Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

631. Roger Can’T Say Such High-Quality Words.

"Haha...I see you have high expectations for little Shanks."

Sabaody, Shakky closed his business today and accompanied Rayleigh to watch the live broadcast. Roger and her man spoke so highly of Shanks, she looked at her man with a smile and said.


"(⊙_⊙)???....cough cough cough, it should be...maybe...probably."

The wine in Rayleigh's mouth spurted out three meters away, and she looked at the little brother on the big screen with a confused look on her face.

If God had not given birth to him Shanks, the sword would be as dark as night!

If he was so talented, he would definitely not be able to say it with Roger's cultural background. Roger, an uneducated person, only knows "awesome" in one sentence and "awesome" in the other... How could he possibly say it? If you are so powerful.

As for what he said... With his cultural accomplishment, he might be able to say "two, two, three", but this sentence is enough to be honest, but it is also extremely hateful. Look at the eyes of those around him who are holding swords first. You know, if he were sober, he would definitely not bring hatred to his little brother.

Did I say this when I was drinking Fragment?

Rayleigh is also a little unsure, after all, he drank too much...


Even Sengoku and Whitebeard, who were fighting fiercely, stopped in shock and looked at the redhead who was being chased to death by the old boy Garp.

To be honest, they were also shocked by such high-level evaluation.

Especially Whitebeard. Although his relationship with Roger was not close when Roger was alive, the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates also fought several battles. I still remember him when he first met the red-haired pirate. He was just a kid intern on Roger's ship. When he first met him, this kid didn't hesitate to fuck him. From then on, he felt that this kid would become a big deal in the future. Back then, he even argued with Roger. He wanted to get rid of this kid and wanted him to be his godson, but Roger refused at that time.

Now it is proved that his vision was indeed correct. In just ten years, Roger has risen to this point. In particular, this kid's Conqueror's Haki is the most powerful one he has seen in so many years.

It's just that he didn't expect Roger and Rayleigh to have such a high opinion of his swordsmanship. He knew Roger, an illiterate person who couldn't even write his name crookedly. He shouldn't be able to say such a thing, but it was very possible for him to say it from Rayleigh's mouth. Although he I don’t know how educated Rayleigh is, but Rayleigh wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses all day long, and is the most powerful brain of the Roger Pirates. He must be a postdoctoral fellow. These words came out of his mouth and were followed by Roger. It is very possible that the shameless illiterate plagiarized!

Roger: I'm Uncle Ni's illiterate! Your whole family is shamelessly illiterate#$%%@#%%....CA')?

"Shut up, you big mouth! The captain and the deputy captain never said this at all, it was all you who said it! (#A)?"

Shanks, who was chased to death by the old boy Garp, was instantly furious and immediately retorted.

It’s impossible not to refute this!

Didn’t you see that a group of sword-wielding things were looking at him in the wrong way?

Originally, he had been pestered by Hawkeye for several years because of these words. If he didn't refute this, he would probably have to live with being challenged for the rest of his life!

As a swordsman, it’s elegant to compete with swords occasionally, but it’s really uncomfortable to do it several times a day!

"What you said, with my cultural level and life experience, can I say such high-level words? There is no need to be modest. Isn't Roger the ceiling of you pirates? To be able to get such a high evaluation from him, for you But it’s a good thing!\(^?^)?”

Leonardo ignored the furious dragon-riding warrior and continued to laugh.

"Well...there's nothing wrong with what he said. Little Curry's education level...well, although it's not bad, he can't say such a thing based on his life experience."

Zephyr touched his chin and nodded. This time he supported his disciple. He originally wanted to say that his disciple was actually not very educated. He had to bribe the Instructor to pass the exam, but he thought it was his disciple's fault. There are not many people who know about this dark history. Now, his beloved disciple is Marine Admiral and he pays attention to his cards. Moreover, when his beloved disciple became Admiral, he had already changed his beloved disciple’s file. Now he has excellent academic performance in that year. I came from a high school student, so I braked in time and didn't explode.

"Look, my teacher, Marine's famous educator, a leader in the world's education industry, and Zephyr's chief instructor have all been certified authoritatively. Just admit it, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. Sometimes being too modest can turn into hypocrisy. !(???)"

"Eagle-eyed handsome boy, what are you waiting for? Go and fuck him!"

Leonardo gave his mentor a compliment with a backhand, and it was not in vain that he had spent so many years giving melatonin as gifts during holidays and festivals. He was supporting him at the critical moment!

"Hmm...that makes sense!"

"Although I heard that every Marine Admiral is a top student, such a high-level evaluation is indeed not something that a young person can say. This green fox seems to be only in his twenties or thirties.

After receiving the authoritative certification from Zephyr, a leader in the education industry, everyone nodded in agreement. Without decades of experience in kendo, they would not be able to understand such high-quality lines. How old is this handsome guy from Marine? , I will only be thirty years old when I reach my peak...

"Uncle Xu Ni! You bastard, you were the one who said it...(*2A≤)o!!"

When the dragon-riding warrior heard the comments around him, he almost cried with anger, but he was certified by an authoritative authority in the education field, and all his rebuttals seemed so pale...

He originally thought that he and this bastard would become good brothers after drinking together, but in the end, this bastard actually framed him!

Looking at the beloved knife in his hand, Shanks fell into deep nostalgia and despair.

Not long after it was repaired, he left again. I don’t know when the next time I see him will be...

........I'm not interested in red hair with a broken hand, I'm here to find you 3.2.

The eagle-eyed handsome boy glanced at Shanks, whose eyebrows were full of drama, speechlessly. The boss hadn't even spoken yet. You have so many dramas.


"You're looking for me? Why are you looking for me? I'm just a small swordsman, and I don't have a super artifact in my hand. It's boring for you to look for me. Even if you win with a cut, you won't be able to win. You will inevitably have to fight again when the time comes. It will affect your Taoist heart. Considering that you are the world's greatest swordsman, you have to look for someone of Shanks's level. Let me tell you quietly, his right-hand sword is sharper than his left-hand sword before. There are too many, have you seen? Those bottomless chasms were all created by him...

Leonardo spat out a mouthful of old blood. Sure enough, a man's sixth sense is more reliable than a woman's. As expected, the dragon-riding warrior broke his arm and this guy came to use him as a spare tire...

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