in Marine, most Marines are still relatively united and love each other as a family. This is different from their pirate group. He also heard what Zephyr said just now. Both Zephyr and Kizaru are high-ranking members of Marine, and Kizaru seems to be a student taught by Zephyr, but the relationship between the two does not seem to be good.

"We are all human beings. Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. It is normal to have some conflicts... Don't you guys in the Beasts Pirates also have your own people who want to kill your own people?"

Leonardo waved his hand indifferently and said while staring at "East Blue's first shot" who was still showing off his spear fighting skills.

"Hmm...that makes sense..."

Teacher Kaido touched his chin and nodded, and then continued to enjoy the "East Blue First Shot" show. To be honest, he had been out for so many years, and this was the first time he had seen such a show of gun fighting.

Simply looking at Kakuzu, the red-haired crew is really cool. 727

"Kaido, you bastard, do you want to fight or not? (*`Q'*)v"

While the two were quietly enjoying the "East Blue First Shot" solo show, Charlotte, the fat woman next door who was suppressing Aokiji crazily and couldn't take down Aokiji, also got angry. After forcing Aokiji back with a slash, she angrily moved towards Teacher Kaido just squirted.

I'm here hungry and sweating, and you're actually sitting in a row with that Marine brat to watch the big show?

The big boy opposite who plays with ice cubes is too difficult to deal with. He never plays steel with her. She was already irritable. Now that she sees Kaido sitting with that Marine guy and talking nonsense, Charlotte's fat woman is getting angry.

"Hmm? Mud, I almost forgot, damn you brat! (#A)?"


Teacher Kaido heard the call of his old lover and glanced at the figure next to him. Only then did he realize that they were doing something big now. This brat had a life-or-death feud with him, and he was almost led astray by this brat.

Then he picked up the super big black stick next to him and hit Leonardo on the head.

...Made is so stinky, how dare you hit your dad and give him a knife! 7#)


Leonardo rubbed his head. Mr. Kaido's strength was too strong, and his head was a little dizzy, but that didn't stop him from drawing his sword. The target was Mr. Kaido's waist, and he stabbed him at a certain point...

.………….……What are these two guys thinking in their minds?-_-||”

Seeing the two people sitting in a row eating fruit one second and then starting to stand and masturbate the next second, everyone was confused. They couldn't understand the brain circuits of these two people.

The New World war has been going on. As Leonardo and Teacher Kaido started fighting again, the atmosphere of the battlefield was instantly ignited again. Although Uncle Marine was at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, he had already been led by Zephyr and a group of students through a crazy meal. The continuous killing finally broke a hole. Uncle Marine was no longer surrounded by pirates. With the presence of Zephyr, the leader, he led the academy to kill seven in and seven out of the crowd.

On the third day of the war, although Uncle Marine suffered heavy casualties, under the leadership of Zephyr, he still gritted his teeth and fought against the pirates of New World. At least he did not fall behind in terms of momentum.


"Sengoku, we have suffered too many casualties, and there is no way to continue like this."

After Zephyr knocked over several pirate garamis with one punch, he ran to Sengoku and forced Whitebeard back with Sengoku, then said with a solemn expression.

By the end of the battle, the students he had brought with him had already lost a lot of money. Even the surviving students were not in very good condition. They were not only physically injured, but also mentally tired. After all, it was the first time for these children to see such a big scene. , it was the first time to kill so many people, and I had seen the cruelty of the sea, and it was strange that my mental state was good. These were not only the future of their Marine, but also the hard work of his Zephyr, who had lost so many students at once, Zephyr's heart bleeds.

And not only his students, but also the soldiers under their Marine suffered considerable losses. Although every Marine soldier basically managed to replace two or three of his opponents before rushing to the street, the number of pirates in New World was simply exaggerated. And this time there was an unexpected unity.


Marine elites like Flying Squirrel and Huoshaoshan, who have been teamed up by the big pirates since the beginning, also had their ears twitching. While blocking the attacks of those big pirates, Vice Admiral looked at Sengoku expectantly from the corner of his eye. Who is the best in this battle? If it comes to tools, it must be them.

Whether it's Sengoku or Leonardo, the most powerful Marines can choose their opponents, and when they start a fight with their opponents, the aftermath of the battle is too strong, and the weaker ones can't get in, but when they get there, they have no choice. Not the strongest but not very weak, the big pirate with an average worth of seven or eight small targets is also a human spirit. He doesn't dare to fight with Akainu and the others. From the beginning of the battle, he formed a team to fight against them. If they hadn't been fighting against each other, There was a tacit understanding between the two, and if there was something in the stomach, the order would be cut into sashimi.

Even so, after fighting for three days and three nights, they are still scarred. They persist until now with the justice in their hearts. If they continue to fight, let alone those younger brothers, even they will be hacked to death. They will be killed. After so many years, they are naturally not afraid of disappointment. They have dedicated their lives for justice and can be included in the family tree and enjoy the first incense after death. However, they still want to keep their useful bodies and make more contributions to world peace.

They are still young and will have decades to contribute to world peace and justice, so naturally they don’t want to die now.

So far in this battle, there are only a few top guys in Marine who are the most dashing. Garp, the old boy, is tirelessly chasing the dragon-riding warrior and shaking his fists with high spirits. He is the one I am talking about in my youthful chat; Sengoku and Whitebeard are fighting fiercely. Bo was also a cool and unrestrained group, showing the style that a Marine brother should have; Zephyr led a group of students to dart left and right in the crowd. Although many students jumped into the street, he himself was rosy, and in the previous session No problem for years.

Marine Admiral 4, Leonardo and Kaido-sensei stood brutally and masturbated as if they were in no one's land. Their vitality and resilience were astonishing. In such a bloody battle, except for the pink cute rabbit pajamas, which were in tatters, their condition and starting point were... The battle between Akainu and Beckman was so dull. No matter how Akainu attacked, he just couldn't break the defense of a fire stick in Beckman's hand. Kizaru's side was just soy sauce, except for a slight distraction. Apart from being kicked by Brother Ma, he had never been touched by Brother Ma or Huo Jin once.

Apart from these people, "the remaining Uncle Marines are still miserable even if they get a lot of data..."

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