Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

630. Shanks, The Born Swordsman

Uncle Marine is miserable, but the pirates are not much better. Some of the higher-priced pirates were not injured because they fought together as a team, but their younger brothers are also miserable. Pirates are different from Marine. Marine is A whole, and pirates are made up of individual pirate ships. Although they are under the command of Whitebeard in this battle, in the end they are not a whole. The younger brothers below have suffered too many casualties. After this battle, the strength of each big pirate group will be affected. great impact.

So not only Uncle Marine is gritting his teeth and persisting, but the pirates are also gritting their teeth and persisting. It depends on who can't bear it first.

Sengoku naturally knew this, so after hearing what his friend said, he had been hesitating and did not make an immediate decision.

Although before setting off to New World, he had already thought that this battle would be difficult, and that their Marine would even return without success. After all, the New World's pirate lineup was there, and their Marine was fighting away from home, but the battle has reached this stage. , although the younger brothers below suffered heavy casualties, some of their high-end combat powers could still fight, and the pirates also suffered a lot of casualties. What if they persisted for a while and someone on the pirates' side couldn't bear it and left first, so He has yet to make a decision.

a while.

Maybe after persisting for a while, someone on the pirate side couldn't bear it and left first. After all, their Marines are supported by the World Government, and these pirates can afford to be self-reliant.



"Holy shit! Hawkeye?!(0_0)"

Just when Sengoku was still considering whether to persist in this battle, a giant dark green sword light came from not far away and instantly drowned a group of Marine uncles and pirate little Karami. When they saw clearly who was coming, everyone People were confused for a while.

Why is the world's greatest swordsman, the handsome Hawkeye, here?

Hawkeye is a very special existence on the sea. This guy has been on the sea for nearly ten years since his debut. But if you want to say that he is a pirate, it seems that he is not. From the beginning to the end, he has never accepted a younger brother or established a pirate. The group has no pirate flag of its own and has not been officially registered. This guy is not a Marine. If I have to say it, he is just a swordsman who hangs out in the sea. He is neither an enemy nor a friend to both pirates and Marine. This guy has Although there was a bounty amount, it was only when this guy was crazy about challenging sword players a few years ago. He picked a lot of Marine uncles and had sex with Marine Admiral. He had a bad record of attacking Marine Vice Admiral, so Sengoku didn't have it either. The solution was just to put a symbolic bounty on him, and did not send Uncle Marine to stroke him. Anyone who played with a sword would avoid him. Didn't you see that the red-haired man was haunted by this eagle-eyed handsome boy? What's going on, my scalp goes numb when I hear the word "eagle".

So when they saw Hawkeye coming to join in the fun, everyone was confused. Uncle Marine and MarinePVP, what are they doing here?

"It's over, the captain wants a cup this time, and Hawkeye is here too...(O_O)"

When the friends of the Red Hair Pirates saw that the person who came was actually the handsome guy Hawkeye, they all mourned for three minutes of silence for their captain. Just the old rogue Captain Garp was humble enough, and now here comes Hawkeye.

"Oh my god, this guy is here too..."

Shanks, who was being chased around by the old boy Garp, also thought that Hawkeye was coming to see him when he saw the handsome boy. He staggered and almost sat down on the ground, and was almost caught up by the old boy Garp.

Originally, the old Garp boy had already kept him away, but fortunately he could still rely on his coquettish movement to escape, but then a Hawkeye showed up, and he could already sense that the beloved knife in his hand was doomed today. ....

"Jie, Jie, Jie! Isn't this a handsome guy with eagle eyes? You came just in time. The dragon-riding warrior is there. Hurry up and find him. You don't know, this guy broke up a girlfriend, and his swordsmanship is even stronger than before. Roger It’s true what Rayleigh said back then, “If God had not given birth to Shanks, his sword skills would be as dark as night.” This guy is simply a natural swordsman! I guess even if his right hand is broken, this guy can still practice swordsmanship with his feet. !(???)"

Leonardo, who was violently masturbating with Mr. Kaido, suddenly stopped. His head was stiff and he was slapped by Mr. Kaido without even fighting back. His eyes turned to the other side and pointed at the demonic dragon-riding warrior who was being chased like a dog by the old boy Garp. smiled.

…Please give me flowers…

I don't know why, but when he saw the handsome guy with eagle eyes, he was a little panicked for no reason. He was worried that this guy would lose his target candidates after the Dragon Riding Warrior broke his arm, so he quickly gave the Dragon Riding Warrior a blow.

"Hiss!" If God had not given birth to him Shanks, the way of swordsmanship would be like night forever! The red-haired man is so terrifying! (O_O)"

"No wonder he became a super pirate within a few years of his debut. I didn't expect that Roger and Pluton Rayleigh, the pirate kings, spoke so highly of him!!"

Hearing Leonardo's words, whether it was Uncle Marine or the pirates on the battlefield, even the audience in front of the big screen couldn't help but take a breath.

Who is Roger?

The only legend who has been able to sit on the Iron Throne of the Pirate King for many years!


Who is Rayleigh?

One Piece Roger's dominant hand, One Piece Roger's vice-captain, and the brains of the Roger Pirates. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Roger Pirates can successfully reach the top with half the credit of Pluton Rayleigh.

Being able to receive such high praise from these two legendary pirates, it is no wonder that this red-haired man has risen so quickly. He broke the net worth record for a new pirate in the first half of his career as soon as he debuted. Not long after entering the New World, he was able to compete with Kaido and Charlotte. The fat woman is famous.

At the same time, there were also some sword players who looked at the figure on the big screen being chased by the old boy Garp and were eager to try.

Shanks, if God had not given birth to him, the way of swordsmanship would be as dark as the night forever! A born swordsman!

What kind of miraculous evaluation does this girl have? She is so special, and it was also evaluated by Roger, the King of Pirates. Since ancient times, there has been no first in literature and no second in martial arts. Although the eagle-eyed handsome boy is now regarded as the world's No. 1 A great swordsman, but compared to what Roger the Pirate King said about the red-haired man, he is still a bit shy. Moreover, the title of the eagle-eyed handsome boy was earned with one sword after another, so he is well deserved.

However, although this red-haired pirate is already a super pirate, his achievements are not many, and he has not challenged all the great swordsmen in the world like Hawkeye. Therefore, it is hard to convince them to be rated like Roger the Pirate King. Everyone, they want to see how sharp the swordsmanship of this red-haired man who was chased to death by the Marine hero is and how he can get such high praise from Roger the Pirate King. .

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