Naval Headquarters Spokesperson

635.Only This Bastard Can Treat Celestial Dragons As The God Of Wealth

"Hey! Tokiya is destined to apply for early retirement from Marshal Sengoku when he goes back. Domi has a big bungalow in District 5 of Sabaody. After I go back, I will let him transfer it to your name. After he recovers from his injuries, he will come to Sabaody. Well, no matter how you say it, there is someone taking care of you..."

In Kuzan's Admiral car, Leonardo frowned as he looked at Bobby, who had lost one of his limbs. He patted his shoulder helplessly and comforted him. He didn't expect that during the previous battle, although he was attacked, he was stabbed several times. But Poppy, who had all suffered skin injuries, was surprised to have an arm broken when he finally retreated, and it was still dominant. After returning, he can apply for early retirement. Not everyone can break his left hand like the Dragon Riding Warrior. I was able to practice with my right hand, but when I practiced with my right hand, I found that it was stronger than my left hand.

A Marine Vice Admiral like Bobby, who has no halo, had one of his hands broken, and his combat power was directly reduced by half. It was worse than Bob and others who were left with little blood by Whitebeard's fist wind. However, he was also lucky, at least he didn't have to be like him. Kent, whose hands and feet are intact and cannot retire early, and Bob, who has obviously declined in strength and still has to swim in the sea, can enjoy the life of a retired veteran cadre more than ten years early.

After all, he is his person. All he can do is to make his retirement life more unrestrained. Living in District 5 of Sabaody, there are hook rails on both sides when you go out for two steps. It should be very unrestrained, right? This guy has been living in the water for many years. He has also made a lot of money. As long as he doesn't follow Kong to improve the rankings, it should be enough for him to spend the rest of his life...

"Yes, Curry Admiral.

After hearing this, Poppy, whose right hand was empty and whose face was pale due to excessive blood loss, finally had a trace of rosy color on his face. He was probably too excited. Area 5 in Sabaody is very expensive, and the house prices have always been It ranks the highest in Sabaody. As for the reason, all men know it. He had already thought that based on his situation, he would definitely retire early and retire in Marineford. Although he also wanted to go to Sabaody, after all, there are all kinds of places. The world's largest nightclub | District 5 of Sabaody is known as the most prosperous nightclub in the world.

Although he has made a lot of money in the water city over the years, it is still difficult to enjoy life in Sabaody, the most economically prosperous metropolis in the world. The housing problem alone has stumped him. The housing prices in Sabaody It's no joke, whoever can buy a house here is not an aristocratic old man. He, a slightly powerful Marine Vice Admiral, doesn't have that kind of wealth.

Now that I have received Admiral's promise from Curry, I have got a large bungalow in Sabaody. The key is that it is located in District 5 of Sabaody. Just thinking about it makes my blood boil, and I feel like I can do it again!

"Don't be excited, don't be excited, take good care of yourself when you go back..."

Seeing that this guy was suddenly shaking with excitement and blood started to ooze from his broken arm, Leonardo quickly persuaded him not to raise the seagull flag before he could enjoy his retirement life.

"...Curry Admiral, can you do it in District 6? I only have this apartment in District 5...o(d)d|

Bobby frowned, and Dominic cried and said aggrievedly.

Damn it, he had been living in Sabaody for so many years and had finally managed to flatter those Celestial Dragons before he got such a big bungalow in District 5. The boss just gave it away after changing hands. Has it been easy for him all these years?

In District 5 of Sabaody, the houses there are not something you can buy with money, because there is no way to sell them. Almost all of them are "ordered" in advance by those aristocratic grandpas or Celestial Dragons who have wealth and background. Among them, Celestial Dragons Most of them are Dragons. His house was where he "accidentally met" a Celestial Dragons in Sabaody last year and gave him no less than a dozen dolls to make him happy. He drank several bottles of radish soaked in wine just to avoid being in Sabaody. Make trouble.

Celestial Dragons was not the one who suffered the loss. When he returned to Mariejois, he said that he could not take his doll for free and insisted on giving him the house in District 5. Only then did he finally have a dream set in District 5. The house, it turned out, was so out of control that it was about to be given away.

"Follow me, then why the hell are you still not enlightened? Isn't it just a house? If this one is gone, just get another one. Next time, I will "encounter" a Celestial Dragons who has real estate in District 5. That’s all. When the time comes, I’ll give you a few more cans and cups, and I’ll give you a few more limited editions, and it won’t cost much. There’s really no P(x) for how much you want.”

Leonardo glared at this number one loser angrily. If it weren't for the fact that this guy was a little injured, he would have wanted to slap him.

…Please give me flowers…

He had already taught him how to get along with the Celestial Dragons back then, but after all these years, he only managed to get one apartment in District 5. No wonder he could barely chew the soft fruits that were bigger than the glutinous rice fruits. Hacked to death.

After all, my brain just can’t figure it out!

Kuzan rolled his eyes speechlessly while putting on his little hood and pretending to sleep. The whole world, whether it was pirates or marines, regarded Celestial Dragons as gods of plague. He wished he could never see them again. Only this bastard regarded Celestial Dragons as gods. God of Wealth, that’s enough.

"Have we got any statistics on our casualties?"

After educating his little brothers, Leonardo asked Gion with some heartache. Everyone he brought from Sabaody this time was a little brother who had been with him for several years. It would be strange not to feel bad if he thought that so many of them died at once. , the most important thing is the pension, which is given by the headquarters from the public, and each of his subordinates has been with him for several years. As a big man and a good leader, he has to express his gratitude. He is not the poor guy like Akainu...

.....The casualties were heavy, 1,083 people died, including 183 Lieutenant Junior Grade officers, 52 Junior Grade officers, 18 Commodores, and 3 Rear Admirals. Seriously injured two


"Hiss... Needless to say, let me take it easy. When the time comes when it comes to the pension issue, Domi, you can take care of it and deduct it from this card."

Leonardo couldn't bear it just when Gion was halfway through reading. He held his fragile little heart with one hand to prevent it from exploding. With a painful look on his face, he took out one of Gion's dowries, a small gold card, and threw it to Dominic. More than a thousand people died, including a staggering over 200 at the officer level alone, and there were three rear admirals. Just the pensions of these people, the public accounts of the Sabaody branch can no longer be paid, let alone reimbursement. He was not sure whether this little gold card would be enough to cover the work-injury compensation for those who lost limbs and limbs.

So what he hates the most is this kind of large-scale activities. What you get out of the fight is money, and you still have to pay after the fight. How can his small army fight as coolly as he can in New World seven times and seven times out, and he can still make money with a small expense. ..……again..

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